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Jay's rock-hard prick jabbed at the tender flesh of her pussy, trying in vain to find the hole. He continued humping his hips forward in an attempt to get his cock in. Finally, because he was beginning to hurt her, Karen reached between them and took hold of his cock. Slowly, gently, she rubbed it up and down against the wet flesh of her cunt. She brought the rubbery head of his cock into contact with her quivering little clit. Enchanted with her new freedom, she rubbed the bulbous cockhead against her hot pleasure-button. Then she moved it lower, rubbing it gently against the moist inner surfaces of her parted cuntlips. As soon as Jay felt the silky smoothness of her outer lips, he humped his hips forward, driving his cock part of the way into her pussy.

It was tight, and fit his huge prick like a glove. But it was also well lubricated, and he slipped in easily. When about three inches of his cock had penetrated her hot slash, he stopped the forward motion, and began to move outward again.

"Oh, no," Karen whispered. "Don't go. I like it in there."

Jay couldn't resist teasing her. "You like what in where?" he asked, moving his cock outward ever so slowly.

"Your cock," she said, closing her eyes in embarrassment. "I like your cock in my cunt." It was becoming easier and easier for her to say the words which she had always been taught to think of as obscene. "I love your cock in my cunt."

Jay moved forward again, this time treating her to a little more of his cock. When about half its length had penetrated her pussy he stopped. Slowly he began grinding his hips in a tight little circle. The head of his cock scoured at the inner walls of her cunt as he ground his hips around. Then, continuing the circular motion with his hips, he began, slowly, to withdraw. When nothing but the swollen head of his prick remained inside her, he reversed direction. But this time, he rammed his hips forward with one powerful thrust, driving his swollen cock to the hilt inside her hot tight twat.

"Oooohh," she sighed. "Oh, Jay, that feels so good!" Instinctively, she raised her legs high in the air, pointing her feet at the ceiling. This pulled the lips of her pussy even further apart. Jay swayed from side to side, rubbing her clit with the hair-covered mound of his pubic bone, and causing her to moan again.

Then, unable to prolong it any further, he began to pump his hips in and out in the age-old rhythm of fucking. Karen wrapped her legs around his waist as though trying to drive him even deeper inside her. As he humped, her ass raised off the mattress and then pushed against it again. He drove relentlessly on, pumping in and out, up and down, all the while grinding his hips around and around and back and forth, using movements that he learned on the football field.

Suddenly Karen began to sob. "Oh, Jay!" she cried. "I never felt anything like this before! Oh, I think I'm going to explode! Oh, yes, oh, yesss! Oh, it's terrible! Oh, it's wonderful! Oooohhh…" Her voice trailed off as her orgasm began to overtake her. In truth, it was the first orgasm of her life, and she wasn't at all sure that she would live through it.

Jay could feel the hot torrent of cunt-juice washing over his driving ramrod cock, and he knew that at last he had succeeded. His pretty young wife was about to come for the first time. He knew that their sex life would have to change. And any change at all would have to be for the better.

Then he felt his own orgasm beginning. "Get ready, baby, here I come," he muttered. And with that, the first hot blast of gism shot from the end of his prick, splattering against the back wall of her writhing cunt. Karen could feel the jets of juice pumping from his cock and filling her cunt to overflowing. She felt her own juices flowing in rhythmic waves to mingle with her husband's. She felt as though she was being transported to another plane of existence. A buzzing sound filled her head as she climbed the velvet ladder of fulfillment. She could feel Jay's prick expanding and contracting as it spewed its hot load inside her.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the pulsations began to diminish. She felt her own orgasm coming to a descending conclusion just as Jay's burst of gism began to get smaller and less powerful.

She felt as though she was coming to the bottom of a long chute. At the same time she felt physically drained. Jay's cock was beginning to soften inside her pussy. Then, as he was concluding an out-stroke, it slipped from the grasp of her pussylips with an obscene plop. They both sighed at the loss. Then Jay rolled over onto his back next to her, puffing and panting. Even football practice had never taken this much out of him. He felt as though his strength had been completely sapped.

"Karen," he said softly, "that was wonderful. I hope that this will be the beginning of something beautiful."

But Karen found her old guilt returning. She had allowed herself to be completely overcome by lust, and now that it was over, she regretted it. The physical pleasure had made her forget everything she had ever been taught about right and wrong, but now that the physical sensations had stopped, she realized her error. Not only had she allowed Jay to look at her completely naked body, but she had done things and she had said things that were completely inexcusable. "Oh, God," she said. "I hope it wasn't the end of something beautiful."

"Now what the hell do you mean by that?" Jay said, perplexed and angry. "What was that crack supposed to mean?"

"Just this," Karen began. "We had a nice relationship until now, and I hope that neither of us will let what happened tonight come between us. I feel so ashamed."

"Ashamed of what?" Jay asked, his face reddening with fury. "For goodness sake, you're my wife. Why the hell should you be ashamed of anything that we do together?"

"Because it was wrong, and you know it," Karen retorted. "Because sex is for having babies not for having fun. And because the words that you made me use are for the gutter, not for decent people's bedrooms."

"Holy shit!" Jay shouted.

At the sound of Jay's raised voice, Pagan, who had been sleeping in a corner of the room, lifted his head and barked. Pagan was a full-grown, full-blooded timber wolf. Jay's father, who worked as a ranger in a park in Montana, had given Pagan to Jay when he was just a cub, three years ago. Pagan's mother had been shot by a poacher, and Jay had raised him from a pup, bottle feeding him for the first month. Now, with the disposition of a Saint Bernard, Pagan was a completely devoted pet. He weighed about one hundred seventy-five pounds and was black and silver in color. His eyes were steel gray and as deep as the sea. When Jay was home, Pagan was hardly ever away from his side.

Now he pricked up his ears and barked again.

"Oh, look," Karen said, happy for an opportunity to change the subject. "You've gotten Pagan all upset. Why don't we just drop it for now. We can talk about it another time. Did I tell you that I told my zoology professor all about Pagan?"

Jay, still fatigued from fucking, was equally grateful for a chance to get off on another subject. "No, you didn't," he said. "What did you tell him?"

"Well," Karen began, "we were talking about the natural instincts of wild animals and whether or not they can change with a change in environment. I told Professor Wells about how you raised Pagan since he was a pup and about how gentle he is. He really couldn't believe it."

"What do you mean he didn't believe it?" Jay asked, angry that anyone should doubt either his wife's word or his friend Pagan's good manners.

"He said," Karen continued, "that a predatory animal like a wolf will always retain his killer instincts, no matter how early his training begins."

"What, Pagan a killer?" Jay sputtered. "I've got half a mind to bring Pagan around to meet this doubting dude…"

"He asked me to," Karen cut in. "Saturday afternoon. Gave me his address and all. Do you think we could drop in on him. Just for a few minutes, to let him see Pagan."