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Nora Anthony, “Them Boys,” Strange Horizons, 11/17.

Eleanor Arnason, “Daisy,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

Julianna Baggott, “Mental Diplodia,” Tor.com, April 11.

________, “The Virtual Swallows of Hog Island,” Tor.com, January 25.

Dale Bailey, “Come As You Are,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, May/June.

________, “Invasion of the Saucer-Men,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, March/April.

Bo Balder, “The Bridgegroom,” Clarkesworld, July.

Tony Ballantyne, “The Human Way,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March/April.

Ashok K. Banker, “A Vortal in Midtown,” Lightspeed, November.

________, “Tongue,” Lightspeed, August.

Dave Bara, “Last Day of Training,” Infinite Stars.

Jessica Barber, “You and Me and the Deep Dark Sea,” Sunvault.

Steven Barnes, “Mozart on the Kalahari,” Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities.

Stephen Baxter, “The Martian in the Wood,” Tor.com, August 2.

________, “Starphone,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, January/February.

Elizabeth Bear, “The King’s Evil,” The Book of Swords.

________, “The Perfect Gun,” Infinity Wars.

Jacey Bedford, “The Horse Head Violin,” Children of a Different Sky.

R. S. Benedict, “Water God’s Dog,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

Gregory Benford, “Elderjoy,” Chasing Shadows.

________, “Shadows of Eternity,” Extrasolar.

M. Bennardo, “Low Bridge! Or The Dark Obstructions,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies 242.

Christopher L. Bennett, “Twilight’s Captives,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/February.

Terry Bisson, “We Regret the Error,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, March/April.

Michael Bishop, “Gale Strang,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, July/August.

Elizabeth Bourne, “Designed For Your Safety,” Welcome to Dystopia.

Richard Bowes, “Some Kind of Wonderland,” Mad Hatters and March Hares.

R. Boyczuk, “The Garden of Eating,” Interzone 273.

Marie Brennan, “The Şiret Mask,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies 238.

Robert Brice, “Conglomerate,” Clarkesworld, April.

David Brin and Tobias S. Buckell, “High Awareness,” Stories in the Stratosphere.

Damien Broderick, “Tao Zero,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, March/April.

Steven Brust, “Playing God,” Shadows and Reflections.

Tobias S. Buckell, “Sundown,” Apex Magazine, June.

Oliver Buckram, “Hollywood Squid,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September/October.

Sue Burke, “Who Won the Battle of Arsia Mons?” Clarkesworld, November.

Octavia Cade, “The Ouroboros Bakery,” Kaleidotrope, Autumn.

Jack Campbell, “Shore Patrol,” Infinite Stars.

Stephen Case, “The Wind’s Departure,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies 242.

Michael Cassutt, “Timewalking,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, November/December.

Robert R. Chase, “The First Rule Is, You Don’t Eat Your Friends,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July/August.

C. J. Cherryh, “Hrunting,” The Book of Swords.

Rob Chilson, “Across the Steaming Sea,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July/August.

Maggie Clark, “Belly Up,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July/August.

C. S. E. Cooney, “Though She Be But Little,” Uncanny 18.

Brenda Cooper, “Blackstart,” Stories in the Stratosphere.

________, “Heroes,” Children of a Different Sky.

________, “Street Life in the Emerald City,” Chasing Shadows.

James S. A. Corey, “Strange Dogs,” Orbit.

Albert E. Cowdrey, “The Avenger,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

Ian Creasey, “After the Atrocity,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, March/April.

________, “And Then They Were Gone,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November/December.

Leah Cypess, “On the Ship,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, May/June.

Don D’Ammassa, “Isn’t Life Great?” Welcome to Dystopia.

Scott Dalrymple, “Marcel Proust, Incorporated,” Lightspeed, June.

Aliette de Bodard, “A Game of Three Generals,” Extrasolar.

________, “At the Crossroads of Shadow and Bone,” Children of a Different Sky.

________, “Children of Thorns, Children of Water,” Uncanny 17.

________, “In Everlasting Wisdom,” Infinity Wars.

________, “First Presentation,” Chasing Shadows.

Craig DeLancey, “Orphans,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November/December.

Samuel R. Delany, “The Hermit of Houston,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September/October.

Malcolm Devlin, “The New Man,” Interzone 270.

Paul Di Filippo, “The Bartered Planet,” Extrasolar.

S. B. Divya, “An Unexpected Boon,” Apex Magazine, November.

________, “Looking Up,” Where the Stars Rise.

Cory Doctorow, “Party Discipline,” Tor.com, August 30.

Terry Dowling, “Come Home,” Extrasolar.

Gardner Dozois, “A Dog’s Story,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

David Drake, “Cadet Cruise,” Infinite Stars.

Brendan DuBois, “Reentry,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November/December.

Andy Dudak, “Cryptic Female Choice,” Interzone 271.

________, “Fool’s Cap,” Clarkesworld, June.

Tananarive Due, “The Reformatory,” Global Dystopias.

Andy Duncan, “Worrity, Worrity,” Mad Hatters and March Hares.

Thoraiya Dyer and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, “The Shallowest Waves,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/February.

Marianne J. Dyson, “Europa’s Survivors,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March/April.

Christopher East, “An Inflexible Truth,” Lightspeed, August.

Scott Edelman, “After the Harvest, Before the Fall,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/February.

________, “How Val Finally Escaped from the Basement,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November/December.

Jonathan Edelstein, “The Shark God’s Child,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies 222.

Greg Egan, “The Discrete Charm of the Turing Machine,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, November/December.