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“Ever think there was a reason I didn’t respond? I threw them out. I don’t want you here.” Carter has always been blunt and to the point, but never with me. He was my bodyguard for a year before that night.

Shifting uncomfortably, I take him in. He’s huge. I always remember him as being big, but now he seems massive. His six four frame looks like it’s been chiseled from stone and could bust the seams of his prison suit. I don’t recall him having so many tattoos either, but now every inch of exposed skin is covered in them, peeking up around his neck. I also don’t ever recall wanting to lick them as I do now.

Slowly moving my eyes back to his face, I see his jaw is hard from clenching it. He’s so handsome. His eyes lock on mine, and they’re so green they almost look like colored contact lenses. Those blazing emeralds snap away and do a head to toe sweep of my body. My breath catches in my throat at the look he gives me. It was hard and deadly before, but now it appears hungry and consuming. He makes me feel naked, completely stripped.

In three long strides he’s in front of me, lifting me into his arms. Caught completely off guard, I gasp. Carter wraps his free hand in my long hair and pulls my head back, claiming my mouth. My fingers grab the fabric of his shirt and try to pull him closer. I feel like my whole body has just come alive and I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’m twenty and I’ve never been kissed. But this doesn’t feel like any kiss I’ve ever imagined. It feels like he’s devouring my body with his mouth, his teeth, his tongue. It feels like Carter is ravishing my soul.

Going to an all-girls’ school kept me sheltered. I even took all my college classes online after I finished school. The only dick that was ever near me was hired by my father. They were either deadly scared of him or had too much respect for him to touch me – probably a little of both.

I follow Carter’s lead and kiss him back. I’ve wanted this for years. Before he was taken away, I used to try to get his attention and shamelessly flirt with him. I think I was terrible at it because never once did he touch me. I never cared that he was ten years older than I was. I wanted him. I even had this silly idea that if I waited for him, he could be mine. That’s why I wrote him those stupid letters that he didn’t even give a shit about. Feeling my anger rush back at the reminder, I go to push at his chest, but we’re ripped apart suddenly. A guard has me in his arms and my feet are still off the floor. It takes three other guards to wrestle Carter down on the table we were sitting at.

His hands grip the side of the table and his knuckles turn white. “Fuck, Cherry, never thought I was the jealous type,” Carter says, his voice rough with a touch of fury and possession. “Until you. Now get your fucking hands off her.”

I’m stunned by his words. He’s pinned to a table by three guards and he’s giving orders? I guess some things never change.

“Get. Them. The. Fuck. Off,” Carter barks again as he starts to rise up from the table even as the guards try to push him down.

“This is my prison, Carter. You may get some leeway because of who you are, but there are cameras in here,” the guard holding me says as he places me on the floor.

“I just came for answers,” I whisper, hoping he doesn’t catch on to my lie. I want answers, but I want him more.

“I got no answers for you here. I don’t want to see your little ass in here again, Cherry.” ‘Cherry’, the name used to make me smile. Now it’s starting to piss me off.

“Says the man who just had his tongue down my throat,” I shoot back, feeling my anger boil over. Hell, I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t want him to know I care, but how can he not know with all those stupid letters? Letters that had started off as questions but slowly turned into a diary. I sent him my every thought. But, as time went on, they morphed into love letters to him. Maybe he doesn’t know what they contained. Maybe he threw them out before reading them. I’m grasping at straws. He may not know it, but he is all I have left.

After my mother disappeared, my father turned as cold as she had been. He could barely look at me. Does my father love me? Yes, I believe so. Family is everything to him. But does he show it? Can I feel it? Not anymore. Now I’m put away on a shelf, having to sneak away to come here.

“I haven’t felt a woman’s body in years, can’t blame a man for taking opportunities as they arise,” he says cockily as the guards slowly let him up. He drops back down into the metal chair. He seems completely unfazed by what has just happened. I guess that was all it was to him – a man needing a fix. He didn’t possess my mouth, my soul for those few moments because he needed to touch me. No one touches me.

“I see I don’t have anyone now. Looks like I can go,” I say flatly, all emotion leaching from my voice. Hell, if no one else wants to show me any tenderness, why should I give any?

“Good. Get gone,” he snarls through clenched teeth, but I see his eyes soften for an instant before it’s replaced by his usual stoniness. Or maybe I’m trying to convince myself and it was never there.

Pulling the picture I have from my pocket, I let it drop to the floor and I take one last look at the man I had been thinking about every night for the past four years. I don’t want the reminder of him anymore if he doesn’t want me.

I’m done living in a world that seems to feel nothing while I feel everything.

I have my quarter million I took from Daddy’s safe before I gave the guards the slip. I’m starting my life over, a life with no more holes in it, a life where I can find people who want to feel with me.

I turn to make my way to leave. I hear Carter’s chair scratch across the floor, indicating he has risen. Opening the door to leave, I toss my final words over my shoulder. “Don’t you worry, Carter, no one will be seeing me around anymore.” The door slams behind me and I hear all hell break loose on the other side.

I square my shoulders and keep on walking. I only have one feeling in my heart now.


Locking him up only fueled his obsession..

The day he gets out he's coming for her...

Taking the Fall was just the start...

Now she'll be his.

Other Titles by Alexa Riley

Owning her Innocence

Owning the Beast

Alexa Riley

Mom, wife, and business woman by day and smut writer by night. I specialize in the Dirty Date Night reading. I wrote my first book, Owning Her Innocence, because well, I just couldn’t find any daddy books to my liking. So I sat down and just started writing, bringing the fantasies I find myself often dancing to in the dark of night to life, one page at a time.

Alexa Riley is my alter ego. I can’t let the other soccer moms know what I’m up to or the guys at work for that matter. Little do they know that they’ve got nothing on my dirty talk.

I’m here to give you a quick fix of filthy dirty smut. Got a few hours to kill? Then I’m what you’re looking for.

Find more about upcoming releases at : http://alexariley.com/