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"Ouch!" he exclaimed, as his arm was stretched towards the window of the car. "You'll pull my arm out of its socket!"

"That would be nice," she said, and came back to his side, holding the rope taut. "Put this arm up now."

He stretched his left arm up in front of him.

She wound the end of the rope tightly round his wrist and made some expert knots.

"You have got him nice and helpless," said the voice of the blonde.

He turned his head sharply. She was standing beside the car, watching the actions of the red-head with a light of amusement in her eyes.

"Please," he said. "Please go and lie down again."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Lie down again? Why should I?"

"So that"-he hesitated, wondering whether he was being unwise to say it-"so that you'll be ready for her the moment she wants you."

"The moment who wants me?"

"Your friend."

"What are you talking about? Why should she want me? What for?"

"To make love to you. If you're not ready on the rug, she'll probably go on longer with that whip."

The blonde looked at the red-head, looked down at the dildo, and burst into laughter. "Oh, the innocent! He thinks you're going to use that on me!"

For a second he was puzzled. Then the truth dawned on him. So that was why she had opened his legs. So the Swiss had not, after all, been luckier. It was going to be both rape and a whipping.

"No," he said, weakly. "No, please. You're not going to put that into me, are you?"

"Yes," said the red-head. "Right into you. As far as it will go."

"No, please no!"

"But I'm going to warm you up first, of course. And I'm quite ready to start. Where are those stockings?"

"Here," said the blonde, and gave them to her.

"Please no," he repeated, desperately. "What have I ever done to you?"

The blonde laughed. "Nothing, my dear. But you don't have to have done anything, if you fall into the clutches of a nymph and a sadist. It's just your bad luck, that's all. But don't worry. She won't kill you."

The red-head took hold of a handful of his hair. "Open your mouth."

He gave up struggling against his fate, and opened his mouth. She thrust one rolled-up stocking into it, and tied it into place with the other.

The blonde took the whip into her hand. "Let me give him the first few, please."

"You're a greedy hog," said the red-head. "You've had your pleasure."

"Just a few little lashes. Please."

"All right. But be quick. I don't know why you want to, anyway. You're not a sadist."

"I'm beginning to be. It comes from watching you. And you told me yourself that every woman is a sadist at heart."

"Yes. All right, go ahead. But please be quick."

The blonde put herself into position and swung the whip. She aimed at the fleshy part of his legs, ten centimetres below his bottom. The stroke was very hard. A livid weal sprang to life, and with it some drops of blood.

A terrible, searing pain racked him. A choked moan escaped through the stocking in his mouth.

She swung the whip again, aiming this time at his shoulders. She put all her force into the lash. She felt a quivering pleasure in her loins at the thought of the pain she was giving. Her third lash cut across his buttocks. Her fourth and fifth across the centre of his back.

Panting with excitement more than with exertion, she handed the whip to the red-head. "Thank you. That was very nice indeed." She picked up her pants and jeans and put them on. "And now I'll watch you getting your own pleasure. It always gives me nearly as much of a thrill as anything else." She sat down on the ground and lay back on an elbow.

The red-head drew the now blood-wet whip through her fingers again, and looked hungrily at the naked body that squirmed and strained against its bonds.

She took up her position and drew a deep breath. She began to lash him across the upper part of his back. The lashes followed one another fast. The noise of swish-crack, swish-crack, swish-crack cut through the stillness of the woods.

He felt his brain reeling with the intolerable agony. He felt he would go mad with it… if his heart did not burst first. He tried to shriek through his gag, but could find neither the strength nor the breath.

The red-head's heart was also pounding madly. She delivered another dozen lashes and then threw down the whip. She threw herself over his bleeding back and legs, took the end of her dildo in her hands and put its tip to his anus. She gave a great thrust.

The dildo slid smoothly into the anal passage. She gave another thrust. The whole length of the dildo disappeared. She began to withdraw and thrust, savouring the blissful sensation inside her vaginal passage as the long end of the dildo communicated its pressures to the short end.

He hardly realised, at first, what was happening to him. The pain that burned his back was so intense that he did not notice the new burn inside his bottom. He knew only that the whipping had stopped. Gradually he became aware, however, of a thrusting and withdrawing movement in his bottom, and he realised that he was being savaged. His first reaction was one of revulsion, but this was followed quickly by the recognition that it was far better to be savaged than whipped. He hoped, dully, that she would quickly satisfy herself, and let him go.

She felt the juices of her culmination gathering. She reduced the speed of her thrusting and withdrawing, letting the impending culmination recede a little, titillating it, tantalising it. Soon it became demanding once more, and began to rise inexorably to its peak. She pulled herself abruptly away from him, and stood panting for a moment. The culmination receded again.

She picked up the whip.

Her lashes were given less rapidly this time. After each swish-crack she would pause for a moment, letting the rapture of flagellation do the titillating of the culmination. A wave of hot ecstasy seemed to pour itself over all her genital nerves each time the whip struck.

The blonde began to frown. "Do be careful," she murmured. "You'll kill him if you don't stop soon."

The red-head heard her words but did not at first appreciate their meaning. Then she turned her bead. "Perhaps you're right." She spoke in a voice that did not seem her own. "But I don't want to finish yet."

"I think you'd better."

"All right. Just six more. I'll let myself come while I give them."

"I hope he doesn't have a heart attack or something. He's in a terrible state."

"He'll be all right. It takes more than this to kill a man of his size." She contracted her stomach muscles, and felt the culmination give a leap forward as the dildo moved inside her. She raised the whip again. As it struck she did not try to control the further leap of the culmination. She struck again. "I'm coming now," she murmured. "Oh, oh, oh!" She struck again, and again…

Her culmination rose to its peak and took her in its possession. It shook her and made her tremble from head to toe. And still she lashed with her whip, not knowing that she was doing so, knowing only that she was in another world, a world of unbelievable delight.

The blonde rose quickly to her feet and went to her side. She seized the whip in her hand. "Stop it, for God's sake! That's enough."

"Ooooh!" The red-head gave a moan of shuddering satisfaction and dropped, like a sack, to the ground. She lay there, her eyes closed, breathing very fast.

The blonde looked anxiously at the back of the victim. It was covered with deep weals and running blood. She moved forward and took a handful of his hair. She raised his head gently and looked at his face. His eyes were shut. She put a hand beneath him and felt his heart. To her intense relief it was beating, though far too fast. She began to untie the ropes of his ankles, wondering what they were going to do with him now. They couldn't just leave him in the woods in this condition.