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She wetted her lips. Her own time had come, and she was very ready for it. The last few hard lashes had considerably increased her appetite for what she was going to do. She went to her ruck-sack again and took out another length of rope. She put it on the ground and rummaged about at the bottom of the ruck-sack. She took out a package that was wrapped in plastic. She removed the plastic and looked hungrily at the object it had been protecting.

It was a large double dildo made of a V of hard rubber. The part of the V that would slide inside her own vagina was ten centimetres long; the other part, the part that would stand up in front of her like an enormous erected penis, was fifteen centimetres long. To its base was attached a thick, flat piece of rubber that would lie upon her mound when the dildo was secured into its position by the various straps that now dangled from it.

She balanced the apparatus upon the coil of rope, making sure that the part which would go inside her own passage did not touch the ground. She unzipped her jeans and slipped them down to her ankles. She pushed her panties down after them, and stepped out of both at the same time. She picked up the dildo, parted her legs, and put the shorter end to her vagina. Slowly she pushed it into herself, feeling a sweet rapture as it made its way fully home. She fastened the straps into position round her legs, thighs and waist. She put, her hand to the enormous hard rubber penis that now stood away from her stomach at a slight angle. She agitated it, feeling the answering genital sensation as the agitation communicated itself to the end of the V which lay snugly inside her. She began to breathe fast.

She was not a lesbian. She had never yet used the dildo on a woman. Her use of it would probably have given a good deal of surprise to its manufacturer. She used it on the men she whipped. Her supreme sexual gratification came from tying a man into a totally helpless position-face down and with his legs wide open-giving him a merciless thrashing, and then savaging his bottom with her dildo. This action gave her mental as well as physical pleasure. The mental joy was that of subjugating a member of the so-called superior sex with a flogging and a rape; the physical pleasure came from the agitation of the part of the dildo that was inside her as she thrust the other part into her victim. The victim had to be a male man, however; she had no interest in pansies.

She looked now at the two bodies lying on the rug. They were so still that they might have been asleep. The man's back had livid weals across it, and two had begun to bleed a little. His bottom, which she had not hit hard, was crisscrossed by lighter weals and was a flaming red in colour.

She went up to them and picked up her whip. As she walked her great dildo swayed from side to side. "Come on," she said, giving the man a light kick in his ribs. "You've relaxed enough. Get up."

He turned his head and looked up at her. He gave a gasp. From his prostrate position the dildo seemed even larger than it really was. He gazed at it for several moments in shocked fascination, seeing at the same time that her legs were bare and her shiny black leather jacket was still being worn. He took his eyes away from the dildo and looked more closely at her legs. They were extremely shapely. He looked up at her leather jacket and caught his breath. The suede into which he had just been burying his face had excited him greatly, but he had a stronger fetish for soft shiny kid. He felt the faint stirrings of sex, and reflected that they must be in his mind; his body had been drained only a few minutes ago.

He looked back at the dildo and thought that perhaps he was not going to be whipped at once. The red-head must be a lesbian, and must now be waiting for him to get out of her way so that she could herself make love to her friend. If only he could wriggle his wrists out of their ropes while she was doing it… He could then quickly untie his feet and make a get-away. He might even be able to get away in his car. Then he remembered that the blonde had the engine key in her pocket. Never mind. He would grab some of his clothes and run. He could worry about the car later.

He raised his hips and pulled his now flaccid penis out of the blonde's vagina. She lay still with her eyes closed and made no sound. He rolled over on to his side.

"Would you help me up?" he said. "It's a bit difficult, tied up like this."

"With pleasure," said the red-head. "Anything to speed matters up." She put a hand under one of his arms and helped him to stand. "Now," she said, "hop over to the back of your car." She pulled away the wet french-letter. "Why?"

"Don't ask questions. Do as I say." He glanced at the whip in her hand and decided to obey her without further words. He hopped, twenty centimetres at a time, to the back of the Rolls. He saw her pick up another coil of rope.

So she's going to tie me up, he said to himself. That's a pity. But if she takes her time with the blonde I might still manage to untie myself.

"Face the car," she ordered. "And lie forward over the back of it."

The metal felt cold against his skin as he lay down over the curved luggage-boot. He wondered why she had to put him into this position. If it was simply to immobilise him, it seemed unnecessarily complicated. Unless-a wave of cold fear ran through him-she intended to thrash him before she made love to her friend. This would probably be a good position for him to be in, if she was going to do that.

He moistened his lips. "Why are you putting me over the back like this?"

"You'll see very soon."

He felt her untying the rope around his ankles. "Are you going to use that whip?"

She laughed. "What a silly question! Of course I am. I told you I was going to, didn't I?"

He made no reply. Hope died again inside him, and at the same time the burning pain in his back seemed to increase. He had been able to ignore it while there was a hope that he could escape. Now it began to claw at him. His heart thumped with terror.

He remembered the Swiss business-man again. He had been tied over his car, too. But it had been for a different purpose: a rape of the bottom, not a whipping-Perhaps the Swiss had been luckier. This fiendish girl would excite herself with her whip, would probably nearly kill him, and would then leave him in his agony while she flung herself and her monstrous dildo upon the body of her friend.

"Open your legs," she said. "Wide."

He opened his legs as widely as he could.

"Wider," she said.

"I can't." Why, for heaven's sake, did she want his legs open?

"You're asking for it, aren't you?" she said. "Do as I say, or you'll repent it so much."

He forced his legs open a few centimetres more.

She knelt beside his left leg and tied a length of rope around the ankle. She threw its free end under the car, beside the left wheel. She stood up and moved forward to the wheel. She knelt again and reached under the car to take the end of the rope. She pulled it tight, passed it round the front and side of the wheel, and knotted it firmly to the part that disappeared under the car. She went round to his right leg and did the same thing with another length of rope. She stood back and regarded her work. "Yes," she said. "You're safe enough like that."

Safe enough, he thought. She said safe enough. So perhaps all this is only to stop me running away. But why, why should she want my legs open like this?

"Now your arms," she said, and untied the ropes around his wrists. "I wonder whether there's enough rope." She gathered the remaining pieces and knotted them into one length. "Yes, perhaps." She tied one end round his right wrist. "Stretch your arm upwards, as far as you can." She went to the right-hand rear door of the car, opened it, and let down the window. She shut the door again, tossed the end of the rope through the window on to the seat, walked round the car, opened the left-hand door and let down the window, shut the door again, and reached through the open window for the end of the rope. She pulled tightly on it.