Ainsworth, Harrison I 17
Albert N'Yanza, The XIX 1
Alcestis XVI 336
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland II 176
All for Love XVI 322
Alton Locke V 236
Ambrosio, or the Monk VI 51
Amelia IV 122
America, History of:
Mexico XII 19;
Peru XII 30;
United States XII 1;
see also Washington, Franklin, etc.
——, Democracy in XX 324
——, Wanderings in South XIX 313
Anabasis, The XI 110
Anatomy of Melancholy, The XX 41
—— of Vertebrates XV 280
Andersen, Hans Christian I 30
Angler, The Complete XX 334
Animal Chemistry XV 203
Anna Karenina VIII 205
Annals of the Parish IV 204
—— of Tacitus XI 156
Antigone XVIII 237
Antiquary, The VII 241
Antiquities of the Jews XI 43
Apocrypha, The XIII 1
Apologia Pro Vita Sua XIII 185
Apology, or Defence of Socrates XIV 75
Apuleius I 45
Arabian Nights I 61
Arcadia VIII 54
Areopagitica XX 257
Ariosto, Ludovico XVI 51
Aristophanes XVI 64 seq.
Aristotle XIII 291
Arne I 274
Arnold, Matthew XX 18
Arnold, Life of Thomas X 260
Astronomy, Outlines of XV 146
Atala II 224
Atta Troll XVII 50
Aucassin and Nicolette I 79
Auerbach, Berthold I 93
Augustine, Saint IX 24; XIII 29
Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) XIII 307
Aurora Leigh XVI 144
Austen, Jane I 109 seq.
Authority of Scripture, The XIII 129
Autobiography of Alexander Carlyle IX 91
Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini IX 120
—— of Benjamin Franklin IX 247
—— of Flavius Josephus X 61
Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, The XX 181
Bacon, Francis XIII 321
Bagehot, Walter XII 88
Bailey, Philip James XVI 86
Baker, Sir Samuel XIX 1
Balzac, Honoré de I 188 seq.
Barber of Seville, The XVI 101
Barchester Towers VIII 233
Barnaby Rudge III 53
Baxter, Richard XIII 37
Beaconsfield, Earl of: see Disraeli, Benjamin
Beaumarchais, P.A. Caron de XVI 101 seq.
Beaumont and Fletcher XVI 133
Beckford, William I 244
Behn, Aphra I 255
Belinda IV 13
Bellamy, Edward XIV 173
Bentham, Jeremy XIV 186
Bérénice XVIII 106
Bergerac, Cyrano de I 265
Berkeley, George XIII 329
Bernard, Life of Saint X 135
Betrothed, The VI 169
Beyle, Henri: see Stendhal
Bible in Spain, The XIX 22
Biographia Literaria IX 166
Biology, Principles of XIV 133
Birds, The XVI 64
Björnson, Björnstjerne I 274 seq.
Black, William I 300
Black Prophet, The II 164
—— Tulip, The III 281