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He withdrew his penis and rammed again, withdrew and rammed, withdrew and rammed. He began to breathe in spasms. The memory of her thrashing filled his brain and inflamed him beyond control.

"You're going to pay for this," she gasped, in delighted satisfaction. "I'm going to give you such a thrashing when this is over, when you haven't any sex left in you at all. It will be all, all, all, all pain." Her juices gathered, and mounted. She gave a long-drawn moan of ecstasy and began, as her culmination reached its peak, to murmur: "Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain… "

He rammed, withdrew, and rammed… His own culmination rose and seized him. As though from a long way off, he heard her continuing murmurs, blissful and utterly abandoned: "Pain, pain, sweet pain, delicious pain, oh pain, pain, pain… "




As Erika Kostler went to open the door of the hotel suite she was wondering what the English friend of her employer would look like. He was an Englishman. Would he be a dark Celtic type or a blond and large Saxon? She very much hoped he would be blond and large.

She opened the door, and smiled happily. "Do come in," she said, in English. "I'm Fraulein Reitter's secretary." She opened the door wide and looked at him in appreciation as he stepped into the small hall. He was not very blond but he was very good-looking, and he was very large indeed.

He smiled at her. "How do you do. And her assistant, too, I think she said."

"Yes." Her heart missed a beat. "Yes, her assistant, too."

"I'm delighted to meet you." He put his hat on a peg and turned to the sitting-room door. "She's in here, I expect."

"Yes, do go in. She's waiting for you."

He went into the sitting-room.

"Marlene dear," he said, and opened his arms. "Welcome back to Paris."

Marlene allowed herself to be given a tremendous hug. "Hello, Hugh. You look well as usual."

"Yes," he said. "Well and strong. I'm been keeping myself strong especially for you." He looked round at Erika. "It was a good thing, I see-now that you've come armed with an assistant."

Erika looked down at his trousers. She had suddenly remembered that Marlene had said that he would have an erection when he arrived. She chuckled. It was there, plainly to be seen under his jacket, and it looked as though it was a very large one.

"What are you laughing at?" he said, glancing down at his trousers.

Erika blushed. "Oh nothing. Nothing at all."

Marlene laughed. "I told her you'd have an erection, and she was just checking. Why don't you take it out and have a better look, Erika?"

The girl hesitated. "Shall I?"

"By all means. Just unbutton him and bring it out."

"All right." She went up to him, fighting down her shyness, and opened his jacket. She put her fingers to his fly-buttons and undid them slowly, one by one. She put her hand inside his trousers and felt for the opening of his pants. She put her hand through this and took hold of his penis. It was very hard and very large-so large that she had difficulty in bringing it through the opening of the pants.

Marlene looked up at the man. "I haven't introduced you yet, have I?" She laughed. "We mustn't forget the conventions-never mind what she's doing. Mr. Hugh Lyveson and his penis-Miss Erika Kostler-"

"And her delightful fingers," he said, with a quick intake of breath.

Erika brought the penis out and gave it a little slap. "How do you do. It's very nice to meet such a large thing as this." She gave it another slap.

"Let's torture it a little," said Marlene suddenly*

"How?" said Erika.

"You'll see," said Marlene. "It's one of the things we can do to him without making any noise. Get your clothes off, Hugh."

"Oh, wait a minute," he said worriedly, although his heart had given a leap at her words. "You're not going to-"

"We most certainly are! Get undressed. This minute, do you hear. Do as I say."

He looked at her for a moment, and then began to undress. He was very quick. In little more than a minute he stood in front of them, naked.

Erika gazed in admiration at his muscular body. She moved behind him and looked at his back and bottom. There were a large number of blue-black bruises on his shoulder- blades and buttocks. H'm, she thought to herself, that must have been quite a beating. Oh, roll on tonight! I want to add my own bruises. But what are we going to do now, I wonder? What sort of torture has she in her mind?

Hugh suddenly saw the two lengths of rubber tubing, lying on the table where Erika had left them. "My God!" he said. "You're going to use that stuff again?"

"Yes, of course. Tonight though, not now."

"I wish you'd use a cane or something less heavy."

Marlene patted his cheek. "I know you would, dear Hugh. But your walls are too thin. When you move into a flat with really thick walls I'll consider using a cane."

Erika said suddenly: "Or a cat-o'-nine-tails. That would be quite light."

He glanced at her and grinned. "Oh, a bloodthirsty assistant, I see."

"Yes," said Erika demurely. "Quite bloodthirsty. But I'm looking forward, too, to using the rubber on you tonight." She could quite easily have said the tubing, but she wanted to hear herself using the word rubber. She wished she could go to her room and fetch one of her rubber garments, and put it on, and wear it for whatever torture was going to happen now. And she wished that Marlene would put on her long cloak. She said nothing, however. She would wait till the evening.

Marlene said: "Come to the bathroom, Hugh."

"Really," he protested. "Don't do that. It's a shocking torture-and I'm sure you don't get much pleasure out of it yourself."

"What nonsense are you saying now?"

"Not as much as you get from flogging, anyway."

"Perhaps you're right there. But this is going to be very pleasant for us. We'll be giving you a lot of pain. And we'll be watching you writhing in it."

"What are you going to do?" asked Erika again. "Something very exciting," said Marlene. "Open my large bag, will you. You'll find some ropes at the bottom, on the left."

Erika opened the bag and took out the ropes. "Here they are."

"Good," said Marlene. "And just beside where they were you'll see a pair of my panties and a single stocking. We want those too."

Erika found the panties-black chiffon with lace edges- and the single stocking. She gave them to Marlene. She turned to Hugh and gave his penis a stinging slap with her open hand.

"You've no idea what you're going to do?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Not yet."

Marlene said: "Go and lock the door, Erika."

"I did so," Erika said. "I locked it when I let him in."

"Good. Now, Hugh, open your mouth."

He gave an elaborate sigh. "All right." He opened his mouth wide.

Marlene rolled the panties into a ball and stuffed it into his mouth. She looped the stocking over it, between his parted lips, and tied it firmly at the back of his head. "Right. We're almost ready. Come on." She took hold of his penis and led him to the bathroom. "Get in."

He stepped into the bath and stood facing the two girls. There was a light of fear in his eyes.

"Give me one of the ropes," said Marlene.

Erika handed her a length. "Can I do anything?"

"Yes. You can tie his wrists behind him with another rope." She knelt beside the bath and leaned forward to tie his feet tightly together.

"Turn round a bit," said Erika. She took another length of rope. "Put your hands behind you." She tied his wrists firmly.

Marlene glanced up. "That's very professional. Where did you learn to tie knots?"

Erika laughed. "I was a Girl Guide."

Marlene laughed with her. "The Guide Mistress would be surprised to see you now." She stood up and reached for the shower pipe. She turned on the hot tap, letting the water play over her fingers.