Principall Navigations, The XIV 148
Principia XV 267
Principles of Biology XIV 133
—— of Geology, The XV 215
—— of Human Knowledge XIII 329
—— of Morals and Legislation XIV 186
—— of Political Economy XIV 294
—— of Sociology XIV 145
Progress and Poverty XIV 238
Prolongation of Life XV 246
Prometheus Bound XVI 38
Purgatorio XVI 307
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyvitch VII 42
Quentin Durward VIII 1
Quest of the Absolute, The I 227
Rabelais, François VII 54
Racine, Jean XVIII 106
Ranke, Leopold Von XII 301
Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia V 199
Ravenshoe V 319
Reade, Charles VII 68 seq.
Reflections and Moral Maxims XX 215
—— on the Revolution in France XIV 212
Religio Medici XIII 66
Renan, Ernest XIII 231
Renée Mauperin IV 289
Representative Men XX 118
Republic, Plato's XIV 84
Revolt of Islam, The XVIII 214
Rheingold XVIII 305
Richardson, Samuel VII 106 seq.
Richelieu, Cardinal X 178
Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich VII 143 seq.
Rights of Man, The XIV 324
Robinson Crusoe III 26
Rob Roy VIII 13
Rochefoucauld: See La Rochefoucauld
Roderick Random VIII 64
Romance of a Poor Young Man IV 110
Romance of the Rose XVIII 117
Romany Rye, The II 13
Rome, History of XI 144 seq.
Romeo and Juliet XVIII 203
Romola IV 58
Rossegger, Peter VII 165
Rousseau, Jean Jacques VII 176; X 190 (Confessions); XIV 337
Russia Under Peter the Great XII 259
Ruy Blas XVII 134
Saint Pierre, Bernardin de VII 192; XIX 241
Saints' Everlasting Rest, The XIII 37
Salathiel, or Tarry Thou Till I Come II 324
Sallust, Caius Crispus XI 168
Samson Agonistes XVII 349
Samuel Brohl and Company II 235
Sand, George VII 205 seq.
Sandford and Merton III 14
Sartor Resartus XX 61
Satires of Juvenal XVII 207
—— of Horace XVI 91
——: see also Erasmus, Goldsmith, etc.
Savonarola, Life of Girolamo X 312
Scarlet Letter, The V 50
Schiller, Friedrich Von XVIII 129;
"Life of" IX 111
Schliemann, Heinrich XI 132
School for Scandal, The XVIII 226
—— for Wives, The XVIII 14
Schopenhauer, Arthur XIV 99
Scott, Michael VII 229
Scott, Sir Walter VII 241 seq.; VIII 1 seq.; XVIII 147 seq.;
"Life of" X 70
Scottish Chiefs, The VII 28
Seneca, L. Annaeus XIV 109
Sense and Sensibility I 109
Senses of Insects, The XV 95
Sentimental Journey through France and Italy XIX 263
Sévigné, Mme. de X 216
Shadow of the Sword, The II 111