The squalor of ocean travel in those days is no part of my story. It existed and I endured it for what seemed like an eternity, but at last I bade farewell to Le Flamant and all her roaches, rats and stench. Nor does it become this memoir to discuss the tragic failure of the mission Miss Cox had given me.
(Those few who remember my Peoples of the Earth will perhaps also remember the account given in the chapter I entitled “Africa Journeyings.” Those, still fewer, whose perception revealed to them an unaccountable gap between the putrid sore throat with which I was afflicted at the headwaters of the Congo and my leave taking on the Gold Coast will find herewith the chronicle of the missing days).
It is enough to say that I found no empires in 1864. If they had existed, and I believe they had, they were vanished with Sheba’s Queen. I did, however, find Herr Faesch. Or he found me.
How shall I describe Herr Faesch for you? I shan’t, Shaw notwithstanding, permit myself so hackneyed a term as “hardy Swiss”; I am not so far removed from the youthful spring of creation as that. Yet Swiss he was, and surely hardy as well, for he discovered me (or his natives did) a thousand miles from a community of Europeans, deserted by my own bearers, nearer to death than ever I have been since. He told me that I tried thrice to kill him, in my delirium; but he nursed me well and I lived. As you see.
He was a scientific man, a student of Nature’s ways, and a healer, though one cure was beyond him. For, sick though I was, he was more ravaged by destructive illness than I. I woke in a firelit hut with a rank poultice at my throat and a naked savage daubing at my brow, and I was terrified; no, not of the native, but of the awful cadaverous face, ghost-white, that frowned down at me from the shadows.
That was my first sight of Herr Faesch.
When, a day later, I came able to sit up and to talk, I found him a gentle and brave man, whose English was every bit as good as my own, whose knowledge surpassed that of any human I met before or since. But the mark of death was on him. In that equatorial jungle, his complexion was alabaster. Ruling the reckless black warriors who served him, his strength yet was less than a child’s. In those steaming afternoons when I hardly dared stir from my cot for fear of stroke, he wore gloves and a woollen scarf at his neck.
We had, in all, three days together. As I regained my health, his health dwindled.
He introduced himself to me as a native of Geneva, that colorful city on the finest lake of the Alps. He listened courteously while I told him of my own errand and did me, and the absent Miss Cox, the courtesy of admiring the spirit which prompted it- though he was not sanguine of my prospects of finding the empires.
He said nothing of what had brought him to this remote wilderness, but I thought I knew. Surely gold. Perhaps diamonds or some other gem, but I thought not; gold was much more plausible.
I had picked up enough of the native dialect to catch perhaps one word in twenty of what he said to his natives and they to him-enough, at any rate, to know that when he left me in their charge for some hours, that first day, he was going to a hole in the ground. It could only be a mine, and what, I asked myself, would a European trouble to mine in the heart of unexplored Africa but gold?
I was wrong, of course. It was not gold at all.
Wells says that they are doing astonishing things at the Cavendish Laboratory, but I do think that Herr Faesch might have astonished even Wells. Certainly he astonished me. On the second day of my convalescence, I found myself strong enough to be up and walking about.
Say that I was prying. Perhaps I was. It was oppressively hot-I dared not venture outside-and yet I was too restless to lie abed waiting for Herr Faesch’s return. I found myself examining the objects on his-camp table and there were, indeed, nuggets. But the nuggets were not gold. They were a silvery metal, blackened and discolored, but surely without gold’s yellow hue; they were rather small, like irregular lark’s eggs, and yet they were queerly heavy. Perhaps there was a score of them, aggregating about a pound or two.
I rattled them thoughtfully in my hand, and then observed that across the tent, in a laboratory jar with a glass stopper, there were perhaps a dozen more-yes, and in yet another place in that tent, in a pottery dish, another clutch of the things. I thought to bring them close together so that I might compare them. I fetched the jar and set it on the table; I went after the pellets in the pottery dish.
Herr Faesch’s voice, shaking with emotion, halted me. “Mr. Lewes!” he whispered harshly. “Stop, sir!”
I turned, and there was the man, his eyes wide with horror, standing at the flap of the tent. I made my apologies, but he waved them aside.
“No, no,” he croaked, “I know - you meant no harm. But I tell you, Mr. Lewes, you were very near to death a moment ago.”
I glanced at the pellets. “From these, Herr Faesch?”
“Yes, Mr. Lewes. From those.” He tottered into the tent and retrieved the pottery dish from my hands. Back to its corner it went; then the jar, back across the tent again. “They must not come together. No, sir,” he said, nodding thoughtfully, though I had said nothing with which he might have been agreeing, “they must not come together.”
He sat down. “Mr. Lewes,” he whispered, “have you ever heard of uranium?” I had not. “Or of pitchblende? No? Well,” he said earnestly, “I assure you that you will. These ingots, Mr. Lewes, are uranium, but not the standard metal of commerce. No, sir. They are a rare variant form, indistinguishable by the most delicate of chemical tests from the ordinary metal, but possessed of characteristics which ‘are-I shall merely say ‘wonderful,’ Mr. Lewes, for I dare not use the term which comes first to mind.”
“Remarkable,” said I, feeling that some such response was wanted.
He agreed. “Remarkable indeed, my dear Mr. Lewes! You really cannot imagine how remarkable. Suppose I should tell you that the mere act of placing those few nuggets you discovered in close juxtaposition to each other would liberate an immense amount of energy. Suppose I should tell you that if a certain critical quantity of this metal should be joined together, an explosion would result. Eh, Mr. Lewes? What of that?”
I could only say again, “Remarkable, Herr Faesch.” I knew nothing else to say. I was not yet one-and-twenty, I had had no interest in making chemists’ stinks, and much of what he said was Greek to me- or was science to me, which was worse, for I should have understood the Greek tolerably well. Also a certain apprehension lingered in my mind. That terrible white face, those fired eyes, his agitated speech-I could not be blamed, I think. I believed he might be mad. And though I listened, I heard not, as he went ^on to tell me of what his discovery might mean.
The next morning he thrust a sheaf of manuscript at me. “Read, Mr. Lewes!” he commanded me and went off to his mine; but something went wrong. I drowsed through a few pages and made nothing of them except that he thought in some way his nuggets had affected his health. There was a radiant glow in the mine, and the natives believed that glow meant sickness and in time death, and Herr Faesch had come to agree with the natives. A pity, I thought absently, turning in for a nap.
A monstrous smashing sound awakened me. No one was about. I ran out, thrusting aside the tent flap and there, over a hill, through the interstices of the trees, I saw a huge and angry cloud./! don’t know how to describe it; I have never since seen its like, and pray God the world never shall again until the end of time.
Five miles away it must have been, but there was heat from it; the tent itself was charred. Tall it was-I don’t know how tall, stretching straight and thin from the ground to a toadstool crown shot with lightnings.
The natives came after a tune, and though they were desperately afraid, I managed to get from them that it was Herr Faesch’s mine that had blown up, along with Herr Faesch and a dozen of themselves. More than that, they would not say.