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I glance at her house, and then at Max’s one last time before I walk to my car.

Sometimes you get a fresh start, even when you don’t want one.

Things change, and you need to adapt. Feel things, and then let them go.

But I never let Vi go, not entirely.

And I never will.

Chapter Eight

Nine Years Later


“You have really nice teeth,” the man says to me, leering in a creepy way. “They’re very white.”

“Umm, thank you,” I say, thinking the compliment is extremely random. I look back down at my drink, hoping he gets the picture, but he just keeps talking. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

I’m extremely single, but I don’t want to tell the man that. “I do, yes.”

“Oh,” he says, looking around. “Where is he?”

“He will be here any moment now,” I lie, forcing a smile. “I’m waiting for him.”

“Not nice to keep a lady waiting,” he huffs then wanders off.

The bartender chick laughs. “What a creeper.”

I glance up to look at her. “Tell me about it. Although he gets points for the originality of his pickup line.”

“What was it?” she asks curiously, leaning on the bar.

“He said I have really nice, white teeth.”

She laughs, eyes dancing with amusement. “If he kept at you, I was going to save you.”

“Thank you,” I tell her, smiling. “I’m Viola.”

“Nice to meet you, Viola,” she says, holding her hand out to me. “I’m Summer.”

We shake hands. “Nice to meet you too. This is my first time in this bar. It’s really lovely.”

She looks around as if only just noticing the place. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Viola?” a masculine voice says from behind me. I turn and see a handsome man with shoulder-length light brown hair and hazel eyes.

“Xander?” I ask. I’ve spoken to him on the phone several times, but I’ve never met him in person.

“Yes,” he says, offering me his hand. “Nice to meet you. And I see my sister has been keeping you busy.”

I look at Summer. “Sister?”

She grins and nods. “Big sister. And by the way, you’re the hottest real estate agent I’ve ever seen.”

I laugh at that.

Xander leans over the bar and kisses Summer’s forehead. “How are you, Sum?”

“I’m fine,” she replies, smiling fondly at him. “You can use the backroom if you want. Or just one of the tables.”

He glances at me.

“Tables are fine,” I say, shrugging.

I stand up and follow Xander to one of the tables, my black pumps clicking with each step. The black suit I’m wearing today is my favourite. It’s feminine and pretty, but also means business.

“Can I get you another drink?” he asks me as I sit down.

“No, thank you,” I tell him, opening my file and placing it on the table. “So, you said on the phone you are looking at buying another property.”

“Yes,” he nods, “an investment property.”

I hand him a form and ask him to fill it out. I find it easier to help a client with their needs if I get them to answer a few questions about what they want.

“When will you be free to view some houses?” I ask him, making a note in my notepad. “I already have a few in mind that just became available.”

“Any time this week would be perfect,” he says, hazel eyes lifting to mine. “How about Thursday?”

“Thursday works,” I say, marking it on my schedule.

Xander hands me back the form and I read over his answers. “Excellent. I’ll set up several viewings for Thursday with these answers in mind.”

“Thanks, Viola,” he says, resting back against the chair. “Are you sure I can’t get you a drink, or something to eat?”

“No, but thank you,” I tell him, packing away my papers and smiling at him. “I’ve never been to this bar before, even though my office is just down the road from here. Maybe I’ll have to check it out one a weekend.”

“It’s my brother-in-law’s,” he explains, glancing around. “Have a hell of a lot of good memories here.”

I smile warmly. “That’s really nice, Xander.” I glance at the time and cringe. “Sorry, I have to get going.”

I stand up and shake his hand once more, saying goodbye. I stop and say bye to Summer, too, before rushing to my car.

What a nice guy, I think to myself as I drive to my next appointment.


Thursday comes around, and we find Xander the most perfect investment property. To celebrate, he tells me to come to the bar on that Saturday night, because he’ll be having a gathering there. I decide to stop by, telling myself I need to get out and meet more people, and also because Xander and Summer are both really nice people. I wear a simple black dress, strappy heels, and a cute little clutch that only fits my phone, bank card, and ID. When I walk into the bar, hip-hop music is playing, and I spot Summer on the dance floor straight away. Xander sees me and comes over to me.

“You made it,” he says, grinning. He looks to the woman next to him. “This is my wife Trillian. Trill, this is Viola.”

“Nice to meet you, Viola,” she says, smiling warmly at me. “There’s some finger food on the table, if you’re hungry, and whatever you want to drink. It’s an open bar.”

There’s an open bar?

“Thank you,” I say, looking around. “All these people are your friends and family?”

“Pretty much,” he says, nodding. “Or people I work with and their families.”

“You made it,” Summer says, coming over to me. She points to a sexy blond god. “That’s my husband Reid.” Then to another sexy blond god. “And his twin brother, Ryan, with his wife Taiya.”

“Wow,” is all I can manage to say, making Summer laugh. “That’s Tag and Clara, other friends of ours. Anyway, everyone is friendly and welcoming here.” She grimaces. “Except Reid, probably, so just ignore him. That’s my sister-in-law Persephone,” she says as a pretty blonde walks by.

“Are you only friends with good-looking people?” I blurt out, making Summer, Xander, and Trillian laugh.

“Look who decided to show up,” Xander says, staring at the entrance with a smile on his face.  I turn to follow his line of sight, my jaw dropping.

No way.

It can’t be.

I do a double take, just to make sure.

My world comes to a stop.

I can’t hear or see anyone or anything else, all I see is him.

I can’t believe it.

“Dash?” I say out loud, making those around me look at me.

He looks different, of course, more masculine, nothing boyish about him left. I see tattoos peeking out of his shirt where it’s rolled up at the sleeves, but I’d never forget his face, or those eyes. He was all hard edges now, dressed in all black, looking really good. And for the first time since I can remember, I get butterflies in my stomach. He smiles, dimples popping out, eyes scanning the crowd. When they land on me, he literally stops in his tracks, and I can feel everyone now watching us. He studies me, jaw going slack and eyes going wide before he approaches.

“Vi?” he asks, voice deep and sexy. “Holy shit, is it really you?”

I nod, still in shock. “Dash, how are you?”

“I’m fine,” he says, gaze unwavering. “How have you been?

“Can’t complain,” I say, taking him in.

When we were teenagers, the timing wasn’t right. Right people, right chemistry, wrong timing. But now? Was I getting a second chance with him? Was fate finally handing me something back? Giving me a break? I take a step closer to him, and we both can’t tear our gazes away from each other.

The timing is perfect.

I know it.

I feel it in my bones.

And then I hear a woman say, “Dash, are you going to introduce me to your friends?”