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“If you think he’s weird now,” Geronimo said, “then wait until you really get to know him.”

“I don’t understand why they always pick on me,” Hickok said, lamenting his misfortune.

“Let’s get out of here,” Blade stated, smiling. He watched as they climbed into the SEAL, his eyes drifting over the park and the sky and the sun. The sun. He’d never be able to view the fiery orb in the same light again, not after what had happened. Each dawn, every new day, was so incredibly precious, so…

“Hey, pard, you coming?” Hickok called.

Blade walked to the transport and sat in the driver’s seat.

“I can drive,” Hickok offered, “if you don’t feel up to it.”

“I feel up to it,” Blade assured him.

“Thank the Spirit!” Geronimo remarked. He was sitting in the front, cradling the Browning in his arms.

“I can’t believe I’m really going to your Home,” Bertha said longingly.

“It’s like a dream come true.”

“You’ll love it,” Hickok verified. “I know.”

“And you can bet I’ll never leave it,” Bertha announced for Blade’s benefit. “Not ever!”

Blade started the motor and pulled out, glad he’d remembered to throw the red lever earlier. He wondered if Bertha had the right idea. The Home.

Jenny. His Family. He’d been away from them twice, and each time he nearly lost his life. Only a fool would tempt fate three times running.

“It is a beautiful day,” Joshua said softly.

“That it is,” Blade heartily agreed, grinning happily. “Next stop, Home Sweet Home!”



June 1992

Published by Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

276 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY

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Copyright ©MCMLXXXVI by David Robbins

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