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"Oh, baby," he murmured, "I'm going to come."

Suddenly Linda pulled her finger from his asshole and let go of his balls. She straightened up quickly, letting his prick plop from her mouth. "All right, motherfucker," she said playfully. "Do you think I ought to let you hang for a while to get even for your little game?"

"Oh, no!" he cried. "Please don't! I'm sorry. I promise I'll never do it again. But please, please finish me off!"

Immediately, Linda took his cock in her mouth once more and began to suck vigorously, moving her head up and down and fluttering her tongue back and forth across his throbbing shaft. Within seconds Henry felt his orgasm returning. The hot gobs of gism worked their way further and further along the tight tubes of his prick until at last, with a moan, he felt the first hot jet spurting forth from the tight slit in the head of his cock.

Linda felt the hot burst of come juice strike the back of her throat with the heat and fury of a flow of volcanic lava. She gulped greedily at the thick hot fluid, trying to swallow it before the next torrent began. She managed to gulp the gism down a split second before it was followed by another hot blast of goo. And then another. And another.

Linda's cheeks puffed and hollowed as she struggled to keep up with the river of hot gism that pumped from the pulsating tip of Henry's powerful cock. She knew that at any moment she would lose the contest and that the hot torrent of gism would overflow from her gulping mouth. She felt her mouth filling completely with the white liquid, and still she continued to swallow as fast and as much as she could, all the while continuing her sucking of the firehose cock. At last it overcame her, and she could feel thin hot trickles of semen oozing from the corners of her sucking mouth.

The thin streams of white ooze trailed their way down the length of the shank of Henry's cock and matted in his thick shock of black pubic hair. Linda kept swallowing, trying to prevent any more of the precious fluid from being lost. Finally, as Henry neared the end of his orgasm, she began to catch up with the hot flow. She swallowed with big noisy gulps as the pulsations of her husband's big cock began to ease off. At last the pumping ceased completely, and she felt her husband's big prick begin to soften in her mouth. She sucked gently at it until it was shriveled and clean. Then she let it plop from her mouth and, smiling, deposited a wet, noisy kiss on Henry's hairy belly.

Henry shuddered once, and then stretched his long thin body. "Hey," he said. "You suck pretty good for an English teacher. You know?"

"Oh, shit," Linda answered. "That was nothing. I'm just practicing up for a big football player that I have in one of my classes. Boy, would I like to get my teeth into his cock! If its anything like his shoulders, its gotta be big!"

"Big pricks aren't everything, you know," Henry said. "Don't you remember that character that came to the party at Eddie and Marie's last month. He had a cock a mile long, but when he finally found out where to put it he was a real dud. I watched him hump you for at least a half-hour without doing a thing for you. When he finally climbed off, it only took me thirty seconds to get you off."

Linda laughed. "I think that must have been the craziest party we've ever been to," she said. "And we've been to some pretty crazy ones. But I'll never forget that night. Everybody was good and drunk, and everybody ended up fucking everybody else. By the time the guy with the big dick got to me, I was so fucked out that it would have taken a miracle to get me off."

"I got you off, didn't I?" Henry taunted.

"Well, a miracle or you. You're something special, I'll admit. But I'd still like to get my hands on the football player. And I'd love to have him get his hands on me."

"What's this hero's name?" Henry asked, only mildly curious. He didn't really care who his wife had her affairs with so long as there was always something left for him. And there always was. Linda was a real hot handful.

"Burns," Linda pondered. "Jay Burns. Twenty years old, six foot four, and absolutely beautiful."

"Wait a minute," Henry said. "I know that name. There's a girl in my Zoology One class named Karen Burns. And a big lurker with a ten-foot wing span meets her after class once in a while."

"That must be his wife," Linda said. "I know he's married to a girl who also goes to Monte Bello. What does she look like?"

"Oh, she's really something," Henry said, a lustful gleam coming to his eye. "She's got the biggest tits I ever saw. I've had my eye on her since the first day of the semester."

"Big tits?" Linda asked, a trace of jealousy in her voice. "Are they bigger than mine?" She cupped her own tits and held them up, as though offering them for Henry's inspection. As Henry watched, she stroked the smooth skin of her tits until the rosy red nipples hardened to erection. She took one of the berry-sized buds between her thumb and index finger and rolled it lovingly back and forth, licking her lips as she did so. She looked pointedly at Henry's cock, which was already beginning to stir.

Henry loved his wife's tits. The rest of her body was so trim and petite that her tits appeared gigantic by comparison. He loved to bury his face between them and to rub his hands all over them. But there was nothing that excited him more than to see his beautiful wife handling her own tits. More than once he had watched her bring herself to orgasm by doing no more than lying on her back and playing with her own titties. Now, as he watched her rubbing her tits, his cock rose once more to full erection.

"Tell me about Karen Burns," Linda said.

Henry stared in undisguised fascination as his wife gently and lovingly manipulated her big booby. He slowly began to stroke his own cock as he spoke.

"Well," he began, "she's pretty tall. About five-eight, I'd say. And she's on the slim side, narrow waist, almost no ass at all. But she's got these huge beautiful tits. Funny, she seems pretty conservative. I've never seen her go without a bra like all the other girls do. But it doesn't matter. Her titties are so big that there's really no bra in the world that could hold them in."

Henry's words were exciting them both. As he spoke, Linda continued to stroke and pet her tits with one hand. With her other she reached down and began rubbing the patch of blonde pubic hair at the base of her belly. Henry leaned forward for a better view, setting the waterbed in motion again. He could see the deep-red flesh of his wife's inner cunt as she spread her thighs wide open again, this time to grant better access to her hand. With her index and middle finger she gently pried the lips of her moistening pussy apart. She swabbed the wet inner flesh with the tip of her middle finger. Then, as Henry watched, she thrust it all the way into the hot depths of her cunt. She moved her finger around in a little circle, and then drew it slowly out.

She put the glistening wet finger to her lips and slowly, seductively, pushed her tongue forward so that its tip protruded from between her lips. Then, with an expansive and dramatic gesture, she licked the dew of her cunt off her finger. Henry drew his breath in sharply and began pulling more vigorously on his prick as he watched his wife savoring the flavor of her own cuntal secretions.

Linda returned her finger to her cunt. She thrust it deep inside, and then slid it outwards until the tip was all that remained inside. Then she swept her fingertip up and down the length of her cuntal slit. At the top of the upstroke, she made a little figure-eight around the erect little bud of her clitoris.

"Oh, Henry, it feels so good," she whispered. "I'm going to play and play and play until I come again. Do you want to watch?"

Henry moved around so that his head was at the foot of the bed. From there he had a perfect view of his wife's hot pussy, and of the motions that she was making with her finger. Her other hand was moving slowly from one tit to the other, stroking, petting, tweaking, rolling, pinching and patting. Henry sighed, and jerked off even more vigorously.