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I look to his right.

I hadn’t even seen her, but of course he has a woman in his life.

I should have expected it. I mean, look at him. For some reason, it still hurts though, and the butterflies in my stomach turn into something else, like a heavy weight.

Dash grimaces and tries to hide it, but it’s too late; we all saw it. “Everyone, this is Vanessa.”

“His girlfriend,” she adds, glancing in my direction.

Okay, so I’m wrong.

The timing isn’t right.

And it probably never will be.

I smile at the couple then make my way toward the bar. Instead of ordering the ten Wet Pussy shots I really want to, I order a gin and tonic then sip it as I look anywhere except at Dash. Summer comes over and wraps her arm around me.

“Okay, I’m going to need a briefing over what just happened there,” she whispers, making me laugh.

I shrug my shoulders and stare into my drink. “Knew Dash from high school.”

“Dated?” she asks, eyes widening. “What a small world.”

“We didn’t date exactly,” I say, tilting my head to the side. “I lost my virginity to him though.”

Summer almost spits out her drink then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “No way. Didn’t see that one coming. So let me get this right; you had a thing back in the day, and now you run into him for the first time in ages, and he’s with his girlfriend, who none of us have even met before.”

I nod. “I think that sums it up.”

“You know, I met Dash years ago. I came to live with Xander, and Dash is one of his best friends.” She puts her hand on my shoulder. “I’ve never seen him actually commit to a woman, and I have no doubt this will be no different.”

That didn’t sound like good news for me, either.

“You know what?” she prompts. “Forget about the girlfriend. Let’s just go dance and have a good time, all right?”

“All right,” I say, letting her pull me to the dance floor.

Dash and I could be just friends. We are adults, and so much time has passed since we meant anything to each other.

I should just be happy he’s back in my life.

Chapter Nine

“I still can’t believe you’re here right now,” Dash says as he comes to stand next to me at the bar while I’m ordering another drink. “Xander says you’re a real estate agent? His, to be exact.”

I wonder how he was able to ask about me with his girlfriend not leaving his side for a second. She must have gone to the bathroom or something, letting him breathe a little.

I smile at him then duck my head. “I am, yes. After trying a heap of other careers, I settled on real estate.”

He chuckles and orders his drink before saying, “Yeah, I can see you being in real estate. Although, I guess you have to trade in the Converse now, huh?”

“More of a heels girl now. What about you? What do you do for a living?” I find myself asking.

“I’m a mechanic,” he says, taking a sip of the amber liquid in his glass. “I own my own business.”

“Awesome,” I say, finishing my drink and placing the empty glass on the table. Dash suddenly grabs my wrist, turning it over so my palm’s up in the air. I know straight away what he’s looking at, the name ‘Max’ written across my wrist, a tattoo I got the day I turned eighteen.

“You didn’t message me every day,” he suddenly accuses, licking his lips. “When you left, you said you would, but then you didn’t.”

My eyes flare at him bringing this up. “I did for a while, Dash. For about a year, wasn’t it? I think life just got in the way after that, after I finished high school and went to university. It’s a two-way street, you know. You didn’t pick up the phone either.”

A muscle ticks in his jaw, but he leaves the subject alone. “You look good. You’re beautiful, Vi.”

“Thank you,” I reply, looking away from those eyes I’ve missed so damn much. “You look good too. How are your sisters?”

“They’re all good,” he says, smiling fondly. “Still harassing my life, of course.”

I laugh as memories flash through my mind. “You love it. You were always such a good brother.”

“I don’t know about that,” he says, studying me for a few tense seconds. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“Why?” I ask, scanning the bar. I see his girlfriend exit the bathroom then head in our direction straight away.

“Because I want to catch up with you. Do you know how many times I’ve thought about you over the years? Wondered what you’re doing, how you are?”

Probably not as much as I’ve wondered the same about him.

“Dash, there you are,” Vanessa says, possessively putting her hand on his chest. “Is it okay if we leave now? I’m not feeling too well.”

Dash sighs, and I know he doesn’t want to leave. Why would he? Everyone he loves besides his sisters is in this room.

“Give me a minute,” he tells her. “Why don’t you have a drink while I say bye to everyone?”

She makes a face but stays at the bar while Dash grabs my arm and leads me to the group. “Tomorrow. Meet me here at lunchtime.”

“You have a girlfriend,” I say, putting up my hand. “And before you play the ‘just friends’ card, if it wasn’t an issue, you would have mentioned this in front of her.”

“I’ve dated her for a few months,” he growls, hold tightening on me. “And if I knew you would be coming back into my life, I never would have touched her.”

My eyes widen at his outburst.

“You can’t just say shit like that,” I whisper-yell.

We stop in front of Summer and Reid.

“Dash has to go, because his girlfriend wants to leave,” I blurt out, making Dash’s scowl turn even deeper.

“Is that right?” Summer snarks, crossing her arms over her chest. “Doesn’t your girlfriend like us, Dash? Your family?”

Reid looks like he wants to laugh, but manages to contain it.

“She’s tired,” he says, pursing his lips. “I’m going to drop her at her house and then come back.”

“As if you’re going to come back,” I say, rolling my eyes. I look at Summer. “What’s the bet he’s not coming back?”

“I’m with you on this one,” Summer agrees. “She’ll pull out all the tricks to keep you there. Don’t worry, Dash; we’ll be here, having a good time without you. And Tag’s friend over there hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off Viola. I wonder if he’s going to ask her out on a date.”

Dash’s eyes narrow to slits. “Summer,” he growls, warning in his tone. “Pretty sure you’re meant to be on my side here.”

“There are no sides here,” Summer says, grinning. “But if there were, it would be between Vanessa and Vi, and sorry, but Vi wins hands down.”

I hide my grin behind my hand.

“Summer,” he groans, scrubbing a hand down his face. He then looks at me, eyes softening, and says, “I’ll be back.”

He leaves with his girlfriend, and I can’t help but feel sad, and a little lost.

He should be with me.

Summer wraps her arm around me. “He’ll be back. If not tonight, very, very soon.”

He’s going to go home and have sex with her. How depressing is that?

“I need another drink,” I mutter, exhaling deeply.

Reid looks down at me and speaks to me properly for the first time all night. “Don’t worry about Vanessa. She’s temporary.”

He walks away and I consider his words. Is she temporary? Am I just going to wait for Dash to become available? It sounds like a pretty sad option, if I’m being honest with myself, but at the same time, he definitely is worth the wait.

“Reid’s right,” Summer says, checking out her man. “He usually is, and it’s infuriating.”

“He’s not coming back,” I repeat, nodding my head toward the bar. “Shall we?”

“We shall,” Summer replies, linking her arm through mine.

Dash fucking Edwards.