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The fragrance of fertile earth and summer blossoms enveloped him as he stood just inside, the doors behind him swinging shut of their own accord. In the gathering dusk he could still distinguish his mother’s favorite chair among the vining exotica and, near to it, the lounge upon which his father had spent his last painful days surrounded by the living tribute to his wife’s artistry and their deep affection, each for the other. He looked up between the branches and vines into the darkening sky, where a clutch of stars was already visible, and inhaled the encompassing peace. Elizabeth was near. He imagined her at table with her uncle and aunt, smiling yet pensive behind those lovely, bright eyes as she reviewed their encounter in the privacy of her heart. With what anticipation did she regard their forthcoming meeting? Had she been as pleased with the conclusion as he had at first thought? It would be more than he deserved. Or had she been merely polite, caught as she had been on his lands?

He sighed and set out slowly for the far end of the conservatory. And Georgiana! He smiled at the thought. She would be overjoyed with his news! How keenly she had regretted never having had the opportunity to make Elizabeth’s acquaintance. She, who so longed for a friend of the heart, could never find another of such perfect sanguinity. He would watch them closely. If they delighted in each other, as he hoped, what better friend or confidante could he desire for his sister?

He had reached the end and stopped, peering out into the darkness of the gardens beyond Eden for a moment before turning about. Above him, through the glass, he could see the pale walls and brightly lit windows of Pemberley shimmering in the night. Elizabeth was near, as were Georgiana, the memories of his parents, what he had been born to, and what he had lately learned that truly meant. Here, in this place, they together filled his soul, propelling it upward in renewed gratitude and a sense of peace. He started back through the conservatory, a smile upon his face. Yes, Georgiana would be overjoyed. So much so that, perhaps, she might not wish to wait an entire day to begin her new acquaintance. He devoutly hoped that would be so!

“Mr. Darcy, sir, the carriage has been sighted.” Darcy looked up from his book and thanked the footman before inserting his mark and putting it aside. He had read little and understood even less, the volume being more a prop in the masking of his expectations for the day than a true endeavor. Pulling at his cuffs and waistcoat, he strode to the door and out into the hall. The wide main door was open to what summer breeze might chance by as well as to the broad sweep of the carriageway, where he did, indeed, spy his own coach bowling smartly down the lane followed closely by Bingley’s equipage. The vehicles raised such dust that a breeze carried a shower of it toward the door and desposited a layer upon his coat as he stepped outside to meet them. Flicking away the undesirable patina so as not to mar Fletcher’s brushing of that morning, he composed himself to greet his sister and friends.

Lads from the stables quickly stepped up to the leaders while an army of footmen opened doors, pulled down steps, and retrieved the guests’ cloaks, cases, and portmanteaus. As Fletcher had predicted upon his arrival in the servants’ coach earlier that morning, Bingley’s brother-in-law was the first out, his face red and perspiring from a cravat tied entirely too high and a corset laced much too tightly for travel. Darcy bit his lip at the picture Hurst presented while the scathing adjectives with which Fletcher had rightly decried the talents of Hurst’s new valet repeated themselves in his mind. But Hurst was not his immediate concern, nor were any of the Bingley entourage. Rather, his desire was for his sister and the happiness he hoped soon to be able to bestow upon her.

“Bingley! Welcome!” He clasped his friend’s hand.

“Darcy!” Charles breathed out an exasperated sigh as he grasped his hand in return. “Thank God, we have arrived! You would not believe what was necessary to transport my family a mere three hours’ drive.” He looked daggers at his brother-in-law’s back. “And the only ally you supposed is the worst of the lot!”

“You have my sympathy.” Darcy clapped him on the shoulder. “And a glass of restorative awaits you in your rooms.”

“Marvelous!” Bingley grinned and headed up the front stairs.

Darcy turned then to Hurst. “Please walk in and allow Reynolds to attend to you, sir. You do not look well. Ladies.” He turned to Miss Bingley and her sister and bowed.

“Mr. Darcy.” Miss Bingley extended her hand. “To be at last at Pemberley! It seemed we would be forever upon the road this morning.”

He briefly touched the fingers offered to him. “You are welcome. I trust your journey —”

“Tedious beyond belief!” Miss Bingley cast her eyes to Heaven. “But who would not suffer more and gladly if Pemberley be their destination!” She cast him a soulful glance. “Such perfection! Why, it is recompense enough merely to breathe the air. You are, sir, justly within your rights to be proud to command such a noble estate.”

“Proud, Miss Bingley?” His brow rose. “I hope not!” He smiled then into her startled countenance and indicated the door. “Please allow Mrs. Reynolds to show you to your rooms. You must be wishing to rest after such tedium as you have endured.”

Darcy’s eyes strayed past her, his smile lengthening into a broad grin when at last Georgiana appeared at the coach door. Quickly, he strode to her and handed her down himself. “Sweetling!” He kissed her brow and, tucking one of her gloved hands under his arm, bent and whispered, “I have been at my wit’s end awaiting your arrival. The most wonderful thing has happened!”

“What can it be!” She laughed up at him. “It must be wonderful indeed for such a smile as you wear!”

“It is,” he whispered. “Go, refresh yourself, and come to my book room directly. Try to come unobserved.” He lifted his chin toward Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst and, urging her onward, added, “Hurry!” With an excited giggle, Georgiana obeyed, falling quickly into Mrs. Reynolds’s welcoming arms within the door before hurrying to the stairs. Satisfied with her reaction, Darcy followed behind but waited until all his guests were abovestairs to send word to the stables and then turn in through his study door. He was not forced to wait long. Before fifteen minutes had elapsed, Georgiana was seated on the divan, her face wreathed in such expectant smiles he could do nothing but smile back at her.

“Yes?” She looked to him inquiringly, but her pert expression and the expectation of the joy his news would bring made it impossible to begin. Instead, he threw back his head and laughed. “Fitzwilliam!” Georgiana tugged at his hand much as she had when a child. “Tell me!”

He dropped onto the divan beside her and with great effort schooled his features and asked with the utmost solemnity, “How should you like to meet Miss Elizabeth Bennet?”

His sister’s eyes widened, incredulity writ large in them. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet? Fitzwilliam, you tease me!”

“No, I swear!” He laughed again. “She is here…in Lambton, rather…the Green Man!”

“But how…?”

“She travels with her aunt and uncle on a tour of Derbyshire.” He settled in beside his sister, happy at last to tell all his news. “Her aunt is from Lambton, and Mrs. Gardiner must have it that they visit the scenes of her girlhood. Pemberley’s reputation enticed them, and our reported absence convinced Miss Bennet to chance a tour. I found them in the gardens yesterday on my way from the stables.”