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There was no sign of General Borodin, and no one wanted to stick around long enough to find him. They managed to get McAllister back to the embassy, where he was patched up as best as possible and flown out the next morning as an emergency medical evacuation case right under the Russians’ noses; first to Rhein-Main Air Force Base in Germany, where he’d been kept for two weeks so that they could stabilize his condition, and then here to Washington where he’d lain in a coma for more than two months. The Soviet authorities of course put up a huge stink at first, though it finally died down. A crazy American who had somehow forged a diplomatic passport which was recovered by the KGB from Moscow’s Hotel Berlin) had somehow gotten through Russian security into Mos-cow, where he shot and killed a KGB officer named Miroshnikov and another officer named Kiselev before General Aleksandr Borodin, himself gravely wounded, managed to shoot and kill the intruder. The man’s body had not been found, but it was believed that in the spring thaw it would turn up.

“Thomas Wilson,” McAllister said.” That’s right. The name you used on your diplomatic passport. A nonperson now.”

“And Highnote?”

“Committed suicide. That’s the official line. It was the pressures of his job.” McAllister closed his eyes and searched his mind and his gut for any signs of the compulsions that had driven him. But there was none of that, only feelings of tiredness and a sense of terrible waste for all the people who’d died.

“Are you up to this?” Kingman asked.

McAllister opened his eyes. “You want to know why I went back into the Soviet Union?”

“For starters.”

“Donald Harman was a Soviet agent working for General Borodin.”

It was a lie, but what else could he say? “What about this Miroshnikov? Did you kill him?” McAllister nodded. “Why?”

“He got in my way.”

Kingman sighed deeply and shook his head. “Well, Harman is dead, and so are Bob Highnote and his control officer Gennadi Potemkin… you killed him too?”

Again McAllister nodded.

“But your jaunt into Russia, I’m afraid, was a failure. Borodin has survived. In fact he was offered a promotion but he turned it down. Retired, from what I read.”

“Sure,” McAllister said, but he wasn’t listening any longer. Zebra One, Zebra Two. He’d found Borodin, but who was Zebra One? Or would he never know?

“You’re one amazing sonofabitch,” Kingman said, not unkindly, and he was gone.

Gloria came later that morning, looking wan and drawn out. She kept trying to smile, and failing, and she couldn’t seem to look him in the eye. “I just came by to see how you were doing,” she said. “Are you all right?” McAllister asked. “I’ll get by.”

“And Merrilee?”

“She took it hard, but she’ll survive.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

She hadn’t bothered to sit down. She stood at the end of the bed nervously fingering the strap of her purse. “I just came to see how you were doing,” she repeated herself.

“I understand,” McAllister said. “I mean about that night in our house. You had no way of knowing.”

She said nothing.

“What do you want to do now? I’ll try again if you want me to.” She looked up, her faced screwed up in an expression of surprise and even a little disgust. “What are you talking about?” she said. “I came to apologize, but nothing more. Our marriage was over years ago. I can’t take this insanity any longer. I was never able to take it.”

“Maybe if I get out of the business. “No,” Gloria said, holding up her hand as if to ward him off. “I’ve had enough. Get better soon. When you’re ready we’ll talk about a divorce. My lawyer says…” She stopped. “Just get better,” she said, and she turned and left the room.

Over the next few days Kingman and others from the Agency began McAllister’s debriefing. “We just want to cover the high points for now,” the chief of security promised. The details would come later.

John Sanderson and George Mueller from the FBI stopped by for a brief chat, and when the time came for his formal debriefing they would be included.

But Stephanie had been strangely absent. They’d not given him a telephone so he could call her, even if he’d known where she was, and each time he asked that a message be sent to her, his request was received with a promise to do so.

He began to believe that like Gloria, she too had had enough of the insanity, and no longer wanted anything to do with him. And for that he couldn’t blame her. He couldn’t blame either of them. But he just wanted to talk to her. Tell her that he understood. On the fourth day, the DCI, Howard Van Skike, showed up, hisbodyguard stationing himself outside in the corridor, allowing no one else to enter the room.

“I have an extremely tight schedule this morning, so I can only stay for a minute or two.”

“It wasn’t necessary, sir,” McAllister said. He’d only ever met the man a couple of times. Then as now he was impressed by the DCI’s gentle but intelligent nature. Van Skike had been a power on the intelligence scene for a good many years. Unlike some of his predecessors on the seventh floor at Langley, he hadn’t been a simple political appointment. He had worked his way up from the ranks. “The best man for the job,” the President said, appointing him to head the Agency.

And he was. Everyone agreed with that. It was said that he was a man blessed with the “intuitive gift for understanding the Russian mind.”

“How are you feeling?” Van Skike asked. “A lot better.”

“You’ll be out of here in a month or two. Will you be interested in coming back to work?”

“I don’t know,” McAllister said. He hadn’t faced up to that possibility yet.

“Well, just get yourself better, and when you’re ready come see me. We’ll talk.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now, is there anything I can do for you? Anything you need?”

“As a matter of fact there is, Mr. Director,” McAllister said. “Could you see to it that Stephanie Albright comes by to see me?”


The directness of the question was startling. “Because… because I want to thank her for saving my life.” Van Skike was watching him. “And?”

Again McAllister thought that the DCI’s bluntness was odd. “I want to tell her that I love her.” The DCI smiled. “I’m sure that she’ll be delighted to hear that, Mac. She’s waiting just out in the hall.” His eyes narrowed a little. “She doesn’t know about her father… what he really was. Let’s keep it that way.”

“Yes, sir,” McAllister said. “Thank you.”

“She’s remarkable.”

“Yes, she is.”

“And so are you,” Van Skike said. There was nothing to say.

Van Skike remained standing at the end of the bed. He hesitated. “One last thing,” he said.


“I have a message for you. From Moscow. Zebra Two sends regards and his thanks.”

All of the air left the room. “You?” McAllister said, the words choked in his throat.

Van Skike smiled but said nothing. He turned and went out of the room. Moments later Stephanie came through the door, a smile on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks. Zebra One, Zebra Two.

It was truly over now, and as Stephanie came into his thought that everything was going to be all right.