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SMM:                                      Saint Mystery Magazine

SEP:                                         Saturday Evening Post

SciF:                                        Science Fantasy (British)

Sm:                                          Smith

WoT:                                       Worlds of Tomorrow

“BF&SF: 14”:                          Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Avram

Davidson (Doubleday, 1964)

DSE:                                        The Dark Side of the Earth, Alfred Bester (Signet, 1964)

HT:                                          Hissing Tales, Romain Gary (Harper and Row, 1964)

Mo J:                                       The Machineries of Joy, Ray Bradbury (Simon and

Schuster, 1964)

SiO:                                         Sturgeon in Orbit, Theodore Sturgeon (Pyramid, 1964)

WBSF:65:                                World’s Best Science Fiction: 1965, ed. Donald A.

Wollheim and Terry Carr (Ace, 1965)

* * * *

BRIAN W. ALDISS: “The Dark Light-Years,” WoT, Apr.

----------, “Pink Plastic Gods,” SciF, June-July.

POUL ANDERSON: “Mustn’t Touch,” Anal, June.

----------, The Master Key,” Anal, July.

ANONYMOUS: “Blast Off,” SciF, June-July.

CHRISTOPHER ANVIL: “Hunger,” Anal, May.

J. G. BALLARD: “The Illuminated Man,” BF&SF:14

RAYMOND E. BANKS: “The Seawater Papers,” Anal, July.

JANE BEAUCLERK: “We Serve the Star of Freedom,” F&SF, July.

ALFRED BESTER: “Out of this World,” DSE

JEROME BIXBY: “Natural History of the Kley,” WoT, Nov.

WILBUR G. BIGGS: “Daughter of the Clan,” Font, Nov.

BEN BOVA AND MYRNA R. LEWIS: “Men of Good Will,” Gal, June; and WBSF.-65

LEIGH BRACKETT: “Purple Priestess of the Mad Moon,” F&SF, Oct

RAY BRADBURY: “Almost the End of the World,” MoJ

R. BRETNOR: “Demigod,” Amz, Oct.

NEAL BROOKS: “Abraham Awoke,” Rog, Mar.

ROSEL GEORGE BROWN: “The Artist,” Amz, May.

JOHN BRUNNER: “See What I Meant” Anal. Jan.

DAVID R. BUNCH: “Keeping It Simple,” Sm#3

TERRY CARR: “Touchstone,” BF&SF.-14

CURT CLARK: “Nackles,” F&SF, Jan.

JAMES COLVIN: “The Deep Fix,” SciF, Apr.

MIRIAM ALLEN DEFORD: “The Apprentice God,” WoT, Apr.

LESTER DEL REY: “TO Avenge Man,” Gal, Dec.

PHILIP K. DICK: “Little Black Box,” WoT, Aug.

----------, “Precious Artifact,” Gal, Oct.

----------, “What the Dead Men Say,” WoT, June.

GORDON R. DICKSON: “The Man from Earth,” Gal, June.

THOMAS M. DISCH: “A Thesis on Social Forms and Social Controls in the U.S.A.,” Font,


----------, “Nada,” BF&SF:14

----------, “Now is Forever,” (ps: Dobbin Thorpe) Amz; and WBSF:65

S. DORMAN: “The Deepest Blue in the World,” F&SF, Sept

DAPHNE DU MAURIER: “The Blue Lenses,” SSI, Sept.

SHERI S. EBERHART: “Ballad of the Interstellar Merchants,” WoT, Feb.

HARLAN ELLISON: “Lonely Ache,” Knight, July.

R. C. FITZPATRICK: “On the House,” F&SF, Nov.

DANIEL F. GALOUYE: “Centipedes of Space,” Fant, Apr.

RANDALL GARRETT: “Tin Lizzie,” Amz, June.

ROMAIN GARY: “The New Frontier,” HT

PHYLLIS GOTTLIEB: “Valedictory,” Amz, Aug.

RON GOULART: “Society for the Prevention,” Gam #3

JOSEPH GREEN: “Single Combat,” NW, Jul.-Aug.

ROBERT M. GREEN, JR.: “No Place Like Where,” F&SF, May.

WALT GROVE: “John Green’s Little Angel,” Plby, July.

WYMAN GUIN: “A Man of the Renaissance,” Gal, Dec.

ED HAMILTON: “The Pro,” F&SF, Oct.

HARRY HARRISON: “Portrait of the Artist,” F&SF, Nov.

----------, “Rescue Operation,” Anal, Dec.

FRANK HERBERT: “The Mary Celeste Move,” Anal, Oct

PATRICIA HIGHSMITH: “The Snail Watchers,” Gam #3.

EDWARD D. HOCHS: “The Wolfram Hunters,” SMM, Mar.

HAYDEN HOWARD: “Gremmie’s Reef,” If, Oct.

BEN IRWIN: “The Day the Weapons Worked,” Nug, Sept.

EDWARD JESBY: “Sea Wrack,” F&SF, May; and WBSF.65

S. S. JOHNSON: “The House by the Crab Apple Tree,” BF&SF.14

LANGDON JONES: “I Remember, Anita,” NW, Sept.

RAYMOND F. JONES: “Rider in the Impossible,” F&SF, Sept; and WBSF:65

NORMAN KAGAN: “Four Brands of Impossible,” F&SF, Sept; and WBSF:65

THOM KEYES: “Period of Gestation,” SciF, Sept.-Oct

R. A. LAFFERTY: “The Man with the Speckled Eyes,” F&SF, Dec.

ALLEN KIM LANG: “Thaw and Serve,” BF&SF.14

KEITH LAUMER: “Placement Test,” Amz, July.

URSULA K. LEGUIN: “The Rule of Names,” Fant, Apr.

FRITZ LEIBER: “When the Change Winds Blow,” F&SF, Aug; and WBSF:65

CLARICE LISPECTOR (trans: Elisabeth Bishop): “The Smallest Woman in the World,” KR,


ROBERT LORY: “Appointment at Ten O’clock,” F&SF, Jan.

ERNST MASON: “Earth Eighteen,” Gal, Apr.

J. T. MCINTOSH: “Planet of Change,” Fant, Sept

DEAN MCLAUGHLIN: “The Permanent Implosion,” Anal, Feb.

L. W. MICHAELSON: “The Burning Bush,” SSI, July.

BARRY p. MILLER: “The Mermaid and the Archer,” Fant, Nov.

MICHAEL MOORCOCK: “The Time Dweller,” NW, Feb.

DICK MOORE: “After Everything, What?” F&SF, Nov.

HUGH NISSENSON: “The Mission,” Plby, Dec.

ALAN E. NOURSE: “The Compleat Consumators,” BF&SF:14

EDGAR PANGBORN: “Maxwell’s Monkey,” Gal, Oct.

HERBERT PEMBROKE: “Situation Unbearable,” Anal, Oct

FREDERK POHL: “The Children of Night” Gal, Oct

----------, “The Fiend,” Plby, Mar.

TOM PURDOM: “Greenplace,” F&SF, Nov; and WBSF:65

FLORENCE ENGEL RANDALL: “The Boundary Beyond,” Fant, July.

RICK RAPHAEL: “Once a Cop,” Anal, May.

KIT REED: “On the Orphan’s Colony,” F&SF, July.

MACK REYNOLDS: “Genus Traitor,” Anal, Aug.

WALT AND LEIGH RICHMOND: “Shortsite,” Anal, Apr.

----------, “Gallagher’s Glacier,” Anal, Nov.

KEITH ROBERTS: “Anita,” SciF, Sept.-Oct.

ERIC ST. CLAIR: “Olsen and the Gull,” BF&SF:14

WINSTON P. SANDERS: “Sunjammer,” Anal, Apr.

ROBIN SCOTT: “Third Alternative,” Anal, Mar.

ARTHUR SELLINGS: “The Well Trained Heroes,” Gal, June.

ROBERT SILVERBERG: “Neighbor,” Gal, Aug.

HENRY SLESAR: “Prisoner in Orbit,” Amz, Apr.

CORDWAINER SMITH: “The Boy Who Bought Old Earth,” Gal, Apr.

----------, “The Dead Lady of Clown Town,” Gal, Aug.

GEORGE O. SMITH: “Counter-Foil,” Anal, Apr.

LARRY D. SPENCE: “The. General,” MQV, Spring.

NORMAN SPINRAD: “Subjectivity,” Anal, Jan.

THEODORE STURGEON: “Extrapolation,” SiO

ALBERT TEICHNER: “Body of Thought,” Font, June.