Religion (Talmud) XIII 259
John Halifax, Gentleman II 312
Johnson, Samuel V 199;
"Life of" IX 37
Jokai, Maurice V 212
Jonathan Wild IV 133
Jonson, Ben XVII 195
Joseph Andrews IV 143
Joshua Davidson VI 63
Journal of George Fox IX 238
—— of the Plague Year, A XX 90
—— to Stella X 282
—— of a Tour to the Hebrides XIX 37
—— of John Wesley X 327
—— of John Woolman X 341
Journey Round My Room, A VI 136
Juvenal XVII 207
Kant, Immanuel XIV 24 seq.
Kempis, Thomas à XIII 160
Kenilworth VII 293
Kernahan, Coulson V 224
King Amuses Himself, The XVII 145
—— of the Mountains, The I 1
Kinglake, A. W. XIX 159
Kingsley, Charles V 236 seq.
——, Henry V 306
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb XVII 217
Knights, The XVI 79
Koran, The XIII 169
La Bruyère XX 193
Lady Audley's Secret II 27
—— of the Lake, The XVIII 160
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste XV 179
Lamartine, A. M. L. de XII 165
Lamb, Charles and Mary XVIII 170
Landor, Walter Savage XX 203
Lane-Poole, Stanley XI 272
Laocoon XX 239
La Rochefoucauld, François Duc de X 203 (Memoirs); XX 215
Last of the Barons, The VI 113
—— of the Mohicans, The II 285
—— Days of Pompeii, The VI 99
Lavater, Johann XV 191
Lavengro II 1
Laws, The Spirit of XIV 306
Layard, Austen Henry XIX 171
Lazarillo de Tormes VI 217
Lectures on the English Poets XX 169
Le Fanu, Sheridan VI 1
Legend of the Ages, The XVII 159
Legislation, Principles of Morals and XIV 186
Leonardo da Vinci XX 227
Le Sage, René VI 14
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim XVII 226; XX 239
Letters of Abélard and Héloïse IX 1
—— of Cicero IX 155
—— on the English XIX 275
—— of Thomas Gray IX 315
—— to His Son, Lord Chesterfield's IX 144
—— of Pliny the Younger X 166
—— to a Provincial XIII 209
—— of Mme. de Sévigné X 216
—— Written in the Years 1782–86 IX 177
—— to Zelter IX 283
—— and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, Carlyle's IX 99
Lever, Charles VI 26 seq.
Leviathan, The XIV 249
Lewes, George Henry XIV 45
Lewes, M. G. VI 51
Liar, The XVI 279
Liberty, Essay on XX 248
Liebig, Justus Von XV 203
Life, Prolongation of XV 246
Life of Thomas Arnold X 260
—— of Saint Bernard X 135
—— of Robert Burns X 86
—— of Charlotte Brontë IX 259
—— of Lord Byron X 122