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“Oh!” he said, feigning surprise and lifting me once more off the bed. He held me up so we were eye-to-eye and leveled an appraising gaze my way. “Is this my Gabby? I thought it was an intruder —I found her hiding under the bed with a flashlight.”

“If this is how you handle intruders, I think we’ve got more to worry about than a daughter up past her bedtime.” Mom turned her attention to me. “What on earth were you doing under there, anyway?”

“Reading,” I said.

“Reading,” she echoed, one eyebrow going up.

“Mmm-hmm,” I said. “Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. Almost finished it, too.”

“You hear that, dear?” Dad said. “Our four-year-old was up late reading. Thank God we put a stop to that.”

“She’ll be cranky in the morning,” Mom said.

“You seem pretty cranky now,” he replied, but there was no malice behind it.

Mom once more arched an eyebrow, and said, “I do, do I? Well, then, don’t expect to be staying up past your bedtime with me tonight, mister.”

Dad laughed at that, though I had no idea why. Grown-ups can be so weird sometimes.

“All right, kiddo —time for you to go to bed.”

“But I’m not sleepy!” I replied. As I said it, though, I realized it wasn’t true; a yawn hit me out of nowhere, and I tried my best to stifle it, to no avail.

“Sure you’re not,” he said. “But how ’bout you try anyway, as a favor to your old man.”

He tucked me in and kissed my forehead. Then he headed for the hall, flicking out the bedroom light as he went by. The hall light was still on —that’s how Mom and Dad always left it; that’s the only way I slept. When he reached the doorway, he turned around, silhouetted by the golden hallway light.

“Sleep well, kiddo,” he said, and in that moment, I knew I would.

In that moment, the small, forgotten part of me that was Sam Thornton felt safer than he’d ever felt before.

It didn’t last.

Jesus Christ, did it not last.

Don’t get me wrong —those few moments I spent nestled snug in my bed, the soft glow of the hall light a gentle reassurance that Mom and Dad were just a room away, were second only to the first time I’d laid eyes on my Elizabeth. Before her illness. Before my cursed deal. Before everything I ever cared about was stripped from me, and my life became a literal, unending hell.

But those moments of feeling snug and protected were few indeed —and hell wanted me back.

The first sign this world was slipping from me was the hall light. One moment its calming presence shone like the light of God’s grace, and the next… it was simply gone.

I’m not talking gone like someone flicked it off. I’m talking gone like the very concept of light was torn free from the fabric of reality. Like my room was swallowed whole by some nightmare beast. Like any sense of security I’d been clinging to was ripped from my chest and devoured right in front of me —a feeling amplified by the horrid slavering sounds that seemed to fill the sudden darkness. They crept up on me, first so faint I had to strain to hear them —my body stock still, the covers pulled over my head to keep away the pressing dark —but soon, it was as though they were coming from right beside the bed. And something else was happening, as welclass="underline" the bed seemed to come untethered from gravity, pitching and roiling like a ship on choppy seas. Only instead of the ocean’s roar, what I heard was the wet, wrong sounds of smacking lips and gnashing teeth, and the squeak and crunch of floorboards rending.

Whatever lurked in the darkness was coming closer.

Whatever semblance of sane reality this room represented was flying apart at the seams.

And I experienced it all not as a Collector who’d grown accustomed to such horrors, but through the eyes and mind of a frightened little girl.

At first, I was paralyzed. I couldn’t even bring myself to draw breath. I was too terrified to draw the attention of whatever it was that made those noises in the darkness.

So instead I lay there with the covers over my head willing the room’s vertiginous yawing to stop.

But then I heard it draw a breath, and then another, as if whatever the darkness hid was sampling the air around it —air that no longer smelled of dust and fabric softener and Mom’s pot roast, but instead of rust and rot and death —and the noises intensified. A whisper of motion surrounded me, like when Dad dragged our cooler down to the water’s edge when we went to the beach. Like the scales of a snake scraping across each other as it uncoiled.

The unseen creature was surrounding me.

I mustered whatever steely reserve this little girl contained, and drew the blankets down, uncovering my face. My tiny hands were balled into fists, still clutching the blankets for dear life as my eyes strained against the black. But it was no use. Whatever was out there could’ve been six miles, six feet, six inches from my face, and I wouldn’t have known the difference.

I heard an awful clicking noise that seemed to come from everywhere at once, and the image of a basement in the desert —of a ruined brown-red beak —bubbled to the surface of my mind.

The monster in the dark whispered to me, then. Not a threat, exactly. More like an invitation. It seemed to speak not in language but images, each somehow imbued with a tone of lurid suggestion —of it feasting on my flesh, of it subsuming me, of me joining countless others of the eaten in an eternity of torment, of oneness, of experiencing the beast’s relentless hunger. Those countless others called to me as well, their throaty, lustful whispers assuring me it only hurts a moment, that soon I’ll see how fun it is down down down where they are, all I have to do is let the creature (Abyzou they called her in reverent tones) take me taste me eat me end me and oh how lovely it will be!

Though my mind had once proven closed off to such suggestion, world-weary and guarded as I’d then been, little-girl-me was guileless and unprotected. The desperate pleas of the consumed held me rapt, revulsion and morbid curiosity forcing me to listen —and the more attention I paid them, the more voices joined the chorus. Some begged, some threatened, some cajoled, but all to the same end: to partake of my flesh, my innocence, my life. And as the pressure they exerted on my fragile mind increased, I was horrified to realize I was tempted to give in, if for no other reason than to get them all to stop.

But they wouldn’t stop —I knew they wouldn’t.

And then I remembered my flashlight.

To this day, I don’t know if it was the part of me that was still Sam who forced that thought to the forefront and latched onto it like the life-preserver it was, or if in that moment, I was rescued from oblivion by a little girl. I suspect the latter. Because even if that little girl was nothing more than an echo, the woman she’d become now dead and gone, that little girl still thought she had her life ahead of her —which was more than I could say. And I can’t deny the surge of confidence I felt in the moment I made up my mind to fight —confidence born of faith, of trust, of a belief that in the end, good will triumph and the monsters will slink back empty-handed to their closet lairs. God knows I don’t usually think any such thing. God knows I normally have cause to know better.

I’m just glad I didn’t know any better right then.

I cast the blankets off. Mom’s hospital corners yanked free, and, with a sudden snap of flapping fabric like a flag in a strong wind, the bed linens disappeared into the void. Apparently, whatever was out there didn’t want to afford me the protection those blankets bestowed.

That was fine by me. I wasn’t the one who needed protecting.

The bed pitched and shifted beneath me like a bull trying to buck a rider. My world seemed to spin like a house caught in a tornado. It tied my stomach into knots and made even the simplest movements monumental acts of will. Debris swirled around me —debris that had once made up my room. One by one, the floorboards tore free, disappearing into the oppressive black as my covers had. Bent nails and wood splinters loosed in the process tore at my nightgown, and the tender flesh beneath. My stuffed rabbit, Mr Fluffy, whacked me in the face and caromed away too quick for me to catch. My child-heart felt a pang of sorrow as he was lost to the darkness.