Purdy, James, “Kitty Blue,” Conjunctions 18.
Ragan, Jacie, “What Kind of Cook” (poem), Dreams & Nightmares 39.
Rainey, Mark, “The Grey House, Crypt of Cthulhu St. ]ohn s Eve.
Rainey, Stephen M., “The Herald at Midnight,” Not One of Us 9.
———, “The Last Show at Verdi’s Supper Club,” After Hours 16.
Randal, John W., “Dead Sky Eyes,” Aboriginal SF, winter.
Ransom, Daniel, “Night Cries,” Dracula: Prince of Darkness.
Raymond, Derek, “Changeless Susan, Constable New Crimes I.
Reed, Kit, “The Hall of New Faces,” F&SF, Oct./Nov.
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield, “Tear Down,” Northern Frights.
Reiter, Thomas, “Rootstocks and Cuttings” (poem), The Caribbean Writer, Vol. 6.
Resnick, Mike, “The Revolt of the Sugar Plum Fairies,” After the King.
Reynolds, Alastair, “Digital to Analogue,” In Dreams.
Richerson, Carrie, “A Dying Breed,” F&SF, Oct/Nov.
———, “Apotheosis,” Souls in Pawn.
Rios, Alberto Alvaro, “Susto,” Mid-American Review, Vol XXI, #1.
Rogal, Stan, “Skin Deep,” Glimmer Train 3.
Rowlands, Betty, “Here Comes a Chopper,” EQMM, May.
Royle, Nicholas, “Night Shift Sister,” In Dreams.
———, “Tracks,” Interzone 55.
Russell, Douglas, “The Sorcerer’s Remains,” Weirdbook 27.
Russell, J. S., “Undiscovered Countries,” Still Dead.
Russo, Patricia, “Mirror Images,” Tales of the Unanticipated 10.
Ryan, James, “The Laughing Man,” The Urbanite 2: The Party Issue.
Sallee, Wayne Allen, “Blood from a Turnip,” Dracula: Prince of Darkness.
———, “Every Mother’s Son,” Constable New Crimes 1.
———, “What Would Mamaw Say,” Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion.
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda, “The Oak,” The Goddess Under Siege.
Sampson, Robert, “The Yellow Clay Bowl, Grails.
Saxton, Josephine, “A Strange Sort of Friend,” The Weerde.
Schossau, P. K., “Where Angels Fear,” AHMM, March.
Schow, David J., “Action,” Dark at Heart.
Schweitzer, Darrell & van Hollander, Jason, The Caravan of the Dead, Weirdbook 27.
Sequeira, George W., “Catch Me When You Can—From Hell,” Terror Australis 3. ’
Shepard, Lucius, “Beast of the Heartland,” Playboy, Sept.
Sherman, C. H., “Teacher,” Lovers & Other Monsters.
Shirley, John, “ 'I Want to Get Married!’ Says the World’s Smallest Man,” Midnight Graffiti.
Shockley, W. M., “A Father’s Gift,” IASFM, April.
Simmons, Dan, “Elm Haven, Illinois,” Freak Show.
———, “This Year’s Class Picture,” Still Dead.
Simpson, Helen, “Four Bare Legs in a Bed,” Four Bare Legs in a Bed.
Skipp, John & Spector, Craig, “The Ones You Love,” Still Dead.
Slatton, Diane T., Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, ” Abortion Stories.
Smeds, David, “The Flower That Does Not Wither,” Swords & Sorceresses IX.
Smith, Dean Wesley, “The Blind Poet,” 2am, spring.
Smith, William, “Pawned Teeth,” Dementia 13 #7.
Smyth, George W., “The Man from Madagascar,” Thin Ice XII.
Somtow, S. P., Hunting the Lion,” Weird Tales, spring.
———, “The Steel American,” Grails.
Springer, Nancy, “Damnbanna” (novella), Axolotl Press (chapbook)/F&SF, Dec.
———, “Don't Look Back,” F&SF, Oct/Nov. ’
Stableford, Brian, Salome, The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales.
———,The Innsmouth Heritage.” Necronomicon Press (chapbook).
———, Upon the Gallows-Tree,” Narrow Houses.
Starkey, David, “Flesh,” Aberations 6.
———, “Savior Complex,” Mean Lizards 1992.
———, A Disturbance in the Universe,” Tales of the Unanticipated 10.
Stevens, B. J., This Little Piggy Gets . . .” Terror Australis 3.
Stevens-Arce, James, “The Devil’s Sentrybox,” Amazing, March.
Strickland, Brad, “Okenfenokee Swamp, Georgia,” Freak Show.
Stross, Charles, “Execution Night,” Villains!
Sullivan, Thomas, “Deep Down Under,” Dark at Heart.
Taff, John F. D., “The Two of Guns,” Eldritch Tales 26.
Tarr, Judith, “Death and the Lady,” Grails.
Taylor, Lucy, “Deer Season,” Northern Frights.
———, “Games,” Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion.
———, “Heels,” Unnatural Acts.
———, “Rush,” Unnatural Acts.
———, “Slips,” Ibid.
Tem, Melanie, “Repentance,” Grue 14.
———, “Trails of Crumbs,” ASFM, Nov.
Tem, Steve Rasnic, “Breaking the Rules,” Narrow Houses.
———, Decodings, Decoded Mirrors: 3 Tales After Lovecraft.
———, “Going North,” Northern Frights.
———, “Guardian Angels,” Decoded Mirrors: 3 Tales After Lovecraft.
———, “Mirror Man,” Ibid.
———, “Squeezer,” New Crimes 3.
———, The Dying,” Jabberwocky, spring/summer.
———, “Vintage Domestic,” The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories.
———, Blue Alice,” The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales.
Temple, William F., “The Healer,” Interzone, Nov.
Tessier, Thomas, “Addicted to Love,” Shock Rock.
———, “In Praise of Folly,” MetaHorror.
———, “The Banshee,” Borderlands 3.
Thomas, Scott, “Little Mercy,” Elegia, fall.
Thompson, Joyce, “Synecdoche,” F&SF, August.
Thomson, June, “Secrets,” EQMM, March.
Timlin, Mark, “Ai No Corrida,” Constable New Crimes 1.
———, “Riders on the Storm,” In Dreams.
Tremblay, Mildred, “Ruby’s Child,” Dark Forms Gliding.
VanderMeer, Jeff, “Flesh,” Midnight Zoo, vol. 1 issue 2.
———, “Mahout,” ASFM, mid-Dec.