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The search for causal explanations

From which human attributes might religion similarly have arisen as a by-product? A plausible view is that it was a by-product of our brain’s increasingly sophisticated ability to deduce cause, agency, and intent, to anticipate dangers, and thereby to formulate causal explanations of predictive value that helped us survive. Of course animals also have brains and can thereby deduce some intent. For instance, a Barn Owl detecting a mouse by sound in complete darkness can hear the mouse’s footsteps, calculate the mouse’s direction and speed, thereby deduce the mouse’s intent to continue running in that direction at that speed, and pounce at just the correct time and place to intersect the mouse’s path and capture the mouse. But animals, even our closest relatives, have far less reasoning ability than do humans. For example, to the African monkeys known as vervet monkeys, ground-dwelling pythons are major predators. The monkeys have a special alarm call that they give at the sight of a python, and they know enough to jump up into a tree if warned by the python alarm call of another monkey nearby. Astonishingly to us, though, those smart monkeys don’t associate the sight of the python’s track in the grass with the danger that a python may be nearby. Contrast those weak reasoning abilities of monkeys with the abilities of us humans: we have been honed by natural selection for our brains to extract maximum information from trivial cues, and for our language to convey that information precisely, even at the inevitable risk of frequent wrong inferences.

For instance, we routinely attribute agency to other people besides ourselves. We understand that other people have intentions like ourselves, and that individuals vary. Hence we devote much of our daily brain activity to understanding other individual people and to monitoring signs from them (such as their facial expressions, tone of voice, and what they do or don’t say or do), in order to predict what some particular individual may do next, and to figure out how we can influence her to behave in a way that we want. We similarly attribute agency to animals: !Kung hunters approaching a prey carcass on which lions are already feeding look at the lions’ bellies and behavior to deduce whether the lions are sated and will let themselves be driven off, or whether they are still hungry and will stand their ground. We attribute agency to ourselves: we notice that our own actions have consequences, and if we see that behaving in one way brings success and another doesn’t, we learn to repeat the action associated with success. Our brain’s ability to discover such causal explanations is the major reason for our success as a species. That’s why, by 12,000 years ago, before we had agriculture or metal or writing and were still hunter-gatherers, we already had by far the widest distribution of any mammal species, spread from the Arctic to the equator over all of the continents except Antarctica.

We keep trying out causal explanations. Some of our traditional explanations made the right predictions for reasons that later proved to be scientifically correct; some made the right predictions for the wrong reason (e.g., “avoid eating that particular fish species because of a taboo,” without understanding the role of poisonous chemicals in the fish); and some explanations made wrong predictions. For example, hunter-gatherers overgeneralize agency and extend it to other things that can move besides humans and animals, such as rivers and the sun and moon. Traditional peoples often believe those moving inanimate objects to be, or to be propelled by, living beings. They may also attribute agency to non-moving things, such as flowers, a mountain, or a rock. Today we label that as belief in the supernatural, distinct from the natural, but traditional peoples often don’t make that distinction. Instead, they come up with causal explanations whose predictive value they observe: their theory that the sun (or a god carrying the sun in his chariot) marches daily across the sky fits the observed facts. They don’t have independent knowledge of astronomy to convince them that belief in the sun as an animate agent is a supernatural error. That isn’t silly thinking on their part: it’s a logical extension of their thinking about undoubtedly natural things.

Thus, one form in which our search for causal explanations overgeneralizes and leads straightforwardly to what today we would term supernatural beliefs consists of attributing agency to plants and non-living things. Another form is our search for consequences of our own behavior. A farmer wonders what he did differently this time to cause a formerly high-yielding field to have a poor yield this year, and Kaulong hunters wonder what a particular hunter did to cause him to fall into a hidden sinkhole in the forest. Like other traditional peoples, the farmers and the hunters rack their brains for explanations. Some of their explanations we now know to be scientifically correct, while others we now consider to be unscientific taboos. For instance, Andean peasant farmers who don’t understand coefficients of variation nevertheless scatter their crops among 8 to 22 fields (Chapter 8); they may traditionally have prayed to the rain gods; and Kaulong hunters are careful not to call out the names of cave bats while hunting bats in areas with sinkholes. We have now become convinced that field scattering is a scientifically valid method to ensure yields above some minimum value, and that prayers to rain gods and taboos on calling bat names are scientifically invalid religious superstitions, but that’s the wisdom of hindsight. To the farmers and hunters themselves, there isn’t a distinction between valid science and religious superstition.

Another arena for over-pursuit of causal explanations is theories of illness. If someone gets sick, the victim and her friends and relatives search for an explanation of the illness just as they would for any other important happening. Was it due to something that the sick person did (e.g., drinking from a certain water source), or neglected to do (e.g., washing her hands before eating, or asking a spirit for help)? Was it because of something that someone else did (e.g., another sick person sneezing on her, or a sorcerer working magic on her)? Like traditional people, we First World citizens in the era of scientific medicine continue to seek satisfying explanations for illness. We have come to believe that drinking from a certain water source or not washing one’s hands before eating does provide a valid explanation for illness, and that not asking a spirit for help doesn’t. It’s not enough to be told that you got stomach cancer because you inherited variant 211 of the PX2R gene; that’s unsatisfying and leaves you helpless; maybe instead it was because of your diet. Traditional people seek cures for illness, just as we do today when doctors’ cures fail. Often those traditional cures do appear to be beneficial for many possible reasons: most illnesses cure themselves anyway; many traditional plant remedies do prove to have pharmacological value; the shaman’s bedside manner relieves the patient’s fear and may provide a placebo-based cure; assigning a cause to an illness, even if it’s not the right cause, makes the patient feel better by letting him adopt some action rather than waiting helplessly; and if the victim does die, it may mean that he sinned by violating a taboo, or that a powerful sorcerer was responsible who must be identified and killed.

Still another form of our search for causal explanations is to seek explanations for events about which modern science just gives us the unsatisfying answer “It has no explanation, stop trying to find an explanation.” For instance, a central problem in most organized religions is the problem of theodicy, the theme of the book of Job: if a good and omnipotent god exists, then why does evil happen in the world? Traditional peoples, ready to discuss for an hour the explanation of a broken stick in the ground, will surely not fail to discuss why a good person apparently obeying the society’s rules nevertheless became injured, defeated, or killed. Did he break a taboo, or do evil spirits exist, or were the gods angry? People will also surely not fail to try to explain why someone who an hour ago was breathing, moving, and warm is now cold and not breathing or moving, like a stone: is there a part of the person, called a spirit, that has escaped and entered a bird or is now living somewhere else? Today, you might object that those are searches for “meaning” rather than for explanations, and that science provides only explanations, and that you should either turn to religion for meaning or else acknowledge that your thirst for meaning is meaningless. But everybody in the past, and still most people today, want their demand for “meaning” answered.