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"Sure," said Jay, barely managing to stifle a yawn. "Why not. We'll drive over there and let him meet Pagan himself. Then maybe he'll change his tune. And I have his wife for English One. It would be interesting to meet one of my teachers at home." Then, remembering what they had been talking about just moments before, he added, "And that other matter, we can discuss tomorrow."

"Maybe it's better if we don't discuss it at all," Karen said with a yawn. "I'd just as soon forget the whole thing. Just as long as we both know that it will never happen again."

"Well, I don't know about that," Jay began. Then, his eyelids becoming heavy, he rolled over onto his side. "I love you, baby," he murmured. "Things will work out. You'll see."

"Let's just forget about it," Karen said again. "I'm just going to think about Saturday. It'll be fun to bring Pagan to meet Professor Wells and his wife. Good night, Jay."

But Jay had already gone to sleep.


Jay felt a little bit nervous as he rang the bell. He wasn't exactly sure of how he should act in Professor Wells' house. He had never had social contact with one of his professors before, and really didn't know what to expect. He was surprised when Mrs. Wells opened the door. She was wearing the tightest pair of hot pants he had ever seen. They were bright yellow, and so tight that they crept right up into the crack of her cunt. And they were so short that a few curling strands of wiry blonde pubic hair protruded from the crotch. She was also wearing a pale-blue see-through blouse, with no bra underneath.

Jay tried hard not to stare at the pointy pink nipples which peeked through the thin material. Mrs. Wells' lips were puckered in a sexy pout that took Jay's breath away.

"Well, hello, Jay," she said. "It's very nice of you to come. And this must be Mrs. Burns. Please, come in."

"Thank you, Mrs. Wells," Karen said politely. "Pagan's in the car. Shall we bring him in?"

Just then Henry Wells stepped up behind his wife, giving her a playful pat on the ass. "By all means," he said. "I'm anxious to meet this domesticated wolf."

Jay ran back to the car to get Pagan, while Karen stepped inside with Professor Wells. Linda Wells remained at the door waiting for Jay. As Jay and Pagan came up the walk, Linda smiled and feigned fear.

"Oh, don't be afraid of Pagan, Mrs. Wells," Jay said. "He's a sheep in wolf's clothing."

"As long as you're here, I won't be afraid," she answered. "And please, call me Linda." She took Jay's arm and clung to him, as though she was still afraid of Pagan. Jay could feel the softness of her tit pressing against his bicep. At the feel of it, his cock began to rise to erection.

He looked at his English teacher to see if she noticed. She seemed to be looking directly at his rising cock. When she saw him looking at her, she smiled and gave him a little wink. Then she pressed her tits even harder against his arm. "Let's go inside and sit down," she said.

When they got to the living room, Karen and Professor Wells were already sitting on the couch. They were discussing the natural instincts of wild animals.

"No wild animal cam be completely domesticated," Professor Wells insisted. "And I assure you that Pagan is no exception."

At the sound of his name, Pagan perked up his ears. "Come here, Pagan," Professor Wells called. Pagan trotted obediently over to where he sat. Henry Wells began to scratch the wolf behind the ears.

"I will admit," Professor Wells began, "that this particular wild animal acts like a big overgrown puppy. But still, I'm certain that some of his forest instincts remain. Why even man is no exception. Although we think of ourselves as civilized beings, far above the animals, it took a zoologist named Alfred Kinsey to prove that, sexually, man retains the polygamous instincts of his sub-human forebears."

"I don't exactly understand what you mean, Professor," Karen said.

Professor Wells smiled. "I mean simply that although man has supposedly risen above the level of the apes, there isn't a man alive, or a woman either, for that matter, who can be satisfied all his or her life having sexual relations with only one mate."

At the professor's words, Jay found himself reddening with embarrassment. He looked up quickly at Linda Wells and saw that her eyes were on him. When he looked at her, she quickly looked down at his crotch and licked her lips. Jay quickly looked away. Surely, it couldn't be happening that his English teacher was flirting with him right in the presence of her own husband.

Karen was quick to take issue with the professor's words. "Well, Professor," she began, "what you say may be true for some humans, perhaps even for most humans, but I'm sure that many of us have risen above the level of the base carnality of the apes."

"You assume that carnality is base, my dear," Professor Wells responded. "I would take issue with that assumption, but this isn't a classroom. This is a social call. May I offer either of you a drink?"

"Why thank you very much," Karen said. "Anything will be fine."

Professor Wells mixed four drinks at a portable bar in the corner of the room and carried them to where the others sat.

"Thank you very much," Jay said, taking the drink that Professor Wells offered him. "After this we'll have to go. Karen's folks are expecting us for dinner, and we don't want to be late."

"We're expecting guests also," Linda said, "but I'm so glad that you were both able to drop by, and to give us a chance to meet Pagan. I think he's a delightful wolf."

"Yes," Professor Wells added. "I must agree that Pagan is certainly far tamer and far more gentle than I expected him to be."

A few minutes later, Henry and Linda Wells were escorting Jay and Karen to the door and waving goodbye as they got into their car with Pagan and drove off. When they had gone, Henry put his arm around his wife's waist and drew her to him.

"What do you think?" he asked, reaching up to cup one of his wife's ample tits in his hand.

"Oh, he'll be easy," Linda said with a laugh. "But I don't think you're going to have such an easy time with her. She really seems like a prude. What a shame to hide those lovely boobies under that tight constricting bra. That poor Jay looks like he's sex starved. He just brushed his elbow up against my tit, and his cock sprang up to erection. I can't wait to suck on it!"

"You're going to have to help me with the girl," Henry said. "And I think she'll be worth all the work that it's going to take."

"Oh, I'll help you all right," his wife answered. "I wouldn't mind a piece of that stuff myself!"

About an hour later, when Jan and Artie Nelson knocked on the door of the Wells house, Linda was still dressed in the same sexy outfit she had been wearing when Jay and Karen had been there. Henry had changed into a loose-fitting dashiki, a long gown of African design. As soon as Linda opened the door, Jan and Artie bounded into the room.

"Well, here we are," Artie said, "ready for action!"

Henry stepped over to where Jan stood and took her in his arms without giving her an opportunity to think it over. Jan Nelson was a little on the plump side, a welcome change from his petite wife. Of all the couples that Henry and Linda had swapped with, Henry liked Jan and Artie most of all. As he hugged Jan, she moved her shoulders back and forth, rubbing her soft, round tits against his chest. She was wearing faded jeans and a tight-fitting T-shirt with a peace symbol design on it. Her big round tits strained at the material, and Henry could feel her nipples, like two hot coals raking at his chest. He reached down behind her and cupped the cheeks of her ass in his hands. He kneaded them vigorously.

Artie smiled at the sight of Henry caressing his wife, and turned to Linda. "That leech of a husband of yours loses no time, does he?" he said.

"That's what I like most about Henry," Linda responded. "And I don't know what you're waiting for. You're letting him and Jan get ahead of us." She stepped forward and made a playful swipe at Artie's groin. She could see his cock beginning to harden inside his pants. The light cotton material of his trousers began to rise like a circus tent as his cock stiffened.