Fénelon, de la Mothe XIII 117
Ferdinand and Isabella, Reign of XII 271
Festus: A Poem XVI 86
Feuillet, Octave IV 100
Fielding, Henry IV 122 seq.
Figaro, The Marriage of XVI
File No. 113 IV 192
Finlay, George XII 206
Flammarion, Camille IV 168
Fletcher; See Beaumont and Fletcher
Forel, Auguste XV 95
Forster, John IX 225
Fouqué, de la Motte IV 180
Fox, George, IX 238
Fragments of an Intimate Diary IX 13
France, History of:
Girondists XII 165;
Louis XIV, XII 101;
Modern Régime XII 177;
Old Régime XII 117;
Revolution (Burke) XIV 212, (Carlyle) XII 147, (Mignet) XII 129;
see also (Memoirs, etc.) La Rochefoucauld, Mirabeau, de Staal, de Sévigné, etc.
——, Travels in XIX 327
—— and Italy, Sentimental Journey Through XIX 263
Frankenstein VIII 41
Franklin, Benjamin IX 247
Frederick the Great XII 188
Freeman, Edward A. XI 298
Friendship, Concerning XX 70
Frogs, The XVI 72
Froude, James Anthony XI 315
Future of War, The XIV 199
Gaboriau, Émile IV 192
Galileo Galilei XIII 129; XV 105
Gallic War, Cæsar's Commentaries on the XI 144
Galt, John IV 204
Galton, Sir Francis XV 111
Garden of Allah, The V 73
Gargantua and Pantagruel VII 54
Gaskell, Mrs. IV 215 seq.; IX 259
Geoffry Hamlyn V 306
Geology, Principles of XV
George, Henry XIV 238
Germania XX 286
Germany, On XX 276
Gesta Romanorum XX 140
Gibbon, Edward IX 272 (Memoirs); XI 174 seq.; XI 229
Gil Blas VI 14
Girondists, History of the XII 165
Godwin, William IV 241
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von IV 253 seq.; IX 283 seq.; XVI 362; XVII 1 seq.
Goetz von Berlichingen XVII 1
Gogol, Nicolai XVII 30
Golden Ass, The I 45
Goldsmith, Oliver IV 275 seq.; XVII 39; XX 149
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de IV 289
Götterdämmerung XVIII 336
Grace Abounding IX 79
Grammont, Memoirs of the Count de IX 324
Grant, James IV 301
Gray, Maxwell V 1
Gray, Thomas IX 315
Great Expectations III 106
—— Lone Land, The XIX 79
Greece, History of XI 81 seq.;
(modern) XII 206
Griffin, Gerald V 13
Grote, George XI 122
Guizot, François Pierre Guillame XI 241
Gulliver's Travels VIII 157
Guy Mannering VII 255
Habberton, John V 26
Haeckel, Ernst XV 123