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"He is your victim in Kiel?"


"Is he one of the three-per-cent?"

"No, he's rather like Hugh Lyveson."

"Is he as good-looking?"

"Oh yes. He's a tall, blond Swede."


"Was. His wife died last year."

Erika gave a sigh of contentment. "I like tall blond men. And I love the idea of thrashing them."

Marlene held up her hand to the waiter and called for a bill. "It's time for us to go and thrash one of them now."

Erika picked up the light zip-bag which she had bought at the Munich airport that morning. It contained the two lengths of rubber tubing, several pieces of rope, and two rubberised raincoats, her own and a beautiful red one of Marlene's which had been put in at her request. She put the bag on her lap and hugged it against her stomach sensually. She felt her vagina-lips open and close, open and close… "Yes," she said breathlessly. "Let's go and give him the thrashing of his life."

Hugh opened the door of his flat and stood aside for them to enter. He politely took the zip-bag from Erika's hand. He put it down on a chair in the hall.

"Oh, no," said Erika. "We want that." She put out her hand to take it again. "It's got the instruments in it."

"Yes, of course," he said, and picked it up again. He followed them into his living-room, measuring its weight as he carried it. "It's quite heavy. Whatever have you got in it?"

Marlene said: "You'll see. Get your clothes off."

"So soon?" he said. "Can't I offer you a drink first?"

"You can certainly offer us a drink, but I want you naked first. Come on, strip. Quickly!" Her voice had the crack of authority.

He put the zip-bag on the floor and began to take off his clothes.

Erika stooped, unzipped the bag, and took out its contents. She put the flimsy raincoats over the back of a chair.

"What are those for?" he asked, as he slipped off his socks. "Is it going to rain?"

Erika laughed, a little shyly. "Haven't you heard of a rubber fetish before?"

He let his trousers and pants fall to the ground. "A rubber fetish? No, I don't think so. What do you mean?"

"We like the feeling of rubber against our skin."

He looked at Marlene. "I didn't know that. You've never said anything about it before."

Marlene smiled. "You don't know everything about me, my dear Hugh."

"No, of course not. Rubber, eh? I've heard of people getting quite excited about leather. But this is a new one." He went to the chair and picked up one of the raincoats. He ran his hand over its material.

"No," said Erika. "Inside. The rubber part. That's the exciting part of it."

He put his hand inside the garment. "Yes, I think I see. It's very soft and smooth."

"And cool."

"Yes, it is." He stood, feeling the material and trying to understand how a sexual fetish could be connected with it.

Erika went up to him and took the raincoat in her hands. She opened it and put its rubber surface to his bright-red genitals. She caressed them lightly through the flimsy rubber. "Does that do anything to you?"

"It hurts," he said. Her touch on his scalded skin was indeed very painful.

"Don't you find it cool and pleasant?"

"Oh yes, it's cool-and very pleasant because it's so cool. Everything is still on fire down there."

Erika sighed and took the raincoat away. She put it over the chair again. "No, you're no fetishist." Marlene said: "He is. Not for rubber perhaps, but he's a terrific fetishist for high heels."

"So that's why you trod on him this morning?"

"Yes. He loves it-in spite of its agony." Erika looked down at her shoes. They were not the same ones as she had worn earlier in the day, but they had very high stiletto heels too. "May I tread on him again?"

"By all means," said Marlene. "Do whatever you want. This is your party as well as mine."

Erika looked at him. He was now completely naked. "Lie down on the floor," she ordered. "Lie down on your stomach."

"Be careful," he said. "I may be a high-heel fetishist as Marlene says, but I don't want to be permanently injured."

"I didn't ask what you want or don't want. Lie down."

He lay down on the carpet. His bright-red bottom was just beside her feet. She lifted one foot and put it squarely on one of his buttocks. She stepped quickly up on him and put her other foot on his other buttock. She stood unsteadily, trying to find her balance.

Marlene came beside her and put out a hand.

Erika took it and steadied herself. "Thank you. That's better." She put her weight now upon her heels and felt them press deeply into the flesh of his bottom.

"Careful!" he said quickly, turning his head sideways and trying to look up. "You will injure me terribly if you don't look out."

"You mean," said Erika, pressing harder with her heels, "that I may puncture you?"

"Yes," he said desperately. "Do be careful!"

"Do you think it would be less dangerous if I step on your back?"

"No! For Christ's sake, don't do that!"

"I want to." She lifted a foot and put it down between his shoulder-blades. She changed her balance and put her other foot beside the first. "Is that nice?"

"No! No! No! Please get oil!"

"I think you'd better," said Marlene, quietly. "It is rather dangerous."

Erika stepped down to the floor at once. "All right. In any case, I'd much rather whip him."

"Let him give us a drink first."

He stood upright, a worried frown on his face. "You're not safe, you know," he said to Erika. He looked at Marlene. "She's worse than you are."

Marlene laughed. "Yes, I'm beginning to think so too. Come on, give us a drink."

"What would you like? Whisky?"

"Yes, please. With a little water."

He looked at Erika. "And you?"

"The same, please."

He picked up a box of cigarettes and offered them. Erika gave his penis a slap as she took one.

He winced.

She noticed the wince. "It's very sore, is it?"

He lit her cigarette and nodded. "Very." She slapped it again, harder.

"Good. I like to know that. I like to know that I caused it."

He lit Marlene's cigarette and went to a cupboard to get the drinks.

"Aren't you going to get undressed?" said Marlene. "And wear your nice raincoat next to your skin?"

"Yes," said Erika. "Now! Will you, too?"

"Why not?"

The two girls quickly took off all their clothes. When they were quite naked they slipped into the shimmery raincoats with a little shiver-a shiver of coldness from Marlene, a shiver of wanton lust from Erika. They tied their belts tightly.

Hugh came up to them with the glasses. "You look very nice, I must say," he remarked admiringly. "And it's nice to know that you're nude underneath." He raised his own glass. "Cheers."

"You'd better drink that down," said Marlene. "We're wasting time." She picked up the two lengths of rubber tubing and gave one to Erika. "Come on, put your glass down."

He drained the glass and put it down on a small table.

"Now bend over," she ordered. "Touch your toes."

"Don't be too sadistic, for God's sake," he said, as he obeyed her.

"Shut up." She raised her rubber tube and lashed hard at his inflamed buttocks. She delivered lash after lash, fast. When she had given about twenty lashes she stood aside and signalled to Erika.

Erika took her place and raised her own tube. She tried to hit harder than Marlene had done, and began to think that she was doing so as he began to utter small strangled cries. He remained in his bent-over position, however, until she let her hand fall to her side.

"All right," said Marlene. "You're warmed up now. Come into your bedroom." She led the way out of the sitting-room and into his bedroom. She switched on the lights. "You can make a little love to me now. And Erika can go on with the warming-up."