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"Oh, baby," he murmured. "I think I'd like to see you make that football player. A kid like that, still wet behind the ears, could never keep up with you. After you fuck him you'll really appreciate me. Want me to help you get him?"

"Awful nice of you," she said, her finger still plunging deep into the warm wetness of her cunt. "As if I need help in getting anyone. But, tell me, lover, what would you get out of all this?"

"Why, Mrs. Burns, of course," Henry said, still jerking off. Now the conversation had aroused him still further, and, together with the sight of his wife masturbating right there in front of him, had brought him almost to the point of another orgasm. "I don't mind telling you," he continued, "that I'd really enjoy sliding my hot cock into her tight little pussy. That sweet young thing can't be more than nineteen years old."

"Just as I thought," Linda said. "You're nothing but a dirty old man…" But her voice trailed off as her finger made little spiraling circles around her hot throbbing clit. Her hips were moving involuntarily in circular motions, in imitation of the rhythm of fucking. "Oh, Henry," she began to chant. "Oh, Henry, keep watching, because this is it. Oh, Henry, I'm going to come. Oh, Henry, any second now! Oh, yes, here it comes!"

Henry's hand was whipping up and down the shaft of his cock. A sparkling drop of moisture had formed at the tip of his throbbing hard-on, and his hand moved softly across the rubbery head, smearing the lubricating fluid around in a circle and spreading it down the shank of his rock-hard pecker.

"Wait for me, baby," he said. "Just another moment and I'll come with you."

"Oh, Henry!" she said, her voice shrill with tense sexual excitement. "Come all over me! I want to feel your hot gism splashing all over my tits!"

Henry moved to his knees and crawled closer to his hotly masturbating wife. He stood on his knees, his hand still pumping at his cock which stood straight out from his body, pointing directly over his wife's mammoth boobs.

"All right, baby," he said. "Ready whenever you are."

"Oh, Henry!" Linda cried. "I'm ready right now! I'm… I'm… I'm commmiiinnnggg!" Her moaning cry was muffled as she turned her head from side to side, overcome by the sheer ecstasy of her self-induced climax. At the same moment Henry began to grunt out the first signs of his own building orgasm. He felt the spasms of pleasure begin at his balls and work their way up the length of his cock. Then, with a long low groan, his climax began.

The first hot spurt of searing white semen arced in a long graceful curve from the tip of his pulsating prick. The whirling gob of come splashed against the smooth white skin of Linda's tit. Henry moved his hips back slightly, and the next burst of joy-juice landed squarely on her big red nipple. At the feel of the hot liquid splashing against her sensitive nipple, Linda moaned again. Her body was writhing wildly, making the waterbed roll about like a stormy sea. Her fingers whipped madly in the churning froth of her pussy as the juices of her own orgasm wet her entire hand and made shiny wet streaks on the smooth flesh of her inner thighs.

Henry continued to jerk his cock, pumping burst after burst of hot come all over his wife's pretty tits. Then, as the strength of the jets began to diminish, his cock began to soften and the line of fire changed. Now the oozing drops of semen dripped onto Linda's flat white belly. With her free hand, she rubbed the sticky goo across her skin, shampooing her blonde pubic hair with it. Then with a sigh, and one last shudder, she lay still, her motionless hand covering the wet slit of her cunt.

"Oh, Henry," she sighed. "You know just what I like."

"You'd better believe it," he said smugly. "But I suppose you won't be content until you've seduced that football player, so I guess I'll just have to go along for the ride. And there might even be a little unexpected surprise, too."

"Henry Wells!" Linda said, her tone mocking. "I think you know something you're not telling me."

"Well," Henry began, "it's only an idea, but I have a feeling that the Burnses might make a welcome addition to our little circle of friends. You see, Karen Burns just happened to mention to me after class one day that she has a pet timber wolf. A timber wolf! Can you imagine what fun we could have with a timber wolf at one of our little Saturday-night get-togethers?"

"Oh, Henry," his wife said, "you are a dirty old man!"

Henry winked and said, "Dirty old men need love too, you know."


Karen Burns stood naked in front of the full-length mirror in her bathroom and appraised her figure as she dried herself with the big thick bath towel that her mother had given her when she and Jay were married. She watched her diet carefully to keep the trim figure that she was so proud of, but it seemed that there was nothing she could do to reduce the size of her tits. Her big round tits had been a source of embarrassment to her ever since her teens. When the other girls at high school had been stuffing socks and tissues in their bras to make their titties appear bigger, Karen's had already grown to be bigger and rounder and fuller than the tits of most full-grown women.

And her tits didn't really stop growing until she was eighteen years old. By that time she was wearing a size-forty bra with a D cup. Men stared at her as she walked down the street, even though she always tried to wear clothes that would hide the hugeness of her tits. She was never able to go anywhere without having strange men come up to her and make conversation on some pretext or another. She was aware, of course, that all they ever really wanted was to get a closer look at her boobs. And it made her furious.

She often found herself wishing that there was some operation she could get to reduce the size of her tits. Even Jay, who was more of a gentleman than any other man she had ever known, could never seem to think of anything but her tits. Whenever they were alone and sometimes even when they were not, he tried to get his hands on her boobs. And when Karen went into the bathroom to undress at night, she knew that Jay sometimes peeked into the keyhole to try to get a look at her.

Sometimes he made her feel so ashamed, carrying on that way, just like a little boy. She had been taught that it was wrong to let a man gaze lustfully upon her naked body. When she explained to Jay that she simply couldn't let him watch her undress for this reason, he got mad and argued that such a philosophy should not apply to a woman's husband. But Karen knew better. And she knew that it was important, right from the start, to see that their marriage remained within the bounds of propriety.

She finished drying herself and snapped into her floor length flannel nightgown. Her tits pushed against the soft material, making even this conservative sleepwear seem sexy and provocative. She tried to adjust the bodice of the nightgown so that her tits wouldn't be so conspicuous, but, finally giving up, she hung the towel back on the rack and opened the door which led into their bedroom.

When she entered the bedroom Jay was lying naked on the bed pretending to be reading a newspaper. But his long cock was rock hard, and stood straight up from his body. Karen was sure he had been peeking into the keyhole again. She was angry, but as she looked at his long stiff cock she felt another emotion stirring within her. She had been feeling this new emotion more and more lately. It seemed to start as a tingling in the vicinity of her pussy, and then spread gradually throughout her body. Suddenly she realized that she was staring at her husband's big prick, and that Jay was watching her. She looked quickly down at her feet in embarrassment.

"Hey, that's all right, baby," Jay said, chuckling. "There's nothing wrong with you looking at my cock." He stood up and walked to where his wife stood. As he walked, his prick swayed from side to side in front of him. "Go ahead, look at it. It'll do us both some good."