Shakespeare, William XVIII 170 seq.
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft VIII 41
Shelley, Percy Bysshe XVIII 214
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley XVIII 226
She Stoops to Conquer XVII 39
Shirley II 71
Sidney, Sir Philip VIII 54
Siegfried XVIII 327
Silas Marner IV 73
Silence of Dean Maitland, The V 1
Simple Story, A V 174
Sir Charles Grandison VII 130
Smith, Adam XIV 350
Smoke VIII 272
Smollett, Tobias VIII 64 seq.
Social Contract, The XIV 337
Sociology, Principles of XIV 145
Socrates, Apology or Defence of XIV 75
Some Fruits of Solitude XIII 222
Sophocles XVIII 237
Sorrows of Young Werther IV 253
Southey, Robert X 226
Spain: (Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella) XII 271
Spectator, The XX 1
Speke, John Hanning XIX 251
Spencer, Herbert XIV 120 seq.
Spinoza, Benedict de XIV 160
Spirit of Laws, The XIV 306
Spy, The II 297
Staal, Mme. de X 238
Staël, Mme. de VIII 89; XX 276
Stanhope, Earl X 248
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn X 260
Stendhal (Henri Beyle) VIII 103
Sterne, Laurence VIII 117; XIX 263
Stowe, Harriet Beecher VIII 130
Stafford XVI 165
Strickland, Agnes X 270
Struggle of the Nations, The XI 20
Sue, Eugène VIII 143
Surface of the Globe, The XV 33
Sweden (History of Charles XII) XII 280
Swedenborg, Emanuel XIII 249
Swift, Jonathan VIII 157; X 282
Sybil, or The Two Nations III 243
Table Talk by Martin Luther X 102
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius XI 156; XX 286
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe XII 177; XX 298
Tale of Two Cities III 213
Tales from Shakespeare XVIII 170
Talisman, The VIII 25
Talmud, The XIII 259
Tancred III 256
Tartarin of Tarascon III 1
Tartuffe XVIII 29
Task, The XVI 290
Tasso, Torquato XVIII 250
Tennyson, Alfred Lord XVIII 261 seq.
Thackeray, William Makepeace VIII 169 seq.
Theory of the Earth XV 170
Thomson, James XVIII 293
Thoreau, Henry David XX 312
Three Musketeers, The III 316
Thucydides XI 95
Timar's Two Worlds V 212
Timbuctoo the Mysterious XIX 136
Titan VII 152
Tocqueville, De XII 117; XX 324
Toilers of the Sea, The V 146
Tolstoy, Count VIII 205; X 291 seq. (Confession, etc.)
Tom Brown's Schooldays V 99
Tom Brown at Oxford V 110
—— Burke of Ours VI 39
—— Cringle's Log VII 229
—— Jones IV 155
Tour in Lapland, A XIX 181
Tower of London I 17
Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, The XVII