—— from Beyond the Grave IX 134
—— of the Count de Grammont IX 324
—— of the Duc De La Rochefoucauld X 203
—— of Edward Gibbon IX 272
—— of Mirabeau X 111
—— of Mme. de Staal X 238
Men, Representative XX 118;
see also Plutarch, etc.
Mendoza, Diego de VI 217
Merchant of Venice XVIII 186
Merejkowski, Dmitri VI 227
Mérimée, Prosper VI 239
Messiah, The XVII 217
Metamorphoses XVIII 64
Metchnikoff, Elie XV 238 seq.
Mexico, History of the Conquest of XII 19
Middle Ages: History, see Vol XI
——, Gesta Romanorum: A Story-book of the XX 140
Midshipman Easy, Mr. VI 181
Midsummer Night's Dream, A XVIII 196
Mignet, François XII 129
Mill, John Stuart XIV 294; XX 248
Mill on the Floss, The IV 85
Miller, Hugh XV 255
Milton, John XVII 319; XX 257
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Comte de X 111
Misanthrope, The XVIII 1
Misérables, Les V 122
Missionary Travels and Researches XIX 191
Mitford, Mary Russell VI 251
Modern Régime XII 177
Moir, David VI 262
Molière XVII 362; XVIII 1 seq.
Mommsen, Theodor XI 215
Montaigne XIV 64
Monte Cristo, The Count of III 304
Montesquieu XIV 306
Moore, Thomas X 122
Moral Maxims, Reflections and XX 215
Morals and Legislation, Principles of XIV 186
More, Sir Thomas XIV 315;
"Household of" VI 155
Morier, James VI 276
Morison, J. A. C. X 135
Morley, John X 144
Morte D'Arthur VI 145
Motley, John Lothrop XII 220 seq.
Mourning Bride, The XVI 246
Murray, David Christie VI 288
My Confession (Tolstoy) X 301
Mysteries of Paris, The VIII 143
Nathan the Wise XVII 226
Natural History XV 12
Nature XIII 349
—— of Man XV 238
—— of Things, On the XVII 261
Nelson, Life of X 226
Nest of Nobles, A VIII 259
Never Too Late to Mend VII 79
New Héloïse, The VII 176
—— Voyage Around the World, A XIX 112
—— Way to Pay Old Debts, A XVII 305
Newcomes, The VIII 169
Newman, Cardinal XIII 185
Newton, Sir Isaac XV 267
Nibelungenlied XVIII 38;
see also Wagner (Nibelungen Ring)
Nicholas Nickleby III 154
Nightmare Abbey VII 15
Nineveh and Its Remains XIX 171
No Name II 249
Norman Conquest of England. The XI 298
Norris, Frank VI 301
Northanger Abbey I 138
Notre Dame de Paris V 133
Odes of Horace XVI 102
—— of Pindar XVIII 75
Odyssey, The XVII 78
Ohnet, Georges VI 314