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"You can guess now what we're going to do, can't you?"

Erika stood with a finger to her lips. "Yes," she breathed. "Yes, I can."

The water was getting very hot and Marlene was testing its heat carefully. Soon she could not bear her hand under it. "We begin," she said, "with his bottom. And as soon as that has been nicely scalded, we start on his front. Turn round, Hugh, and face the wall."

His eyes now were very frightened, but he obeyed her at once. Perhaps he thought that it would be unwise to make her angry.

Marlene lifted the shower pipe and let the steaming water play over his buttocks.

A strangled cry came from under his gag. He gave a jump to the end of the bath, away from the jets of the shower. Marlene turned her wrist and let the nearly boiling water follow him. He gave another strangled cry and jumped away from it again. She laughed and let the water spray downwards into the bath. "I count five," she said. "And then I give him a breather." She turned the shower on his buttocks again. "One-two-three"-he gave another jump, slipped, and crashed on to his side at the bottom of the bath. She turned the water away from him again, letting it spray against the side of the bath. "You were foolish to slip over, but you might as well stay lying down now. Turn right over, though. We want your bottom again." She handed the shower pipe to Erika, as he turned on to his stomach. "Here you are. Count five and then take it away."

Erika took the shower pipe and put her hand lightly under the spray. She drew it quickly back. The water was very hot. She moistened her lips. Her heart was thumping with excitement at the thought of the pain she was going to give. She aimed the jets of water downwards at his bottom, letting the main stream fall low down on the crack between his buttocks. She began to count silently, revelling in the sound of his strangled cries and the sight of his frantic squirming about on the base of the bath.

"All right," said Marlene, as she turned the spray away from him. "Turn over again, Hugh. It's time for your front to be washed. Come on. Do you hear me.

Turn over!"

He twisted himself slowly over on to his back. His eyes were alight with terror and supplication.

"Look," said Erika. "Look at the way he's asking us to stop!"

Marlene laughed. "Give him five seconds of heat."

"Certainly!" Erika directed the spray at his genitals. His penis was now quite soft and very small. She let the spray fall on the whole area of his testicles, penis and hairs.

He tried to twist himself away from the scalding stream but he was unable to dodge her aim, which she changed as he flung himself from side to side. He felt that an aeon passed before she lifted the spray away from him.

"He'll be nicely sterilised for tonight," she said gaily. "Shall I give him another five seconds?"

"Yes," said Marlene. "And that had better be enough."

Erika directed the water once more at the genitals, now bright red from the scald of her first application. She counted five, feeling her spirit soaring into a dizzy rapture at the sight of the torment she was giving. She moved the spray away, however, immediately she reached the number five.

Marlene turned off the tap. She leant over the side of the bath and untied the rope around his ankles. "Get out of the bath now, Hugh."

He stood up with difficulty and stepped out on to the floor.

"Lie down on your back," she ordered. "Lie down on the floor here." Erika raised her eyebrows.

He lay down on the cold marble of the floor. The coldness felt pleasant to the scalded skin of his bottom.

Marlene stepped up on to his chest, letting her stiletto heels sink into his flesh. "Come on," she said to Erika. "Stand up on his stomach and balls." Erika nodded and put a foot to his stomach. She felt it harden at once as he tautened his muscles to take her weight. She stepped up on him, and felt her own stiletto heel sink into his flesh. She put her other foot to his genitals and let the sharp heel stab lightly into the bag of his testicles.

He began to make strangled noises again from beneath his gag.

"Oh," breathed Erika, "I want to whip him. Oh, I want to whip him!"

"Patience, my dear," said Marlene. "He's had enough pain for a little while. I think we'd better give him a drink instead. You can whip him as much as you like this evening." She stepped down to the floor. "All right, Hugh, you can get dressed again now. And I'll give you some whisky to help you recover."


Erika lay on the bed in her own room. Two hours had gone by since Hugh left them, and Marlene had said that she wanted to rest for a little while.

Erika lay in a very lightweight raincoat of rubberised silk. She was naked beneath it. Occasionally she wriggled her shoulders against its silky, cool smoothness. She was feeling very, very sexy.

She began to play lightly with her vagina-lips, scratching at them with a fingernail through the shimmery material of her raincoat. She wished that she could be wearing the rubber pyjamas of her employer. She wondered whether her employer was now wearing them as she rested.

There was a knock at her door.

"Who is it?" she called.


"Oh, wait a second. I'm coming." She jumped off the bed and began to take off her raincoat. Then she pulled it back over her shoulders. There was no need to hide her perversion from Marlene. She unlocked the door.

"How nice you look," said Marlene. "And you're naked underneath, I suppose."

"Oh yes, of course."

Marlene put out her hand and opened the front of Erika's raincoat. She took one of the naked breasts in her hand.

"Oh, what heaven!" breathed Erika. She caught hold of Marlene's other hand and put it to her other breast.

"Would you like us to make love?" asked Marlene.

Erika gazed at her speechlessly. She nodded her head.

"Well, let's not waste time," said Marlene, and turned to shut the door.

"Please," said Erika quickly. "Would you wear something of rubber, too?"

Marlene smiled. "Of course. What would you like me to wear?"

Erika was about to say "Those pale-blue pyjamas," but realised, just in time, that she was not yet supposed to know that Marlene had any pale-blue rubber pyjamas. She recovered herself and said: "Would you wear what you were wearing last night? The cloak and the boots?"

"I haven't brought the boots, but I'll wear the cloak."

"With nothing on underneath?" Marlene laughed. "Of course. And I'll give you a little whipping, too, if you like. With one of those rubber tubes."

Erika caught her breath. "I'd love you to." Marlene opened the door again. "Three minutes." Erika flung herself down on her stomach over the bed. She lay for a few minutes, listening to her pounding heart. Then she stood up again and waited beside the door.

Marlene swept into the room, a rubber tube in her hand, and the long cape over her naked body. She locked the door quickly. "Have you ever been whipped before?" she asked. "No, never."

"Have you ever wanted to be?"

"Not before last night."

"Last night? What happened then?"

"I saw you whipping Gunther, and I saw all your whips and other things-and I thought it would be wonderful to be whipped by you."

Marlene smiled. "So you're a double, are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"A masochist as well as a sadist. They're called doubles."

Erika passed her hand and elbow across her breasts. "I don't think I'd be a masochist for anyone but you, Marlene."

"Why? A man would give you a lovely whipping-and any man would like to, I'm sure."

"Oh, no," said Erika forcefully. "Not a man. A man has to be whipped by me. It's from you, a woman, a beautiful heavenly woman, that I want to receive a whipping."