Travels on the Amazon XIX 285
—— to Discover the Source of the Nile XIX 47
Travels in France XIX 327
—— in the Interior of Africa XIX 219
—— of Marco Polo XIX 229
—— in Nubia XIX 57
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, A XV 227
—— on Painting XX 227
Tristram Shandy VIII 117
Trollope, Anthony VIII 221 seq.
Troy and Its Remains XI 32
Turgenev, Ivan VIII 245 seq.
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea VIII 287
—— Years After III 331
Two Years Ago V 270
—— before the Mast II 335
Uncle Silas VI 1
—— Tom's Cabin VIII 130
Under Two Flags VI 326
Undine IV 180
United Netherlands, History of the XII 234
—— States, History of XII 1;
see also America
Urania IV 168
Utopia: Nowhereland XIV 315
Valkyrie XVIII 316
Vanity Fair VIII 192
Venice Preserved XVIII 48
Verne, Jules VIII 287
Vertebrates, Anatomy of XV 280
Vestiges of Creation XV 22
Vicar of Wakefield, The IV 175
View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages XI 155
Villari, Pasquale X 312
Villette II 83
Vinci, Leonardo da XX 227
Virchow, Rudolf XV 292
Virginians, The VIII 181
Voltaire XII 101; XII 259; XII 280; XIX 275
Von Ranke: see Ranke, Von
Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, The XIX 124
—— to the Isle of France XIX 241
Voyage to the Moon, A I 265
—— and Travel XIX 210
Voyages Round the World XIX 100
Wagner, Wilhelm Richard XVIII 305 seq.
Walden XX 312
Wallace, Alfred Russell XIX 285
Walpole, Horace VIII 303
Walton, Isaak XX 334
Wanderings in South America XIX 313
War, The Future of XIV 199
Warburton, Eliot XIX 299
Warden, The VIII 221
Wars of the Jews XI 55
Washington, Life of George X 51
Water-Babies V 282
Waterloo IV 97
Waterton, Charles XIX 313
Way of the World, The VI 288
—— —— —— ——, The XVI 253
Wealth of Nations, The XIV 350
Werther, Sorrows of Young IV 253
Wesley, John X 327
Westward Ho! V 294
Wild North Land, The XIX 89
—— Wales XIX 13
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship IV 263
William Tell XVIII 129
Woman in White, The II 262
Woolman, John X 341
World as Will and Idea, The XIV 99
Wuthering Heights II 97
Xenophon XI 110
Young, Arthur XIX 327
Zelter, Goethe's Letters to IX 283
Zola, Émile VIII 318
Zoological Philosophy XV 179
Zoroastrianism XIII 76
Transcriber's Notes