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Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 53, 95, 158, 301

Everett, Daniel, 176–77, 188, 194–95, 197, 198, 444 table, 479

executive control, multilingualism and, 388–89, 391

exogamy, 43, 76, 291

linguistic, 384, 385

Explorations into Highland New Guinea (Leahy), 58

Eyak language, 397, 408, plate 47

famines. See food scarcity

farming, 7, 10, 19, 303–6

See also food production

farming societies, 14, 15, 16, 348, 353

aggregation and dispersal cycles, 315–16

children in, 180, 194, 195, 198

elder authority, 229, 230

food sharing and storage, 301, 309 table, 311

infectious diseases, 295

language diversity, 379, 380–81

war in, 139, 156

See also specific groups

Faroese language, 401

fathers, 178, 186–87

Fayu people, 26 fig., 133, 279 table, 297–98, 480–81

warfare, 132, 133, 134, 165

feasting, 137, 291, 303, plates 26, 27

feuds, 89, 95–96, 129–30, 131

fighting, 95, 138, 286, 289, 290

See also violence; warfare

Fiji, 151, 210

Finland, 162–63, 421, 427

First Contact (Connolly and Anderson), 57, 58

first contacts, 56–59, 263, 480–81, plate 29

with New Guineans, 2, 57–59, 119, plates 30, 31

fish, electricity-producing, 334–36


disputes over, 93

trade in, 68–69 table, 70, 71, 72

food acquisition, 10, 187, 203, 205, 218, 278, 282–84

See also hunting

food availability

burdensome elders and, 214, 217

fluctuations in, 299, 300–303, 307–8

gluttony and, 443–44, 444 table

language diversity and, 379

thrifty-gene hypothesis, 442–47

warfare and, 150–51, 160

weaning and, 180

See also food scarcity

food production

political organization and, 16, 19, 356

population size/density and, 10, 12, 13, 19

See also farming

food scarcity, 277, 298–316, 445

aggregation and dispersal and, 310, 315–16

diabetes and the thrifty-gene hypothesis, 442–49

diet broadening, 310, 313–15

field scattering and, 303–6

food sharing mechanisms, 300–303

infanticide and, 177

infectious diseases and, 292

malnourishment and starvation, 292, 298–300, 308

seasonal fluctuations, 307–8

storage and preservation methods, 300, 309 table, 310–13, 416

food taboos, 227–28

foraging. See food acquisition

Fore language, 7, 273, 274

Fore people, 16, 26 fig., 94–95, 271–72, 273–74, 300

France and the French, 140, 146–47, 156, 319

Breton language, 399, 465

Frazer, James, 327 table

French language, 381, 401

in Canada, 375, 403, 404, 409

Freud, Sigmund, 175

friendship, 49, 51–53

Frisian language, 404, 408–9

functional change, 334–36

of religion, 344–45, 367–68, 367 fig.

gambling, 350

Gammage, Bill, 58

Ganesan, A., 441

garden farmers, 14

See also Dani people; Machiguenga Indians; New Guinea and New Guinean peoples

Gardner, Robert, 120

Geertz, Clifford, 328 table

Geimer, Samantha, 110

genetic factors

diabetes, 431–32, 434, 436–37, 441–49

elder treatment, 212–13

in evolution, 333–34

hypertension, 421–22, 424–25

in warfare, 155–57

geographic knowledge, 29, 54–56, 75


language diversity and, 376–82

See also environmental conditions

German language, 373, 375

Germany, 156

before World War II, 102, 130, 161, 165

infant and child care, 190–91, 193

military technology, 142

Talheim pit burial, 134–35

war mortality, 139–40, 319

gift-giving, 61, 62, 65–67, 94

gluttony, 444, 445, plate 27

Goetz, Bernhard, 107

Goland, Carol, 304, 305–6

Goldman, Ron, 112

Goodale, Jane, 91, 216, 284

gossip, 274

government. See political organization; states

Grady, Mark, 107–8

grandparents, 187, 188, 218, 236–37

See also elders

Great Basin Shoshone Indians, 27 fig., 47–48, 156, 315–16

food storage, 309 table, 310, 311, 315–16

Great Plains Indians, 151, 309 table, 311

See also specific groups

Greenland Inuit, 156, 381

Greenland Norse, 290, 308

Gretzky, Wayne, 270, 283

group affiliation, 16, 49–54, 75–76, 343

language and, 376, 407–8

religions as social groups, 329, 330, 331, 332, 343–44, 363, 368

territoriality and, 43, 45, 47, 50–51

See also enemies; friends; social bonds; strangers

Guarani language, 398

Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 19

Gwembe Tonga farmers, 314

Hadza people, 26 fig., 188, 200, 218, plates 5, 21

Haitian revolution, 138

Handwerker, W. Penn, 347

Harvard Baliem Valley expedition, 119–20, 122, 132, 153

Harvard investments, 307, plate 45

head-hunting, 151, 158–59

healers (shamans), 297–98, 339, 348, 355–56

health, 24, 31–32, 410–51

Alzheimer’s disease, 392–95

of elders, 231

infections, 281–82

learning from traditional societies, 414, 462, 465

See also diabetes; disease(s); hypertension; mortality

Hebrews, ancient, 229, 230

Heider, Karl, 59, 120, 127, 203

Heine, Steven, 8

Henrich, Joseph, 8

herding societies, 15, 16, 19

children in, 194, 195–96, 198

elders in, 229, 230

food and food storage, 301, 309 table, 311

See also specific groups

hermits, 330, 353

Hewlett, Bonnie, 456

high blood pressure. See hypertension

Hill, Kim, 178

See also Ache Indians

Hindi, 372

hippopotamus, 280

Holmberg, Allan, 60, 179, 215, 297, 444 table

Hopi Indians, 214

horses, 158

Howell, Nancy, 178–79, 212, 287, 288

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 191

Huangdi neijing suwen, 418

hunter-gatherer societies, 7, 353

breast-feeding and birth intervals, 179–81, 182–83

child autonomy, 196–200

child care, 187–88

child punishment, 194–95

egalitarianism, 13, 14, 197, 198

food acquisition and scarcity, 187, 301, 309 table, 315–16

infant-parent contact, 181–82, 184

information sources and quality, 478

multi-age playgroups, 201–2

political organization and, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17–18