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"Hurry, come in and close the door," Linda said. "Hello, Pagan, so glad you could come." She patted the massive head of the timber wolf who had come over to sniff her naked pussy. "You have to take off all your clothes, Jay," Linda commanded. "Everyone inside is nude. And Pagan is nude too."

Jay quickly stripped, anxious to get the evening's proceedings underway. "You look beautiful," he said to Linda as he undressed. "Don't I even get to kiss you?"

She stepped close to him and took him in her arms, rubbing her bare tits against his chest, which was covered only by his T-shirt. The rest of his clothes lay in a heap on the floor. His cock stood at attention, and jabbed insistently at the soft flesh of her belly. She reached for it and stroked it.

"Come," she said. "Everybody's here now." She led Jay and Pagan to the bedroom. Then she stepped inside. Jay followed her, blinking in an attempt to focus in the dim light. There were three other people standing naked in the room. It didn't seem possible, but one of them looked like Linda's husband. He was walking toward Jay.

"Hello, Jay," Henry Wells said as he approached the football player, his hand extended. Jay took his hand and shook it numbly. He just didn't know what to say.

"I'm glad you came tonight," Henry Wells said. "Linda tells me you're a terrific lover, and I think we're going to need some help with our new inductee tonight." He gestured toward the bed. For the first time Jay realized that there was someone on the bed. All he could see of her were her wrists and her ankles. They were tied to the four corners of the bed. The rest of her body and face was covered by a sheet.

Jay looked from the bound figure on the bed to Henry Wells. He felt as though he were in some kind of stupor. None of this seemed real. "Professor Wells," he began, stammering for want of words.

"Oh, never mind that bullshit, Jay," Henry said. "Please call me Henry. I know all about you and Linda. I don't mind in the least. Linda and I have been swapping for years. We don't feel that people belong to each other. I encourage Linda to find men that she can enjoy sex with, and to fuck them whenever she wants to. She encourages me to have as much fun as I want with whomever I want. When we do it together, it's even more fun. I've known about you fucking Linda all along."

"That's an extremely liberal attitude," Jay said, trying to sound sophisticated. "I don't think I could ever feel that way about my wife, even if she was interested in sex." Then he added with disgust, "Which she isn't."

"Oh, well, maybe things will change. I want you to meet Jan and Artie Nelson. They're some of the best people in the world." Henry led Jay to where Jan and Artie stood, admiring Pagan, and discussing him between themselves. As Henry introduced them, Jan batted her eyes in a caricature of a 1920's film star. Then she curtseyed and said, "Pleased to meet you, sir." With that she grabbed his stiff cock playfully.

Jay jumped back in shock, but Artie caught him by the arm. "Hey, there," he said in mock seriousness. "Don't run away. I won't let her bite you."

Just then Linda interrupted. "All right," she said. "We've wasted enough time. There's a little lady on that bed who's all horny for a little sexing. I don't think we should keep her waiting any longer. The lady on the bed, who will remain nameless and faceless until the night is a little older, wants to join our ranks. That means that each of us has to get a turn with her."

"And Jay, whom we all have met, also wishes to join our ranks. Therefore he will assist at the initiation of the girl, helping each of us in turn to sock it to her, until he finally gets a turn of his own."

As she spoke, Henry moved toward the bed. He pulled the sheet from the girl, revealing her long shapely legs. Then he raised the sheet higher until it covered only the tops of her thighs and the upper part of her body. He lifted it still higher and her dark shadowy patch of pubic hair was exposed. In the dim light Jay couldn't make out whether she was a blonde, or had dark hair. But he could see the red meat inside her pussy glistening with the dew of her cuntal secretions. Her cunt looked delicious.

He wanted to lick it, but he remembered what Linda had said. He had to assist each of the others before he himself would get a turn. This was even wilder than he had imagined.

He moved toward the bed, ready to do whatever was asked of him. Henry had already gotten onto his knees on the bed. He knelt between the thighs of the bound girl, like am Aztec priest kneeling before a princess about to be sacrificed to placate the Gods. The dim light of the room, and the fact that the girl was still covered by a sheet from the waist up, combined to heighten the sacrificial effect. It was as though her moistly glistening cunt was the altar on which the ceremony was to be performed.

Henry inched forward on his knees, his thick throbbing cock waving from side to side as he neared the sacrificial princess. From the stereo speakers in the walls, a hypnotic drumming began, the music soft, but penetrating every corner of Jay's brain. He sat on the edge of the bed, still trying to focus his eyes in the dim light. Now Henry Wells' stiff prick was only inches away from the parted lips of the silent, spread-eagled girl's pussy.

Henry's eyes were closed and his body was swaying rhythmically in time to the savage music which was playing on the stereo. As he moved toward the girl, his swaying cock brushed back and forth across the hairy flanges of her cunt. Her pussy-lips drew back at the contact, revealing even more of the smooth red flesh on the inside.

Jay, seizing the opportunity to serve, sprang forward. He perched on the edge of the bed and reached out with both hands for the girl's cunt. He pulled the lips even wider apart, making room for Henry's stiff cock. But Henry, his eyes still tightly shut, jabbed forward with his cock and missed the slash. He tried again, ramming forward with a bump and grind of his hips, but the swollen cockhead jabbed helplessly at the smooth white skin of the girl's inner thigh.

"Help me!" Henry commanded, and Jay, realizing that the command was for him, reached for Henry's cock with one hand. Holding it gingerly, he placed the tips of his thumb and forefinger just below the crown and guided it toward the girl's waiting hole, which he held open with the fingers of his other hand. As Henry moved forward, Jay maneuvered his stiff, thick cock so that it slid up and down in the tied girl's pussy. He heard a gasp of surprised delight as the thick rod of cock-flesh slid smoothly into the girl's cunt. The sheet moved, as though her body was writhing under it. Jay wished that he could see the expression on her face, but there was something extremely erotic about the fact that the upper half of her body was covered.

When Henry's prick had slipped all the way inside the bound girl's cunt, Jay moved back, dropping his hands to his sides. His own cock ached with desire as he watched Henry stuffing it into the unknown girl. He could hear a steady moaning coming from under the sheet. This piece of ass really seemed to be digging it. She must be one hell of a hot cunt. Jay couldn't wait till his turn came. Now he could see the outline of her huge heaving tits silhouetted against the sheet as she arched her body up off the mattress to meet the driving thrusts of Henry's prick.

Henry was humping his hips in and out as fast and as hard as he could. He felt no need to delay his orgasm because he knew that there was a line waiting behind him to sock it to the new inductee, and he didn't want to wear her out too soon. The knowledge that Jay was sitting right at his side, unsuspecting as he socked it to his own wife, was bringing him to the peak of excitement. He was anxious to finish up so that he could stand back and watch the evening's proceedings with a more impartial eye.

Then he began to breathe heavily as he felt the orgasm beginning deep inside of him. "Oh, here it comes," he murmured. "I'm going to pump a hot load into this beautiful pussy. I'm going to fill her up with my hot gism. Oh, baby, I'll have to make it up to you later. I just can't wait any more!" As he moaned out the last word, the muscles of his ass began to contract so violently that it was obvious to everyone in the room, particularly to Jay who stood the closest, that the zoology professor was pumping spurt after spurt of cum into the belly of the girl, who now was straining at her bonds in the frustrated desire to throw her arms and legs around the man who was fucking her so hard and fast.