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"Oh, Jay," Karen moaned. "Please. You shouldn't." But Jay continued to suck on her nipple, and she didn't say anything more. As he did so, he rubbed his hand over her furry cunt, stroking her outer cuntlips briefly, and then pressing the flat of his hand against the swollen mound of her clit.

Now Karen was moaning continuously and her soft tender body was writhing uncontrollably about on the bed. She was experiencing feelings which she had never imagined possible. The physical pleasure was so intense that all thought of guilt was banished. If her mother had ever known anything this wonderful, Karen thought, she never would have said that sex was evil.

Just then, Jay's finger penetrated Karen's cunt. Although his cock had been inside her, she had never allowed him to do any of the things that were necessary to warm her up. The dryness of her pussy, and the immense size of his prick, had always made sex a rather uncomfortable, if not painful, experience. But now her cunt was juicy and moist, and Jay's finger was worming around inside it and moving in all directions at once. And it didn't hurt at all. Instead, it felt wonderful – exquisite. She didn't want it to ever stop.

The feeling of Jay's lips on her nipples was driving her wild. Tentatively, unsure of herself, she reached to the side of the bed for Jay's cock. It was huge and hard and, as Karen wrapped her fingers around it, it began to throb. She had never really touched Jay's cock before. The touch of it thrilled her. It was like a living thing, pulsating and throbbing in her hand. Instinctively, she began stroking up and down on the shank of her husband's tremendous prick.

As she pulled on Jay's hard-on, Jay bit gently at her nipples. The thumb and middle finger of his right hand separated the lips of her cunt, while his index finger moved exploringly between the slickly smooth walls of her inner channel. She felt his fingertip making contact with every hidden fold of her tight young pussy. The new sensations which she was experiencing were almost more than she could stand. She wanted to make Jay feel the same delightful pleasures that he was giving her. Lovingly, she caressed his swollen cock. She let her fingers trail softly from the base of the shank to the bulbous tip.

As Jay felt his wife caressing his prick, for the first time in their marriage, he sighed deeply. He had always known that if he was patient, his prudish wife would turn out to be a hellcat. He gave her big erect nipple one last tweak with his teeth, and began moving his lips downward, toward her flat white abdomen. He kissed her softly, letting his tongue protrude slightly from between his lips and licking spiraling little circles across her cunt. Then, before she could object, he was kissing the flaming red fur of her pubic mound.

Linda drew her breath in sharply. "Oh, Jay," she moaned. But then she seemed to realize suddenly what was happening to her. Her voice became frightened and stern. "No, Jay!" she commanded. "Please, you mustn't. Why don't you just put your… your… your thing inside me?"

Jay, feeling that he had made enough progress for one night, decided to do as she asked. Anyway, his balls were on fire, and he knew that only the juices of his pretty young wife's pussy could quench the flames. But first he would try one more step.

"Put my what inside you?" he asked innocently.

"Oh, you know what I mean. Your… thing," Karen responded kittenishly.

Jay kissed her pussy hair noisily. "Nope," he said. "I don't have any idea. If you don't tell me, I guess I'll have no way of knowing what you want."

"Oh, Jay," she said. "I just can't say it. Your, your, your penis. There, is that better?"

"Nope," Jay said, kissing her cunt again. "That ain't what the guys on the football team call it. Come on, now, let me hear you say it. Say 'cock'!"

"Oooh," Karen said in mock anger. "Cock! There, are you satisfied now?"

"Nope!" Jay said. This time he moved his lips lower, and deposited a kiss right on the moist lips of Karen's tight young cunt. "Now that you've said it, I want you to tell me what you want. Tell me what you want me to put where." He continued stroking and petting Karen's cunt and her tits, hoping that he could keep her in a state of excitement long enough to make her say what he wanted to hear.

Karen reddened – a blush which began at the roots of her beautiful long red hair, and seemed to spread until her whole body had turned a bright shade of pink. "Don't make me say it, Jay," she pleaded.

"All right," Jay said. "You don't have to say it." With that he began nuzzling and nibbling at her juicy cuntlips. He could feel them getting wetter and juicier, and he knew that, in spite of herself, Karen was becoming even more aroused by his little game. "You don't have to say anything you don't want to. I don't mind doing this at all."

"Oh, Jay, don't!" Karen said, her voice little more than a whisper. "I'll say anything you want. Anything." At this point Karen realized that what Jay was doing to her was exciting her, and, motivated by a combination of fear and guilt, she felt she must make him stop, no matter what.

"Then say it!" her husband commanded.

"All right. I'll say it." She spoke in a whisper, as though trying not to hear the sound of her own voice. "I want you to put your… cock… in my pussy."

"I can't hear you," Jay said tauntingly. "And I want you to say 'cunt'!"

"Cunt! Cunt!" Karen shouted. "I want you to put your cock in my cunt!" Now that she had said it, it no longer seemed so evil. In fact, the sound of the words, coming from her own lips, seemed to excite her even more. She felt a new feeling – a strange one of freedom. For the first time in her life she had admitted, to her husband and to herself, that she wanted to be fucked. It felt good. "Fuck me!" she added. "Fuck me with your cock. But hurry. I don't think I can wait any longer. Please! Put your cock in my cunt!"

Triumphantly, Jay rose from his knees. "Take that nightgown off," he ordered. "I want to see all of you."

For Karen, the whole thing had gotten out of hand. But Jay's kisses, and the words which she had spoken, had excited her to the point of no return. She felt she had no choice but to do as Jay commanded, even though she was sure she would hate herself for it later. Without hesitating for more than a moment, she slipped out of her nightgown, and then lay back, totally naked, on the bed. Jay just stood over her for a moment, staring down at her and stroking his cock. She had never let him look at her like this before. The only time that he had seen her completely nude had been when he managed to get a peek through the keyhole. Now her beauty was almost more than he could stand.

Her skin was a pale white, which gave her a virginal appearance. Her shoulders were soft and smooth and perfectly unblemished. The curve of her mammoth tits seemed to begin at the shoulder. From there they swelled outward like twin mountains. At the peaks were perfectly formed nipples, bright rosy red, and quiveringly erect. The aureoles were the size of silver dollars. Her belly was flat and sloped gently toward the tiny crater of her navel. Just below it was the thick patch of curling hair which covered her pubic mound.

Inside the jungle of her pussy fur nestled her throbbing clit, in its keyhole-shaped tent. Just below it, her pussy lay, the lips parted and glistening with the moist secretions of her desire. Her perfectly formed thighs were long and white and tapered gracefully toward her knees. Her calves were exquisite.

Jay licked his lips, which had become dry, and took a step closer to the bed. Then, with a gurgling sound which started deep in his throat, he fell upon her, throwing his body full length across hers. Instinctively, she spread her legs as he neared her; opening her cunt still more.