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ASF—Astounding Science Fiction

FU—Fantastic Universe

F&SF—Fantasy And Science Fiction

GSF—Galaxy Science Fiction

SFS—Science Fiction Stories

“GoG”—”Galaxy of Ghouls,” (anthology) ed.: J. Merril; Lion

“F&SF:5”—”The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction: Fifth Series,” (anthology) ed.: A. Boucher; Doubleday

“Str3”—”Star Science Fiction Stories, #3,” (anthology of original stories) ed.: F. Pohl; Ballantine

Robert Abernathy: “Single Combat,” F&SF, 1/55.

Brian W. Aldiss: “Our Kind of Knowledge,” New Worlds, 6/55.

Stephen arr: “Cause,” F&SF, 8/55.

Raymond e. banks: “The Ear-Friend,” SFS, 3/55;

------, “The Short Ones,” F&SF, 3/55.

Charles Beaumont: “The Vanishing American,” in “F&SF: 5.”

James Blish: “King Of The Hill,” Infinity, 11/55;

------, “With Malice To Come,” F&SF, 5/55

Robert Bloch: “You Could Be Wrong,” Amazing Stories, 3/55.

Fredric Brown: “Blood,” in “GoG”

Algis Budrys: “Citadel,” ASF, 2/55;

------, “The Two Sharp Edges,” SFS, 1/55;

------, “Thing,” (ps: Janvier), FU, 3/55.

Kenneth Bulmer: “The Day Of The Monster,” Authentic S.F., 7/55.

James Causey: “Snakerdworp,” Other Worlds, 7/55.

A. Bertram Chandler: “Late,” Science Fantasy, #13.

John Christopher: “Manna,” New Worlds, 3/55.

Arthur C. Clarke: “The Deep Range,” in “Str3.”

Les Cole: “The Wilhelm Spot,” SFS, 7/55.

Lee Correy: “Design Flaw,” ASF, 2/55.

L. Sprague de Camp: “Lament By A Maker,” (verse), F&SF, 1/55.

Philip K. Dick: “Captive Market,” If, 4/55;

------, “Foster, You’re Dead,” in “Str3”.

Gordon Dickson: “James,” F&SF, 5/55;

------, “The Odd Ones,” If, 2/55;

------, “Moon, June, Spoon, Croon,” Startling Stories, Summer/55.

Henry Gregor Felsen: “The Spaceman Cometh,” Colliers, 11/11/55.

Gordon Gasko: “The Golden Judge,” ASF, 12/55.

Hugo Gernsback: “The Electronic Duel,” Esquire, 5/55.

James E. Gunn: “Name Your Pleasure,” Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter/55.

Frank Herbert: “Under Pressure,” (serial) ASF, 11,12/55 8:1/56.

Alice Eleanor Jones: “Miss Quatro,” FU, 6/55;

------, “Recruiting Officer,” Fantastic, 10/55;

------, “Created He Them,” in “F&SF:5”

Martin Jordan: “Sheamus,” Science Fantasy, #14.

Murray Leinster: “Sand Doom,” ASF, 12/55.

John D. Macdonald: “Virus H,” Bluebook, 6/55.

Richard Matheson: “Dance Of The Dead,” in “Str3”;

------, “Pattern For Survival,” in “F&SF:5.”

J. Frances Mccomas: “Criminal Negligence,” ASF, 6/55.

J. T. Mcintosh: “The Man Who Cried Sheep,” F&SF, 9/55.

Thomas A. Meehan: “The Wind’s Will,” F&SF, 7/55.

Judith Merriclass="underline" “Project Nursemaid,” F&SF, 10/55.

Sam Merwin, jr.: “The Man From The Flying Saucer,” FU, 7/55.

Walter M. Miller, jr.: “A Canticle For Leibowitz,” in “ F&SF:5”;

------, “The Triflin’ Man,” in “GoG”;

------, “The Darfstellar,” ASF, 1/55.

William Morrison: “Hiding Place,” FU, 6/55.

Duncan H. Munro: “Tieline,” ASF, 7/55.

Alan E. Nourse: “The Expert Touch,” F&SF, 11/55;

------, “Grand Rounds,” FU, 8/55.

Chad Oliver: “The Mother Of Necessity,”

------, “Artifact,” and

------, “Another Kind,” all in the book, “Another Kind,” (Ballantine, 1955).

Chad Oliver & Charles Beaumont: “The Last Word,” in “F&SF:5”

Gerald Pearce: “The Dreaming Wall,” GSF, 5/55.

Frederik Pohclass="underline" “The Tunnel Under The World,” GSF, 1/55.

Arthur Porges: “The Tidings,” F&SF, 2/55.

J. B. Priestley: “Uncle Phil On TV,” in “The Other Place,” (Harper’s, 1955).

Mack Reynolds: “All The World Loves A Luvver,” F&SF, 4/55.

Frank Riley: “The Cyber And Justice Holmes,” If, 3/55.

Eric Frank Russelclass="underline" “Allamagoosa,” AFS, 5/55.

Ray Russelclass="underline" “The Pleasure Was Ours,” Imagination, 5/55.

William Sansom: “The Tournament,” F&SF, 1/55.

James H. Schmitz: “The Ties Of Earth,” GSF, 11/55 & 1/56.

Arthur Sellings: “Jukebox,” FU, 12/55;

------, “The Proxies,” If, 10/55.

John A. Sentry: “Aspirin Won’t Help It,” ASF, 9/55.

Robert Sheckley: “Spy Story,” Playboy, 9/55;

------, “Deadhead,” GSF, 7/55.

Clifford Simak: “Full Cycle,” SFS, 11/55.

Cordwainer Smith: “The Game Of Rat And Dragon,” GSF, 10/55.

Evelyn E. Smith: “Teragram,” FU, 6/55.

Theodore Sturgeon: “The Widget, The Wadget, And Boff,” (serial) F&SF, 11, 12/55;

------, “Twink,” GSF, 8/55.

John F. Suter: “The Seeds Of Murder,” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, 5/55.

E. C. Tubb: “The Predators,” Science Fantasy, #15;

------, “Quis Custodiet,” Nebula, 11/55.

F. L. Wallace: “End As A World,” GSF, 9/55.

Bryce Walton: “The Midway,” F&SF, 2/55;

------, “Freeway,” If, 6/55.

Manly Wade Wellman: “Walk Like A Mountain,” F&SF, 6/55.