Blackmore, R. D. I 313
Bleak House III 66
Bloch, Jean XIV 199
Blot in the 'Scutcheon, A XVI 154
Boccaccio, Giovanni I 327
Book of the Dead XIII 47
Borrow, George II 1 seq.; XIX 13 seq.
Bothwell IV 301
Braddon, M. E. II 27
Bradley, Edward ("Cuthbert Bede") II 41
Brahmanism, Books of XIII 59
Bramwell, John Milne XV 1
Brandes, George XX 31
Brewster, Sir Davis IX 66
Brontë, Charlotte II 54 seq.;
"Life of" IX 259
Brontë, Emily II 97
Browne, Sir Thomas XIII 66
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett XVI 144
Browning, Robert XVI 154 seq.
Bruce, James XIX 47
Buchanan, Robert II 111
Buckle, Henry XII 76
Buffon, Comte de XV 12
Bunyan, John II 124 seq.; IX 79
Burckhardt, John Lewis XIX 57
Burke, Edmund XIV 212
Burney, Fanny II 150
Burns, Life of Robert X 86
Burton, Robert XX 41
Burton, Sir Richard XIX 67
Butler, Samuel XVI 177
Butler, Sir William XIX79 seq.
Byron, Lord XVI 188 seq.;
"Life of" X 122
Cæsar, Julius XI 144
Calderon de la Barca XVI 206
Caleb Williams IV 241
Caliph Vathek, History of I 244
Called Back II 274
Calvin, John XIII 75
Canterbury Tales, The XVI 226
Capitaclass="underline" A Critical Analysis XIV 282
Captain's Daughter, The VII 42
Captain Singleton III 41
Carleton, William II 164
Carlyle, Alexander IX 91
Carlyle, Thomas IX 99; XII 147; XII 188; XX 50 seq.
Carmen VI 239
Carroll, Lewis II 176
Castle of Otranto VIII 303
—— Rackrent IV 21
Catiline, Conspiracy of XI 168
Cato: A Tragedy XVI 1
Catullus, Gaius Valerius XVI 219
Cellini, Benvenuto IX 120
Cellular Pathology XV 292
Cervantes, Miguel II 198
Chambers, Robert XV 22
Chamisso, Adalbert Von II 212
Characters XX 193
Charles XII, History of XII 280
—— O'Malley VI 26
Chartreuse of Parma, The VIII 103
Chateaubriand, François René Vicomte de II 224; IX 124
Chaucer, Geoffrey XVI 226
Chemical History of a Candle, The XV 85
—— Philosophy, Elements of XV 64
Chemistry, Animal XV 203
Cherbuliez, Charles Victor II 235
Chesterfield, Earl of IX 144
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage XVI 188
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth X 291
China's Four Books: see Confucianism