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   pszFileText = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwFileSize + 1);

   if (pszFileText != NULL) {

    DWORD dwRead;

    if (ReadFile(hFile, pszFileText, dwFileSize, &dwRead, NULL)) {

     pszFileText[dwFileSize] = 0; // Add null terminator

     if (SetWindowText(hEdit, pszFileText)) bSuccess = TRUE; // It worked!







 return bSuccess;


There is a complete function to read a text file into an edit control. It takes as paramters the handle to the edit control and the name of the file to read in. This perticular function has a fair bit of error checking, file IO is one place where a lot of things can go wrong, and so you need to be on the lookout for errors.

Note the variable dwRead. We don't use it except as a paramter in ReadFile(). This parameter MUST be provided, the call will fail without it.

In the call to CreateFile()GENERIC_READ means we only want read access. FILE_SHARE_READ means it's okay if other programs open the file at the same time we do, but ONLY if they want to read as well, we don't want them writing to the file while we are reading it. And OPEN_EXISTING means only open the file if it already exists, don't create it, and don't overwrite it.

Once we've opened the file and chacked to see that CreateFile() succeeded, we check the size of the file so we'll know how much memory we need to allocate in order to read the entire thing. We then allocate the memory, check to make sure the allocation succeeded, and then call ReadFile() to load the contents from disk into our memory buffer. The API file functions have no concept of Text Files so they won't do things like read a single line of text, or add NULL terminators to the end of our strings. This is why we've allocated an extra byte and after we read in the file we add the NULL ourselves so that we can then pass the memory buffer as a string to SetWindowText().

Once all that has succeeded we set out success variable to TRUE , and clean up as we reach the end of the function, freeing the memory buffer and closing the file handle before finally returning to the caller. Writing

BOOL SaveTextFileFromEdit(HWND hEdit, LPCTSTR pszFileName) {

 HANDLE hFile;

 BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;



  DWORD dwTextLength;

  dwTextLength = GetWindowTextLength(hEdit);

  // No need to bother if there's no text.

  if (dwTextLength> 0) {

   LPSTR pszText;

   DWORD dwBufferSize = dwTextLength + 1;

   pszText = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwBufferSize);

   if (pszText != NULL) {

    if (GetWindowText(hEdit, pszText, dwBufferSize)) {

     DWORD dwWritten;

     if (WriteFile(hFile, pszText, dwTextLength, &dwWritten, NULL)) bSuccess = TRUE;







 return bSuccess;


Very similar to reading files, the function to write files has a few changes. First of all when we call CreateFile() we specify that we want Read access, that the file should always be created new (and if it exists it will be erased as it's opened) and that if it doesn't exist, it will be created with the normal file attributes.

Next we get the length of the memory buffer needed from the edit control, since this is the source of the data. Once we've allocated the memory, we request the string from the edit control using GetWindowText() and then write it to the file with WriteFile(). Again, like with ReadFile() the parameter that returns how much was actually written is required, even though we don't use it.

App Part 3: Tool and Status bars

Example: app_three

An IMPORTANT Word on Common Controls

As with all common controls, you must call InitCommonControls() BEFORE you try and use them. You will need to #include <commctrl.h> in order to use this function and to get the functions and declarations necessary for use of the Common Controls. You will also need to add comctl32.lib to your linker settings if it is not already there. Note that InitCommonControls() is an older API, and for more control you can use InitCommonControlsEx() (aka InitCommonControlSex()) which is also required for the most recent common controls. However since I'm not using any of the advanced features, InitCommonControls() is adequate and simpler.


You can create a toolbar using CreateToolbarEx() but I'm not going to, so there. First thing you need to do is actually create the toolbar…

hTool = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, hwnd, (HMENU)IDC_MAIN_TOOL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);

That's simple enough, TOOLBARCLASSNAME is a constant defined by the common control headers. hwnd is the parent window, the one you want to put the toolbar in. IDC_MAIN_TOOL is an identifier that you can use later to get the HWND of the toolbar using GetDlgItem(), if you so desire.

// Send the TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE message, which is required for

// backward compatibility.


This message is required to let the system figure out which version of the common controls library you are using. Since new versions add new stuff to the structure, by giving it the size it can figure out what behaviour you are expecting.

Toolbar buttons

Button bitmaps on basic toolbars come in two varieties, standard buttons that are provided by comctl32, and user defined buttons that you create yourself. NOTE: Buttons and bitmaps are added to toolbars seperately… first you add a list of images to use, and THEN you add a list of buttons, and telling it which button uses which image.

Adding Standard Buttons

Now that we have a toolbar created, we need to add some buttons to it. The most common bitmaps are available in the common control library itself, so we don't need to recreate them or add them to every exe that uses them.