Dinka raids, 44, 137, 139, 146, 158, 165
dispute resolution, 95–96, 103
food scarcity and storage, 301, 308, 309 table
map, 26 fig.
Oakley, Wilfrid, 429
obesity, 4, 417, 428, plate 27
diabetes and, 430, 432, 433, 434
Nauru Islanders, 436
Pima Indians, 435
thrifty-gene hypothesis, 442–47
Okavango Delta, 188, 199
Okinawan languages, 399
old age, 30, 211
See also elders
Omaha Indians, 215, 228
oral histories and reconstruction, 478–80
O’Reilly, Patty, 113
origin myths, 323–24, 345, 346
ostracism, 93–94
Owens Valley Shoshone Indians, 42, 44
Pacific Islanders, 309 table, 311, 313, 446
See also specific islands and peoples
Pacific Northwest Indians. See Northwest Coast Indians
Paleolithic art, 340, plate 25
Paleolithic diet, 414, 433
Papua New Guinea, 2, 5
accidental death story, 79–86, 89
diabetes rates, 411, 439 table
state justice, 79–80, 98
violence, 289
See also New Guinea
Paraguay, 290, 398
parasitic diseases, 292, 293, 412
Parson, Talcott, 328 table
patriarchal families, 222, 229
patrilocal households, 166–67, 222–23, 291
peace, 147–49, 155–56, 403–4
See also warfare
peaceful dispute resolution. See state justice systems; traditional dispute resolution
personal relationships. See social bonds
Peru, field scattering in, 304–6, 338–39
language loss in, 396
See also Agta people
Piaget, Jean, 174–75
pigs, disputes over, 157, 158
Pima Indians, 434–35, 439 table, 445–46
Pinker, Steven, 139
Piraha Indians, 27 fig., 202, 297, 479, plate 11
children, 176–77, 181, 188, 194–95, 197, 198
dispute resolution, 93–94
gluttony, 444 table
plants and plant foods, 19, 297, 313–14, 315, 415
See also farming; food entries
Plato, 352
play, 91, 202–6, 208, plates 19, 20
child autonomy and, 198–200
dangerous play, 173–74, 198
multi-age groups, 200–202
toys, 204–5, plates 17, 18
Polanski, Roman, 110
political leadership, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 219
violence suppression and, 97–99, 115, 148
political organization, 14–18
food scarcity and, 300
geographic variations, 18–19
language diversity and, 379–80, 400
population size/density and, 10–11, 14–18, 19, 356, 380
religion and, 347–48, 353–54, 355–57, 367 fig., 368
territoriality and, 44
warfare and, 141, 356–57
See also chiefdoms; states
Polynesian peoples. See Pacific Islanders; specific islands and groups
population size and density
decision-making and, 13, 15, 356
food and, 10, 13, 19
geographic knowledge and, 55–56
infectious diseases and, 294–96
language diversity and, 378, 379
political organization and, 10–11, 14–18, 19, 356, 380
religion and, 356–57, 364
social stratification and, 13
stranger encounters and, 50
territoriality and, 43, 44, 45
violence and, 287–88, 291
warfare and, 130–31, 141, 156, 161–63
Portolá expedition, 133
Portugal, salt intake in, 421, 427
Portuguese language, 372, 373, 401
bilingualism and, 387, 406
diabetes and, 433, 440, 441
religious affiliation and, 354, 368
power relationships, 116–17, 166, 194, 198
elder authority, 227–31
prayer and ritual, 331, 339, 346–47, 348–51, 356
prisoners of war, 141, 146, 158–59
privacy, 202, 224–25
property rights of elders, 31
psychological development, 180–81, 189–90, 192, 208–9
Pume Indians, plates 19, 22
of children, 192–96, 208
criminal punishment, 109–10, 118, 167
Pygmies, 15, 18, 156, 273, 315, plate 8
children, 181, 187, 188, 191
elders, 214
environmental hazards, 278, 279 table, 280
language loss, 396
map, 26 fig.
trade, 66, 68 table, 70, 72
See also Aka Pygmies; Mbuti Pygmies
Quechua language, 401
raiding, 166
!Kung people, 151–52, 287
Nuer people, 44, 137, 141, 158
raw materials, trade in, 68–69 table, 69, 71–72
reciprocity, 45, 46–47, 74–75, 91–92, 302–3
reciprocal gift-giving, 61, 62, 65–67
state justice systems and, 88, 99, 105, 111–14, 118, 466
in traditional dispute resolution, 29, 83–84, 88–90, 103, 105, 111–12, 116
redistributive economies, 16–17
relationships. See social bonds
religion(s), 25, 31, 323–68
antiquity of, 340, plate 25
anxiety defusion function, 346–51, 367 fig., 368
chiefs and kings as gods, 16, 356
comfort provision function, 351–55, 367 fig., 368
definitions of, 326–32, 327–28 table, 368
demonstrations of commitment to, 325, 329, 330–31, 343–44, 361–63, 366
explanation function, 329, 345–46, 367 fig., 368
functional change over time, 344–45, 367–68, 367 fig.
future of, 368
human cognition and, 336–40, 355
learning from traditional societies, 464–65
moral codes and, 329, 353, 357–59, 367 fig., 368
origin myths, 323–24, 345, 346
origins and development of, 324, 332–36
overview, 323–26
political obedience and, 356–57, 359, 361, 367 fig., 368
political organization and, 347–48, 353–54, 355–57, 367 fig., 368
poverty and, 354, 368
science and, 346, 348, 350, 368
social costs and benefits of, 325, 326, 333, 362, 363
as social groups/movements, 329, 330, 331, 332, 343–44, 363, 368
standardized organization, 355–56, 367 fig., 368
success and expansion of, 21–22, 363–66
war and, 356–57, 359–61, 366, 367 fig., 368
See also supernatural beliefs; specific religions
religious fanaticism, 360, 361
Rennell Islanders, 219–20, 237–38, 313–14
restorative justice, 88, 99, 111–14, 168, 466
See also reconciliation
Retief, Piet, 137
retirement, 223–24, 234–35, 239
criminal punishment as, 110–11
revenge killings, 84–85, 95, 271–72, 289–90
state prevention of, 98–99, 107, 109, 167–68
in traditional societies, 84–85, 87, 143, 147, 157