Hajji Baba of Ispahan, The Adventures of VI 276
Hakluyt, Richard XIX 148
Halevy, Ludovic V 38
Hallam, Henry XI 255; XX 158
Hamilton, Anthony IX 324
Hamlet XVIII 170
Handy Andy VI 75
Hard Cash VII 68
—— Times III 118
Harvey, William XV 136
Hawthorne, Nathaniel V 50 seq.; IX 336
Hazlitt, William XX 169
Headlong Hall VII 1
Heart of Midlothian, The VII 267
Heaven and Hell XIII 249
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich XIII 138; XIV 1
Heine, Heinrich XVII 50
Helen's Babies V 26
Henry Masterton V 187
Hereward the Wake V 248
Hernani XVII 110
Herodotus XI 81
Heroes and Hero Worship, On XX 50
Herschel, Sir John XV 146
Hesperus VII 143
Hiawatha, The Song of XVII 250
Hichens, Robert V 73
Hinduism, Books of XIII 150
History, Philosophy of, XIV 1
—— of Philosophy XIV 45
—— of the Caliph Vathek I 244
Hobbes, Thomas XIV 249
Holinshed, Raphael XI 286
Holland: See Dutch Republic and United Netherlands
Holmes, Oliver Wendell V 87; XX 181
Holy Roman Empire, History of XI 229;
see also Papacy
—— War, The II 124
Homer XVII 66 seq.
Horace (Q. Horatius Flaccus) XVII 91
House of the Seven Gables, The V 60
Household of Sir Thomas More, The VI 155
Hudibras XVI 177
Hughes, Thomas V 99 seq.
Hugo, Victor V 122 seq.; X 1; XVII 110 seq.
Humboldt, Alexander Von XV 158
Hume, David XIV 13
Hume, Martin X 13
Hutton, James XV 170
Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon) XII 41
Hypatia V 260
Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory XV 1
Ibsen, Henrik XVII 171 seq.
Idylls of the King XVIII 261
Iliad, The XVII 66
Imaginary Conversations XX 203
Imitation of Christ, The XIII 160
Improvisatore, The I 30
Inchbald, Mrs. (Elizabeth) V 174
India, History of: XII 246;
Religion: see Brahmanism, Hinduism
In God's Way I 287
—— Memoriam XVIII 277
—— Praise of Folly XX 132
Insects, Senses of XV 95
Inspector General, The XVII 30
Institution of the Christian Religion XIII 75
Introduction to the Literature of Europe XX 158
Iphigenia in Tauris XVII 18
Ironmaster, The VI 314
Irving, Washington X 41
It Is Never Too Late To Mend VII 79
Ivanhoe VII 280
James, G. P. R. V 187
Jane Eyre II 54
Jerusalem Delivered XVIII 250
Jesus, Life of XIII 231
History and Antiquities of XI 43 seq.;