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"Quite simply. We have a plane with a maximum ceiling of 45,000 feet."

A sound of sharply drawn breaths alone interrupted.

"At a height of 40,000 feet it is already beyond interception by any type of fighter possessed by the United States Air Force, and ground defences are useless. Dr Fu Manchu has completed a radio-controlled torpedo equipped with a proxim-ty fuse. Its explosion releases energy almost identical with that of Riinsen Beam II."

Nayland Smith scribbled rapidly, in shorthand, which he hoped neither of his immediate neighbours understood:

"Bomber attack planned on Fort Knox from 40,000 feet. Fighter patrol at highest ceiling might intercept or at least give warning… "

"Some of the energy would be dispersed, but a considerable quantity of gold could be transmuted to that metal new to metallurgists which my father has named voluminum."

"Madame." The light voice was that of Number Seven. "Is there any substance which is non-conductive of this energy?"

"Only one," came a prompt reply. "Voluminum. A thin coat of voluminum would suffice."

Nayland Smith wrote rapidly: "All gold at Fort Knox must, immediately, be protected by a thin coating of the unknown metal found in those cases which were recently opened. Urgent. Nayland Smith."

There came slight, nervous movement around the table; glances were exchanged. But that compelling voice continued:

"From such a height, accurate observation is impossible. As it is vital that the first attack shall succeed (for when it takes place, the remaining gold will certainly be removed elsewhere), the purpose of this meeting is to select from among ourselves reliable ground observers. They must be near enough to Port Knox to be able to report correctly, by radio, to the attacking plane which will carry four torpedoes. You have all been chosen for your special knowledge and experience. Several amongst you are intimately acquainted with the district Great ingenuity will be called for. Great danger must be incurred. But ground observers are indispensable. A second pilot must also be appointed. I await your suggestions."

Number Four, who had not spoken yet, anticipated everybody. He had fat, white hands and curiously oily tones. "My first suggestion is this: that before we commit ourselves any further, we take steps to make sure that the extraordinary absence of our honoured president and the appearance here of a charming lady none of us knows does not mean that we have all walked into a trap."

The German beside Nayland Smith banged the table and sprang to his feet.

"This is just what I have been wanting to say! All she has told us may be fabrication! Where, I demand, is Dr Fu Man-chu? Who, I demand, is this lady?'* Nayland Smith quietly tore off his shorthand note, folded it neatly on his knees — and by an apparent accident knocked the speaker's wallet off the table.

"Pardon, M'sieu!"

He stooped, slipped his note in amongst a number of papers, and restored the wallet to its place. He was adopting the tactics of the late Selwyn Orson. His own life hung in the balance here, but when the men left Kwang Tsee's premises it was near-certain they would be picked up by the cordon of FBI agents and police surrounding the block.

"I agree," came the English voice, "that we are entitled to ask for a few more particulars."

Mrs van Roorden stood up, slowly, languidly, and faced the German.

"Sol You have the audacity to challenge your president's daughter! You are so great a fool that you think I am the spy in our ranks!" Her glance moved from mask to mask. "Is there no sane man amongst you? Are you so ready to invite the anger of Dr Fu Manchu?"

Nayland Smith's brain was working at top speed. This situation did not suit him. The meeting must adjourn amicably. Any change of plan might ruin everything.

He inhaled a deep breath, wondered if he had chosen the right tack, and spoke stiffly in French.

"Madame — fellow deputies. It chances that (his lady is wrong in supposing that none of us knows her by sight. 7 know Dr Fu Manchu's daughter. You will agree that she cannot unmask before us all. And so I suggest that she and I retire for a few moments so that I may verify my belief that this is indeed the daughter of our honoured president. If it is so, I have means to enable her to convince you."

There was a momentary silence, broken by the German.

"To this I can see no objection. I ask for a show of hands."

All hands were raised.

Nayland Smith bowed to Mrs van Roorden, crossed and held the green drapes aside. They went into the paved passage. A babel of words burst behind them.

They had walked right to the foot of the stairs before the woman halted. There, she turned, impatiently removed the green mask and faced Nayland Smith, a contemptuous smile upon her lips.

"Well, monsieur? You claim to know me. Are you satisfied?"

He was accepted. She spoke in French. He was amazed, as always, vaguely disturbed, by her beauty. Aspasia, Leontium, Faustine must have been such women. He had no idea of her age, had never known what mother bore her; but she was dangerously alluring. Her jade-green eyes had some of the hypnotic quality of her father's, allied to an appeal seductively feminine.

"I have known all along," he replied, continuing in French, which he spoke accurately but awkwardly. "In fact, to provide against misadventure, Madame, I carry a second sealed authority from the president."

He handed her the parchment found in the jade baton.

She glanced at it, then fixed the penetrating gaze of those wonderful eyes upon him.

"You are therefore a high initiate, monsieur. I had not been informed of this. What are the wishes of my honoured father?"

"That you adjourn the meeting, Madame."

He was answered by a smile, at once voluptuous and mocking. She replaced her mask.

"Let us go back."

Excited voices died away as Nayland Smith held the green curtain aside and Fu Manchu's daughter walked slowly to her chair. The five masked men stood up until Nayland Smith had resumed his place, and then:

"Be seated, if you please," the bell voice ordered.

All resumed their seats — except the last speaker. She stood for a moment, a graceful, indolent figure, and then tossed the sealed document across the table to the German.

"My father, who foresees most things, took the precaution of sending a second authority, bearing his seal, by the hand of Deputy Six. When you have satisfied yourself, be good enough to pass it around."

Number Five no more than glanced at the parchment. He stood up, bowed, and gave the Si-Fan salute. Mrs van Roorden resumed her seat, resting one ivory arm across the carved ebony back of her chair as if deliberately to display the beauty of its curves.

The letter passed from hand to hand. One deputy after another rose and gave the Si-Fan salute. When the parchment was returned to the slender hand which had thrown it on the table, Mrs van Roorden stood up again.

"I am adjourning the meeting." Another murmur, in which fear might be detected, swept around the board. "You will await instructions as to time and place of the next. I am instructed to tell you that you leave by another route, to which you will be guided, one by one, and in the order of your arrival. Masks to be worn until you reach the door."

The six men stood up and saluted. Number Three bowed and went out.

Nayland Smith silently repeated those words, "the order of your arrival."

He would be left alone with Fu Manchu's daughter.

* * *

Deputy Commissioner Burke was getting restive; so much so that he had allowed his cigar to go out. He had just begun to growl something when the 'phone in the control car buzzed. Harkness took it up. Listening, he whistled softly, asked several questions and hung up.

"What's moving?"

"The first man to go in has just come out. But he came out of Kwang's store!"