—— of Samuel Pepys X 154
Dickens, Charles III 53 seq.
Discourse on Method XIII 337
Discourses and Encheiridion (Epictetus) XIII 358
—— with Himself (M. Aurelius) XIII 307
Discovery of the Source of the Nile XIX 251
Disraeli, Benjamin III 227 seq.
Divine Comedy, The XVI 300 seq.
Doctor in Spite of Himself, The XVII 362
Dombey and Son III 94
Don Juan XVI 197
—— Quixote, Life and Adventures of II 198
Drink VIII 318
Dryden, John XVI 322
Dubois, Félix XIX 136
Dumas, Alexandre (père) III 269 seq.; IX 201 (Memoirs)
Dutch Republic, Rise of the XII 220
Earth, Theory of the XV 170
Ebers, George IV 1
Eckerman, Goethe's Conversations with IX 303
Edgeworth, Maria IV 13 seq.
Education XIV 120
Ancient History XI 1 seq.;
Mediæval History XI 272;
Religion XIII 47
Egyptian Princess, An IV 1
Electricity, Experimental Researches in XV 75
—— and Magnetism, Treatise on XV 227
Elements of Chemical Philosophy XV 64
Eliot, George IV 33 seq.
Eliot, Samuel XII 1
Elizabeth, Queen:
Courtships X 13;
"Life" X 270
Elphinstone, Mountstuart XII 246
Elsie Venner V 87
Emerson, Ralph Waldo XIII 349; XX 109 seq.
Emma I 162
England, History of:
Buckle XII 76;
Freeman XI 298;
Froude XI 315;
Holinshed XI 286;
Macaulay XII 55;
Rebellion (1642) XII 41
English Constitution, The XII 88
——, Letters on the XIX 275
—— Literature, History of XX 298
—— Poets, Lectures on the XX 169
—— Traits XX 109
Eothen XIV 159
Epictetus XIII 358
Epigrams, Epitaphs, and Poems of Martial XVII 295
Erasmus, Desiderius XX 126 seq.
Erckmann-Chatrian IV 97
Essay on Liberty XX 248
—— on Man XVIII 94
Essays in Criticism XX 18
—— in Eugenics XV 111
—— of Montaigne XIV 64
—— Moral and Political XIV 13
Ethics of Aristotle XIII 291
—— of Spinoza XIV 160
Eugene Aram VI 87
Eugénie Grandet I 188
Euripides XVI 336
History of Civilisation in XI 241;
in Middle Ages XI 255;
Literature of XX 158
Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie XVII 241
Evelina II 150
Evelyn, John IX 213
Everyman XVI 348
Every Man in His Humour XVII 195
Evolution of Man, The XV 123
Existence of God, The XIII 117
Experimental Researches in Electricity XV 75
Fables of Æsop XX 10
Familiar Colloquies XX 126
Faraday, Michael XV 75 seq.
Fathers and Sons VIII 245
Faust XVI 362
Faustus, Tragical History of Dr. XVII 282
Felix Holt, The Radical IV 45