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“Oh, balls no.” Harry shook his head. “I’m going. I don’t think there is a rescue crew coming.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Maybe I am,” Harry shrugged. “But I’m not gonna stick around to find out if I was right.” Harry winked and went off to find Tyler.

He wasn’t going to make the boy go, but if he wanted to Harry would be happy to have him along.


It was more than likely going to be a hindrance, but Harry had to bring the box with him. It was more than just a gift he had to give to his friend. The box and its contents could not be replaced. In fact, it was important to generations, not just to an old navy buddy.

So he brought it along.

Ben had grabbed an emergency light and rigged it as best as he could. He explained that he didn’t know how long it would last, but hoped it would until they emerged.

Ten of them left the group in search of a way out and help for the others.

Hours perhaps at tops they would get to an area where they’d find someone, anyone to help them get out.

Harry envisioned what he believed was waiting on them. Not that he didn’t think they’d find help for the others, they would, but he believed what had happened was on a lot larger scale.

Maybe another building blew up, or a terror attack hit the city.

He envisioned emergency workers everywhere. The train station stood a chance of being sealed off or closed down.

They’d emerge, dirty and dusty, blankets would be wrapped around them, and they’d be given a once over for medical reasons.

That was Harry’s vision.

Of course, as they walked and climbed, Harry wondered why rescue workers couldn’t make it from that end. Something had to have happened up in the city.

Harry trudged on.

The next mound of twisted metal was about four feet high; parts of the train formed a semi stepping stone for him. He placed the box on top and stepped up.

Harry had to pause. It was a strain and he started losing his breath. He didn’t realize how winded he was until that moment.

His eyes lifted to the small dirty hand that extended to him.

“You need some help, Harry?” Tyler asked.

Harry smiled. “Tell you what. Take that box, will you? I’ll be fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just taking a moment.”

Harry didn’t want to take too long. The last thing he wanted was for the others to feel he was dragging them down or some old pain in the ass. After a brief break, Harry climbed up and over that portion of wreckage.

Lana saw it. She was certain the others did too, but no one was saying anything.

She was tired herself, not so tired that she couldn’t go on, but she knew that Harry needed to stop for a few minutes to rest.

With a heavy exhale as she made it over the latest obstacle, Lana plopped down with her bag. “Let’s stop for a few minutes please.”

Ben walked over to her and whispered, “Are you all right?”

“Yeah.” She then nodded her head toward Harry.

Ben looked. Foster led the way by a good ten feet, Abby and another woman were keeping up, but Harry and Tyler were far behind them.

Ben hollered, “Foster! Hold up.”

Foster stopped and turned round. “The other tunnel isn’t that far.”

“Yeah, I know. But let’s break for a little,” Ben said. “None of us knows what’s beyond that last tunnel and we’re not gonna be any good if we’re worn out and have to face something unexpected.”

Foster shrugged and turned around and led Abby and the other woman back to the group.

It seemed most of them welcomed the break and chance to stop.

Tyler plopped down next to Harry. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m glad we stopped.”

“Me too,” Harry replied.

“My legs hurt.”

“Mine too.”

Tyler pulled out his blue book bag. “I still have a peanut butter sandwich left.” He pulled the small plastic bag out. The sandwich was smashed and Tyler retrieved it from its plastic covering. He broke off a piece and handed it to Harry.

“I’m good. You eat it.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Eat.”

Tyler didn’t. He stood and walked over to Ben and Lana. His little hand extended a small piece to Lana.

“Oh, honey, thank you. You eat it,” she said.

“No one wants a piece of my sandwich. I don’t usually share.”

Ben held out his hand. “I’ll take a piece, buddy, and thank you very much.”

Tyler smiled as he placed the piece in the man’s hand. “Anyone else?” he called out.

There were two other takers and Tyler felt better about eating the rest of the sandwich.

Harry rubbed the boy’s head when he returned to sit next to him.

“So, Ben,” Harry called over to him. “What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a theater manager on Broadway.”

“You don’t say.” Harry nodded, impressed. “How about you Ben’s wife?”

“Lana,” she said. “I’m a fashion editor.”

“Boy you look like one,” Harry said. “What about you, Foster? Got a job at McDonalds?”

Foster laughed. “No, I actually work in theater, too.”

Ben peered over at him. “Really?”

“Yeah. The movie theater, that is. I was working weekends at the Plex.”

Lana snapped her fingers. “I thought I recognized you. I go there all the time by myself.” She shot a look at Ben.

Ben shrugged. “I don’t like movies.”

Then Harry turned to Abby. “What about you?”

“I don’t work,” Abby answered.

“How long have you lived in America?” Harry questioned.

“Not long. Not even a year.” Abby spoke softly and shifted uncomfortably over being the center of attention for the moment.

Lana asked, “Are you between jobs? Or are you a homemaker?”

“Neither, right now.” Abby lowered her head. “I was a homemaker. Now I have no home to make.” She sniffed. “My husband and son were killed a few months ago. Now instead of working, I spend my days wanting to die.” She stood. “And here…” she held out her hand, “I was given a perfect opportunity and I missed it.”

Her words drew an awkward silence from the others.

Harry felt those words; he knew those words. With the help of Tyler he stood. “Well, it hurts like hell to lose a spouse. I know that. And there’s no pain greater than losing a child. I know that one, too.” He walked over to her and laid a hand on her arm. “I hope you find your peace one way or another.”

His simple touch brought an abundance of feelings to her that she couldn’t sift through. She gripped his hand and whispered, “Thank you.”

Harry nodded. “Well, Lana, you rested?”

Lana rose. “Rested and ready.”

“Good,” Harry said. “Let’s head on out. Foster?”

“Yes, Mr. Hayward?”

Harry winced. “Harry, call me Harry. What’s your estimate? What do you think?”

“Not long. We should hit the abandoned tunnel soon enough. But that’s as far as I got.”

“Then we’ll go even farther.” Harry noticed both Lana and Ben had their phones out. “Playing with those again, I see. Anything?” he asked.

Ben shook his head. “No, we’ll check again in a little bit. Lana? Anything?”

“Me neither.” She shut off her phone and put it in her bag.

Ben powered down his, as well. “Doesn’t hurt to keep trying though.”

“Good. But, uh…” Harry gave an up motion to his head. “Who you gonna call when you get a signal?”

Ben laughed as he put his phone in his pocket. “I haven’t even thought of that. Why?”

Harry shrugged. “Just wondering.”

Waiting on Foster to take the lead again, Harry, box in one arm and a hand on Tyler, continued on with the rest of the group.