Christ, Imitation of XIII 160
Christian Religion, Institution of the XIII 75
Christianity, History of Latin: see Papacy
Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland XI 286
Cicero, Marcus Tullius IX 155; XX 70
Cid, The XVI 267
Citizen of the World, The XX 149
City of Dreadful Night, The XVIII 293
—— of God, The XIII 29
Civilisation in Europe, History of XI 241
Clarendon, Earl of: see Hyde, Edward
Clarissa Harlowe VII 118
Cloister and the Hearth, The VII 92
Cobbett, William XX 78
Cobden, Life of Richard X 144
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor IX 166; XIII 84
Collegians, The V 13
Collins, Wilkie II 249 seq.
Columbus, Life of Christopher X 41
Commentaries on the Gallic War XI 144
Complete Angler, The XX 334
Comte, Auguste XIV 244
Concerning Friendship XX 70
—— the Human Understanding XIV 56
Confessions, My (Count Tolstoy) X 301
—— of Augustine IX 24
—— of an English Opium Eater IX 189
—— of Jean Jacques Rousseau X 190
Confucianism XIII 93
Congreve, William XVI 246 seq.
Coningsby III 227
Conspiracy of Catiline, The XI 168
Consuelo VII 205
Conversations with Eckerman IX 303
——, Imaginary XX 203
Conway, Hugh II 274
Cook, James XIX 100
Cooper, Fenimore II 285 seq.
Corinne VIII 89
Corneille, Pierre XVI 267 seq.
Corsican Brothers, The III 292
Cosmos, A Sketch of the Universe XV 158
Count of Monte Cristo, The III 304
Courtships of (Queen) Elizabeth, The X 13
Cowper, William IX 177; XVI 290
Craik, Mrs. II 312
Cranford IV 215
Creation, Vestiges of XV 22
Crescent and the Cross, The XIX 299
Critique of Practical Reason XIV 34
—— of Pure Reason XIV 24
Croly, George II 324
Cromwell, Letters and Speeches of Oliver IX 99
Cuthbert Bede: see Bradley, Edward
Cuvier, Georges XV 33
Dampier, William XIX 112
Dana, Richard Henry II 335
Dante Alighieri XVI 300 seq.
Darwin, Charles XV 43; XIX 124
Daudet, Alphonse III 1
Daughter of Heth, A I 300
David Copperfield III 79
Da Vinci, Leonardo XX 227
Davy, Sir Humphry XV 64
Dawn of Civilisation, The XI 1
Day, Thomas III 14
Dead Man's Diary, A V 224
Death of the Gods, The VI 227
Decameron, The, or Ten Days' Entertainment I 327
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire XI 174 seq.; XI 229
Deeds and Words X 1
Defoe, Daniel III 26 seq.; XX 90
Democracy in America XX 324
Demosthenes XX 99
De Quincey, Thomas IX 189
Descartes, René XIII 337
Desert, The XIX 201
Dialogues on the System of the World XV 105
Diary of John Evelyn IX 213