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“I saw your book come to life.”


Willow nodded earnestly. “I danced until my legs got tired, and I had to stop. So I sat down against a tree, and I cried. I don’t know how long I sat there. The rain just came down, down, down. But after a while, when I was sitting there, I heard something strange from the other side of the cemetery. Near the trees, you know? Near the path to the river? It was like a scrape of metal against rock. I could just barely hear it. I didn’t know what it was, but it felt familiar. Like something I knew. And then I remembered. It was just like the prologue of your book. It sounded like someone digging. So I got up and went toward the sound. When I got close enough, I could barely make out someone. Just a shadow in the rain. I couldn’t see who it was, but I saw what they were doing, and I ran. I ran away as fast as I could.”

“Tell me,” Lisa said. “What were they doing?”

“They were burying a body in the cemetery. It was just like Thief River Falls, Lisa. They were burying a body.”


Lisa knew where she had to go. The cemetery.

She crossed the river again and parked the Camaro in an empty lot amid patches of snowdrifts and fallen leaves. Ahead of her, a path led into the woods. The trees and trails of Greenwood Park began here. So did the prologue of Thief River Falls.

The sheer weight of memories in this place was suffocating for her, like being buried alive. Whenever she wanted to feel Danny’s presence again, she came here. This was where she, Danny, and Noah had all become friends on their weekends in high school. This was where she and Danny had come on a hot June day during their last summer together, two months before the California fire. They’d found a secluded clearing and shared a bottle of wine, and that was where Danny had taken out an oval-cut diamond ring and asked her to marry him. She hadn’t hesitated a moment before saying yes. With the heat of the day on their bare backs and the buzz of the birds and the insects in the trees, they’d celebrated their engagement with a wildly erotic and foolishly unsafe coupling on the soft grass.

It felt like long ago.

The trail was wet under her feet. She kept her head down and her hands in her pockets. Soon she reached a familiar cross trail. Going right would take her to the river and the path that was haunted by Indians and murderers, according to local legend. Dead Man’s Trail, they called it. Going left would lead her out of the park toward the open land of the cemetery. Part of her wanted to go right and stay in the past, when she was young and Danny was alive. But she went left, following Willow’s instructions. She saw the midday light through the trees, and when she broke free of the woods, the dead were waiting quietly for her in neat, parallel rows.

This was where her entire family was buried.

Madeleine Power, her mother. Gerald Power, her father. Anton, Charles, and Samuel, her brothers. They were together, lined up next to each other under matching gray marble stones. Danny was buried here, too, in a more distant place. Everyone she loved was here, waiting for the day when she would join them. She thought about Willow’s poem, and for an instant, she was possessed by a strange desire to dance until the dead came to take her away.

But no. She couldn’t do that. According to Willow, Lisa’s book had come to life here two nights ago, and she needed to understand why. If the teenager was right, someone had visited the cemetery in the rain and buried a body in the soft ground. Two nights ago, Purdue had also showed up at her house. She didn’t believe in coincidences. If reality and fiction were blurring, it was because someone had planned it that way.

Someone was playing a game with her, but it didn’t feel like a game at all.

Have you ever been afraid that someone will bring your books to life?

Lisa was alone in the graveyard. The huge field was dusted over with wet snow clinging to the grass, untouched by footprints. Even without the sun, she felt blinded by the reflected brilliance of white light. Rows and rows of headstones pushed out of the ground, stretching for hundreds of feet in every direction. A few trees interrupted their neat geometry. Some trees clung to their colored leaves; others blew them across the field.

She walked up and down the rows. The years on the stones went back for decades, but every now and then, she came across the names of people she knew. A couple of times, they were people she didn’t even realize had died. The dentist her family had used when she was a girl had passed away two years ago. A nurse who’d retired not long after Lisa joined the hospital had died only recently. The current year was freshly carved on her stone.

Up and down. Back and forth.

Twenty minutes later, with the cold numbing her skin, she still hadn’t found the newly dug grave that Willow had told her about. It occurred to her that maybe the girl had imagined the whole thing. Willow was fragile, probably anorexic, and emotionally overwrought; she’d obviously gone to the cemetery with thoughts of suicide on her brain. Lisa had been concerned enough by the teenager’s story that she’d given Willow her cell phone number and told her to call anytime, day or night, if she ever felt an impulse to harm herself.

So maybe there had been no person in the shadows. No shovel scraping metal against rock. No reenacted scene from her favorite novel. Willow had seen what she wanted to see, all in her head, driven by exhaustion and depression. Brief reactive psychosis, that was what the shrinks called it. Lisa had researched the syndrome for her first novel and built it into the book’s plot. In the face of severe trauma, the brain could conjure entire worlds that didn’t exist as a way of blocking out reality. Hallucinations of people and places. Delusions that the mind refused to give up.

Lisa was starting to give up hope of finding anything, but she kept following the rows, continuing past grave after grave.

And then there it was.

Not an illusion. Real.

Near the trees in the cemetery’s far eastern corner, she saw a brown stone with rough, unpolished edges. It was the last plot in the row, and there was an open space next to it for someone else to be buried at a future date. The ground in front of the stone had recently been overturned and was a blotchy mixture of snow and black dirt. Not green grass like the other graves.

As if a hole had been made and something — someone — had been buried there.

Lisa cast her gaze around the large cemetery. She saw that someone else had joined her in the peaceful ground. A white Oldsmobile was parked on one of the narrow driveways crisscrossing the field, close to the entrance at Greenwood Street. A man made his way down one of the cemetery rows with a large box in his hand, and every now and then, Lisa could see him stop to pluck something off one of the headstones. His clothes — a dark suit and tie, a neat trench coat — made him look like either a minister or an undertaker.

She headed his way, cutting diagonally across the land. As she got closer, she could see that the man was in his seventies, with slightly hunched shoulders. His white hair sprouted from the top of his head and settled on either side like water from a fountain. His dark eyes were cheerful and alert, and he whistled as he went from grave to grave. Lisa watched him bend down at his knees and pick up a flowerpot filled with weathered plastic roses and deposit it in the box he was carrying. He took one of the sad old white roses from the pot and poked it into the buttonhole of his lapel like a boutonniere.

“Excuse me,” Lisa called.

The man eyed Lisa from where he was, and his face showed his surprise that he wasn’t alone. “Oh, hello.”