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The red-head gave a thrust. Her dildo slid smoothly and deeply into his anus, and caused an answering thrill of delight from the part inside her.

He felt the great instrument reaching far inside him.

"She is a devil," he murmured, but found to his surprise that she was giving him a good deal of pleasure. He sighed, found a more comfortable position for his bound hands by putting them out over the head of the girl upon whom he was lying, and gave himself up to his rapturous thrusting and withdrawing.

And as he thrust and withdrew with his penis, so the redhead thrust and withdrew with her dildo.


An hour or so after lunch, Margarete Hansen knocked at the door of Per Peterson's study.

"Ah," she said. "Good. You haven't gone back to your office. I was afraid I'd miss you."

"Do come in and sit down," he said. "Did you buy your things this morning?"

"I can't sit down now," she said. "I have to get back to the children." She stood just inside the door, looking at him with a smouldering expression.

"Did you buy the things?" he repeated, gazing at her with appreciation.

"Yes." She felt nervous, and was sure that she was showing it.

He looked at her enquiringly. "Is there anything the matter?"

She hesitated. "You said this morning something about the more the merrier."


"When I asked you if you could stand being the victim of three sadistic women at the same time."

"Yes, yes," he said. "I remember very well."

"You said 'Why not? The more the merrier.'"

"Yes, I did. Why?"

She ran her tongue lightly over the under-part of her upper lip. "I've just had a telephone call from two friends of mine from Sweden."


"One of them is a terrific sadist." He opened his cigarette case and took out a cigarette. His pulse began to beat faster. "Go on." He smiled suddenly and waved his arm at a chair. "But why don't you come and sit down?" Things, he thought, were growing very interesting.

"I have to get back to the children," she repeated. She wondered whether she dared go on. "What were you going to say then?"

"The other is a bit of a sadist from time to time but she's more of a nymphomaniac. And they're both terribly lovely. A red-head and a blonde."

His pulse gave a leap. He knew what she was going to say. "Go on," he repeated, in an encouraging tone of voice. His penis began to tingle.

She looked him full in the eyes. "Do you think you could stand five sadistic women at the same time? Or rather, four and a nymphomaniac? Would it still be a case of the more the merrier?"

This time it was his penis that leaped. "Yes," he said. "Definitely. Why don't you ask them both for dinner with the rest of us?"




Marlene Reitter and Erika Kostler were the first to arrive. Per Petersen received them in his study. He had wondered whether, since he was to have five guests, he should receive them in the large salon. This was a room, however, which had rarely been used since his wife's death, and he preferred the warmer atmosphere of his own domain. It was, in fact, quite large enough for the entertainment of five ladies.

Marlene was wearing a tightly-fitting dinner-dress of tabac-coloured velvet, and, with her lovely ash-blonde hair drawn back at the nape of her neck in a chignon, again looked like a goddess from some other world. In her eyes, as always when she visited him in order to flog him, there was a burning light, panther-like and menacing.

"Where is your children's governess?" she asked, after she had introduced Erika Kostler. "I'm dying to meet her."

"She's upstairs with the children," he replied. "She'll be down in a minute."

He looked at Erika appreciatively. She was wearing a dark- red dress which he thought was made of a very swishy type of flimsy taffeta. She was, to his eyes, very lovely. He reflected that the evening was going to he extremely exciting. "And so you're a sadist, too?" he said conversationally as he offered a box of cigarettes first to Marlene and then to her.

"Very much of one," she answered. He went close to her to light her cigarette. To his nostrils there came a smell- delightful, heavy, and heady-of sweetly perfumed rubber. He looked again at her dress and saw that it was made of rubberised crepe-de-chine, and not, after all, of taffeta. He glanced at her in some surprise. He had often heard of the fetish but he had not yet met anyone who possessed it. He felt, now, that it was not at all difficult to understand. She looked, and smelt, extremely fetching, and he longed for the time when he could press his body against her provocative dress, after he had taken off all his own clothes. His penis, which had erected the moment they came into the room, gave a tingling leap.

"What will you drink?" he asked, as calmly as he could. He addressed Marlene. He thought it might be unwise to show too clearly how attractive he found her assistant. "Sherry, perhaps?"

"That will be very nice," she said, crossing her lovely legs sensually and turning her burning expression on him.

"And you?" he asked Erika.

"Yes, please. The same."

He poured the drinks and brought them to the girls. "It's wonderful to see you again, Marlene. Did you have a good time in Paris?"

"Fairly good," she said. "But we were frustrated, of course."

"Why?" he asked. He knew perfectly well what she meant, for he had been told before of her masochistic English friend in Paris, but he wanted to hear the exciting words of her answer.

She smiled. She realised that he knew what she meant, but she gave him what he wanted. "My victim there can't be flogged as I want him to be flogged. He lives in an apartment with thin walls-not a house like this. It's very frustrating."

"But it's not frustrating here, eh?"

"Not so frustrating. But you have too many servants."

"There won't be any here after dinner."

She looked at him in surprise. "Oh? How have you arranged that?"

He laughed. "I didn't really arrange it. It just happened. It's the annual servants' ball tonight at the Town Hall. I've told them all that they can go."

She chuckled deliciously. "It seems that I chose my time rather well. Why didn't you tell me when I phoned you?"

"I must keep some surprises for you, my dear."

"You've already given me quite a big one."

"My children's governess?"

"Of course."

He drew deeply on his cigarette. "I have another one."

She smiled enquiringly. "Another governess?"

"No, another surprise. I don't know how you're going to take it."

"Try me."

He looked straight into her eyes. "You have two more assistants."

She raised her eyebrows. "Two more? You don't mean your governess and two more?"

"I do." He watched her expression closely but her eyes had a look now that he could not fathom.

"How did all this happen?" she asked, tapping the ash off the end of her cigarette on to the carpet. "Your house seems to be becoming a harem."

He realised that she was angry. "It's really nothing to do with me," he said in a conciliating tone of voice. "Miss Hansen, my governess, told me that two Swedish friends of hers have come to see her. I haven't met them yet."

"How does that make them my assistants?" Her voice was cold.

"They are sadists, too, it seems. At least, one of them is."

"So?" The coldness had turned into iciness.

He hesitated, and took a drink of his sherry to gain time. "So I told her to ask them for dinner."

"Go on. That's not all." She was looking at him now with her eyes half-closed. "Go on, dear Per."