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"For a gym teacher," Linda kidded, "you're awful slow to get physical."

Artie was a physical education teacher at Monte Bello. His wife, Jan was an artist, who taught a few art courses, just to keep busy. Unlike his plump wife, Artie was tall and thin. His body was well muscled, but wiry, sometimes making him appear skinny. But all of the boys in his classes knew otherwise, for Artie Nelson could outrun, out throw, and out jump the best of them.

Picking up Linda's taunt, Artie stepped forward and lifted her petite body in his arms, carrying her like a doll. "Which way to the pleasure palace?" he asked. Then, because he already knew the way, he began walking toward the room with the waterbed. Jan looked up from Henry's embrace, and saw her husband carrying Linda off.

"Hey, Henry," Jan murmured, "you're letting Artie and Linda get ahead of us. Let's go join them. I love to see that hot little wife of yours in action."

"Why don't you trot on ahead," Henry said. "I'm going to pick out some good records to play, and I'll join you in a minute. Go on. I'll be right along."

Jan walked off toward the pleasure room, unbuttoning her jeans as she went. Henry went to the record cabinet and began to shuffle through the albums. When he had selected four records, he walked toward the pleasure room. But instead of going all the way, he turned into his bedroom, which adjoined it. There he went to the wall mirror on the wall which separated the two rooms. He moved it carefully aside. Behind the wall mirror was a window. On the other side of the wall was a one-way mirror. By looking through the window Henry could see clearly into the other room. Even though he could walk into the other room and watch everything that was going on, it somehow seemed more exciting to peek through the one-way mirror, with no one, except perhaps for Linda, knowing that he was watching.

Henry watched as Linda, Artie, and Jan tussled on the waterbed. By now all three of them were naked. Artie was lying on his back, swaying gently with the motion of the waterbed. His cock stood straight up in the air like a flagpole. The two women were lying on either side of him, their faces close to his cock. Henry felt his own cock rising to full erection as he watched his wife and Jan Nelson move in closer to Artie's prick.

Linda stuck her tongue out as far as it would go, and then moved forward so that its pointy tip made slight contact with the throbbing shaft of Artie's hard-on. Jan, watching her friend licking her husband's cock, did the same on the other side. Both women began licking up and down on the pulsating prick, their tongues just barely touching the silky-smooth skin. Linda reached down with one hand and took Artie's balls. She began massaging them slowly as she and Jan licked his cock. Then Jan moved her head higher and took the whole head of Artie's cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the huge rubbery head, whipping her saliva to a froth which bathed his cock. Some of the warm liquid trickled down the length of his cock. Linda lapped it up with the broad surface of her tongue. Continuing to cup his hairy scrotum with one hand, she reached out with the other and began to stroke one of Jan's firm round tits.

At the sight of his own wife licking another man's cock while at the same time stroking another woman's tit, Henry's cock began to throb. His wife was the sexiest woman in the world, and when he saw her in action with other people, it drove him wild. He was torn between the desire to continue watching and the desire to run inside and plunge his cock into the first warm pussy he could find. But he just couldn't tear himself away from the window.

Now Linda turned and straddled Artie's face, bringing her hot pussy within inches of his mouth. Jan moved away from her husband's cock, making room for Linda. Linda leaned forward and took Artie's entire cock into her mouth. As she did so, she lowered her cunt until she could feel Artie's hot breath against her moistening pussylips. Henry could see Artie raise his head so he would be in better position to lick Linda's cunt. Jan was moving slowly around in a position behind Linda. Just as Artie's tongue made contact with the wet opening of Linda's twat, Jan leaned forward and placed her lips against the tight opening of her asshole.

Linda began to writhe as she felt both mouths touching her at the same time. The exquisite sensation was almost more than she could handle. The two tongues were like living things with minds of their own. She felt Artie's tongue licking up and down the length of her dripping-wet cuntal slit. At the same time, Artie's wife's tongue began to jab teasingly at her asshole. Only the tip had worked its way between the tightly puckered brown lips of her anus, but Jan was waggling the pointy pink muscle from side to side, while driving it deeper.

Henry's cock was achingly erect. He watched as Artie Nelson's tongue skewered its way into Linda's pussy. Linda seemed to be lowering her body, bringing her hairy pussy mound into contact with Artie's face. Artie was making some kind of motion with his tongue that was making Linda hump her hips high in the air, but each time she did so, Jan's tongue drove deeper into her tight brown asshole, causing her to push her cunt down onto Artie's tongue again.

At last Henry could stand it no longer. Stripping his dashiki from him as he went, he fairly ran into the other room.

"Hey," he called, "make room for me!" Nude, he threw himself onto the oversized waterbed, crawling around behind Jan. Jan was on her hands and knees, busily licking Linda's asshole. Her own ass waved in the air like a flag. Henry held her hips like handles, and raised her ass still higher in the air. Then, still holding on to his fleshy handholds, he leaned forward and brought his lips against Jan's chubby ass.

Henry began kissing and nibbling at Jan Nelson's fleshy asscheeks. With each kiss, he brought his lips closer to her tightly puckered asshole. It seemed to writhe with a life of its own, as though Jan knew that Henry's tongue would soon be doing to her exactly as her tongue was doing to Henry's wife.

And then his tongue found the mark. He began to lick Jan's asshole as if it was a lollipop. Jan moaned and began slaving even harder at Linda's ass. Linda pushed her ass back hard against Jan's lapping tongue, at the same time sucking even harder and more lovingly on Artie's dick. Artie responded by pursing his lips around Linda's clit. He puffed a gentle blast of hot air against it. Then he began sucking on the throbbing pleasure button.

Linda moaned and made a circular motion with her hips. By now Henry's tongue had worked its way deep into Jan's asshole. Jan worked her ass back at him, trying to get even more of his tongue inside her. But Henry suddenly pulled his tongue out. For a moment, Jan's asshole remained slightly open, the sphincter muscle reluctant to close the passage which Henry had just opened with his tongue. Before the taut brown lips had a chance to close, Henry got to his knees behind Jan.

Jan, sensing what Henry was about to do, became even more excited than she had been up to this point. She started to drive her tongue, cock-like, in and out of Linda's asshole with a steady rhythm. Then Jan felt the hard swollen tip of Henry's cock pressing urgently at the lips of her own asshole. Although the tight slit still hadn't closed up completely, Henry's cock was much too big for the puckered opening. He pushed forward with the full force of his hips, the head of his prick pressing against the surface of the lips. Then, the edges of the hot hole began to turn inward, yielding to the steady pressure of Henry's cock.

Henry worked his hips from side to side as he drove his cock forward. Slowly, millimeter by millimeter, he worked it into Jan's tight dry asshole. The unlubricated inner walls puckered and tugged at the smooth skin of the plunging cock. But onward it drove. Now almost half of the throbbing tool was buried in the hot channel of Jan's asshole. And then, with a heavy hump of his hips, Henry heaved his hard-on home, to the hilt. Jan moaned in a combination of pain and pleasure as the fat prick parted the walls of her asshole. For a moment she broke the rhythm with which she had been mouthing Linda's ass. Now Artie had his arms wrapped around Linda's thighs, and was using them to hold his head high off the mattress. His mouth was glued to the sweet, hairy slash of Henry's wife's pussy. He was lapping furiously, his mouth filling with the spicy aromatic juices of the petite blonde's cunt. As he drove his tongue deeper, Linda swallowed more of his cock. Their bodies heaved and writhed in the traditional sixty-nine position, while, on the same bed, Linda's husband was fucking Artie's wife in the ass.