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As Linda bent forward, her ass pointed toward the ceiling, and Karen could even see the tuft of blonde hair which framed her wet pussy. And now Karen had a better view of the man who was with her. All she could see was the lower part of his body, since his top half was still obscured by Linda's naked form. His cock was long and hard and hairy. Karen could see it swaying to and fro as he moved on the waterbed. Then he moved around toward Linda's ass, and Karen could see his whole naked body, all but his face. He was beautifully built. Karen found that the sight of him was turning her on tremendously.

For the moment she forgot where she was and that her zoology professor had brought her in there to show her something special. She lost herself in voyeurism, allowing herself to be totally stimulated by the sight of this naked man. The fact that she was peeking through a window, and that neither Linda Wells nor the man knew that she was watching made it all the more exciting. Karen's head was spinning as she drank his nudity in with her eyes. His body was muscular, and as he moved his muscles rippled. She felt her pussy throbbing with desire and was only vaguely conscious of Henry's body brushing against hers as she watched.

Then the man bent over, bringing his face close to Linda's naked ass. Karen got her first clear look at his face. Oh, God! It couldn't be! He looked like… Jay! She just couldn't believe it. She pressed her face against the windowpane trying to get a better look, to convince herself that she did not see her husband about to put his tongue into Henry's wife. She felt weak. Her knees were shaking. She felt as though she would fall down at any minute. She began to sway in her weakness as she watched Jay press his lips to the dark crack between Linda Wells' soft white asscheeks.

"Oh, Henry!" she gasped. "Tell me that it isn't so! Please tell me that isn't your wife and my husband!" Her head was spinning, and she took a step back, trying to regain her balance. Henry caught her around the waist and guided her gently to the edge of his bed. When she felt it pressing against the backs of her legs she allowed herself to fall down heavily onto it. She sat there on the edge of Henry Wells' bed and stared blankly at the air in front of her.

"My God!" she said. "What are we going to do?"

"There isn't much we can do," he answered. He returned once more to the window. "There they are, your husband and my wife. They're both naked and she's on her knees, all bent over. Jay is licking her ass and her cunt from behind. His cock is stiff and hard, and it won't be long before he slides it into her hot cunt. They've been at it all night. You should have seen what they were doing before. He was lying on his back and she was shamelessly sucking his cock. It was awful."

His words were having a strange effect on Karen. She knew that his description of her husband's infidelity with his wife should be infuriating her, and of course she was angry and hurt. But there was also something else. Some other emotion was creeping into her consciousness. She really didn't understand it but the sight she had seen, and the words that she was hearing, were exciting her. She felt her panties becoming wet, and her entire body felt as though it was bathed in perspiration. She wanted to get up and go back to the window for another look, but she felt too weak and dizzy. Instead she leaned back onto the bed.

"Oh, Henry," she said weakly. "What are we going to do?"

At once Henry was sitting beside her on the bed. His hands were tenderly stroking her face and her fevered brow. "There's only one thing we can do," he said. His hands were moving across her shoulders to the front of her tight red sweater. "We can't stop them; it's too late for that. There's only one thing left." His hands began to unbutton the remaining buttons of her sweater. Karen didn't feel in the least like stopping him. "Revenge!" he said softly.

Karen felt his fingers working deftly at the buttons of her sweater. One by one they opened, exposing her tits to the cool air of the room. It felt good to be partially naked in front of this man for whom she had the highest respect. When he had finished opening all her buttons, he slipped one hand inside her sweater and cupped one of her mammoth titties. She felt her nipple hardening to super-erectness as his fingers sought it. He held the firm ripe nipple between his thumb and index finger and rolled it gently back and forth. Karen moaned softly.

She remembered her fantasy of earlier that evening, and she remembered how it had felt to have Pagan licking her pussy while she dreamed of Henry Wells. She had held his cock in her fantasy, and in her mind it had been he, not Pagan, who had brought her to orgasm. Now she knew that she would do nothing to stop him from seducing her. On the contrary, she would enjoy every moment of it. She felt completely justified because of what she had seen through the window. It gave her the excuse she needed to surrender to Henry's expert lovemaking.

He gently removed her sweater and she lay on the bed, nude from the waist up. For a moment he didn't touch her and she opened her eyes and looked up at him to see what was the matter. He was staring at her with a lewd hungry look on his face. He stared first at one massive tit and then at the other. He was licking his lips lasciviously.

"I'm going to suck your tits," he said. "Would you like that?"

"Oh, yes," she answered. "I'd like you to do everything."

Now, certain that he had her exactly where he wanted her, Henry bent over her nude titties. He leaned close to the right one and breathed gently on the large round pink nipple. At the gust of hot breath, the nipple puckered to erection, the center standing straight out from the big aureole. Then, as she watched, he stuck his tongue all the way out from between his lips and licked at the erect bud as though it was a lollipop. Karen shuddered at the delicious sensation. He held her other massive tit in the palm of his hand and rubbed it back and forth. The rough surface of his palm raked at the sensitive nipple, and Karen could feel the fluids flowing in her pussy.

She could tell that Henry was an expert at sexual matters. She had known it all along. His timing was perfect. And he knew exactly what to do with his hands and his lips. She was glad, in a way, that he was making love to her. Forgotten was all thought of what Jay and Linda Wells were doing in the next room. Now that the seduction was justified, she had abandoned herself completely to experiencing the pleasure that Henry was giving her. For the moment, at least, she was entirely on the receiving end.

As Henry kissed and petted her tits, his other hand began to ramble across her naked belly. He stroked gently, moving his fingertips around in little curves and circles, not keeping his hand in one place for more than a fraction of a second. Now his hand was moving slowly across the smooth fabric of her miniskirt. When he reached the hem, he slipped his hand underneath. She could feel his fingers caressing the smooth skin of her inner thighs as he moved his hand higher, lifting the hem of the skirt as he moved it. She could feel the tight skirt riding higher up her thighs until her panties were uncovered. At first she felt a little embarrassed, certain that Henry would feel the wet spot. She didn't know exactly what it was, but she was sure that a man as smart and experienced as Henry Wells would understand.

When his fingers came into contact with the damp crotchband of her panties he let her nipple pop from his mouth. "Ah," he said softly. "Your little cunt is all wet. I'm pleasing you, then. Right?"

"Oh, yes," she sighed. "Everything you're doing feels wonderful. Please, don't stop."

"Oh, don't worry about that, my dear, I have no intention of stopping. You have a wonderful body. Your tits are so big and soft and round that I just can't stop sucking on them. But I think we'd both be more comfortable if you slipped out of your skirt." He unzipped the side zipper on her tight skirt and began to slide it down over her hips. Karen instinctively lifted her hips off the mattress to help in the removal of her skirt. Then she lay back again, clad in nothing but her panties.