“Drop your guns!” Williams barked. “Now!”
Hickok nodded and slowly lowered his hands, knowing the Watchers wouldn’t expect him to match his revolvers against their M-16’s, wouldn’t anticipate anyone being that dumb, especially when he was so vulnerable, in the open, without any protection, so he could well imagine their surprise when he shifted to the right, drawing, the Pythons flashing from their holsters as he cocked the hammers, the Colts held waist high in the traditional gunfighter’s stance, the two shots sounding as one.
The Watchers to his right, each on a different roof, disappeared from sight in a spray of blood and brains. .
Hickok moved, the slugs from the M-16’s already striking the concrete steps at his feet. He twisted and waved, dodged and spun, being as difficult a target as he could possibly be.
One of the shots tore a gash in the right side of his neck.
Another slug chipped his left heel.
Hickok reached the SEAL and whirled, firing each Python, and one of the Watchers to his left screamed, tumbling down the slanted roof and plummeting to the hard ground.
“Get the son of a bitch!”
Hickok dropped to the ground, rolling under the SEAL, relishing the temporary protection afforded by the transports body, wishing he could stay where he was, but he couldn’t, it wasn’t part of his plan. He kept moving, coming out from under the vehicle on the side fronting the park, and he was up and running, heading for Blade, realizing it was do-or-die time.
A Watcher emerged from the vegetation, shouldering his M-16, taking precise aim.
Hickok let him have one in the head.
The Watchers were focusing all their firepower on the bobbing, spinning, twirling, and churning Warrior.
Another bullet hit home, biting into the gunman’s left side.
Hickok slowed, ten yards from Blade, and snapped off shot at a Watcher directly ahead. The soldier went down, his hands over his face, shrieking and thrashing.
Blade abruptly came to life, his arms finally free. He stooped over, frantically tugging at the ropes binding his ankles.
Hickok heard a new gun enter the conflict, the blast of the Henry followed by Bertha’s shotgun. He reached Blade’s side, placing his body between Blade and the park. “Hurry it up, slowpoke!”
Three Watchers charged from the undergrowth, firing as they ran.
Hickok fired his right Colt twice, seeing one of the soldiers stumble and fall, and something ripped through his left shoulder. He staggered, dropping to his knees, flinging the empty right Colt aside and grabbing for the Ruger.
Somebody beat him to it.
Blade was suddenly at his side, leaning over him and drawing the Ruger, aiming at the remaining Watchers.
Geronimo opened up with the Henry again.
The two Watchers were caught in a vicious cross fire, game to the very end, trying to shoot their foes even as slugs pierced their bodies, their faces contorted as they jerked from the impact. They landed on their stomachs, oozing blood, one of them gasping and wheezing from a shattered windpipe.
The firing suddenly ceased.
Geronimo and Bertha ran from the left side of the headquarters and joined their companions.
“Are you all right?” Bertha asked, placing her left hand on Hickok’s shoulder. “You look pitiful.”
“Thanks, Black Beauty,” Hickok said wearily. “I needed that.”
“Where are the rest?” Blade asked warily, scanning the park. “Or did we get them all?”
“By my calculations,” Hickok replied, “there should be four of them left.”
“Geronimo?” Blade said, running off. “The jeeps and the truck!”
Geronimo followed, alert for another attack from the park.
Hickok watched them go, his body aching. They were still in sight when the noise of engines cranking rent the dawn.
“They’ll never make it,” Bertha commented.
Hickok stood, his legs shaky.
“Hey, let me,” Bertha said, using her right arm to support him around the waist. “How many times you been hit?”
“I lost count,” Hickok replied.
“We’d best get you in to old Josh,” Bertha stated, leading the gunman toward the steps. “He’ll take care of you.”
“Okay by me,” Hickok agreed.
“You did real good, White Meat,” Bertha beamed. “I was proud of you.”
“Piece of cake.”
“I’ve never seen anyone handle a gun like you.”
“Piece of cake.”
“You sure say that a lot,” Bertha noted. “Is it your favorite expression, or something?”
“I just like cake.” Hickok grinned.
“You big dummy!” Bertha said affectionately.
They were half the distance to the SEAL when the heavy footsteps thudded behind them.
“What the…?” Bertha began to turn, but something struck her across her chin, knocking her down.
Hickok crouched and whirled, his left Colt still gripped in his sweaty palm. Had one of the Watchers returned? If so, the Watcher had made a mistake because he still had some fight left in him and…
He froze, his eyes widening.
It was a massive male brute, caked with dried blood, its beady eyes ablaze, its gleaming teeth dripping with pink saliva. Wounds covered its torso.
Hickok managed to get off one shot before a brawny fist sent him to the ground.
The brute stood over its prey, clenching and unclenching its hands.
Neither of them were the one he wanted.
Krill was after Blade.
Voices, raised in alarm, sounded to his rear.
Krill ran to the park, angling for the point where the vegetation bordered the street. A huge tree was closest to the roadway, and Krill slid behind the trunk as two men, Blade and another, raced by.
“It’s Hickok and Bertha!” Geronimo exclaimed as they sighted their friends.
“But how…” Blade slowed, confused. They’d caught a glimpse of the four Watchers making their getaway in a pair of jeeps, two soldiers to a vehicle. The remaining pair of jeeps, and the truck, were abandoned.
Unless Hickok miscounted, the Watchers were all accounted for. So who had knocked Hickok and Bertha unconscious?
Krill roared as he sprang, reaching Geronimo in a single bound and slamming the Warrior to the pavement.
Blade raised the Ruger and fired once, the slug penetrating the brute’s right chest area, the impact tugging Krill to the right, but the brute stayed on its feet and kept coming, snarling. Blade was caught in a bear hug and lifted off his feet. He jammed the barrel of the Ruger into Krill’s right ear and pulled the trigger.
The Ruger was empty. He’d used five rounds on the two Watchers.
Krill growled as he attempted to crush the life from Blade. The brute smiled when Blade smashed the revolver barrel against his face. Krill wanted Blade to know there was no way to escape the inevitable. Krill desired sweet revenge for Aria.
Blade bashed the brute again and again, splitting the skin and busting the crooked nose, and still Krill maintained his pulverizing hold. He dropped the Ruger and crammed his palms under the brute’s chin, striving to force the thick neck backward, to snap the spine. Krill’s bullish neck barely budged.
Geronimo was suddenly there, one of his tomahawks in his right hand.
He shouted his war whoop and plunged the tomahawk into the brute’s neck.
Krill, shocked, enraged, flung Blade aside and pounced on Geronimo.
The brute’s neck injury was pouring blood, but Krill ignored the laceration and heaved the struggling Warrior into the air, completely over his head.
Geronimo landed with a pronounced thud.
Blade, lying on his right side, striving to collect his breath and gather his energy, glanced around. Hickok and Bertha were lying still, both rendered unconscious. Geronimo, momentarily stunned, was prone and motionless.