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Caclass="underline" Hold that thought, baby cakes. Ha ha. Just got in from my jog. Give me a few to jump in the shower. I’ll text you in a bit.

Caclass="underline" Really needed that shower. I did a quick 5 miles. You don’t happen to jog, do you? Six Rivers has some sweet trails.

Grey: Honestly, no. But I’m willing to try anything once that won’t kill me.

Caclass="underline" Seriously?

Grey: Yes. I’ll just make sure to run behind you so I can stare at your superb ass #motivation

Caclass="underline" Hey. You stole my line.

Caclass="underline" Hey, Grey?

Grey: Yeah?

Caclass="underline" I’m starting to miss you.

Grey: Me too.

Caclass="underline" You miss you too?

Grey: Stop it, you’re killing the mood.

Caclass="underline" Sorry. But I do miss you. Is that weird?

Grey: Everything about us is weird.

Grey: Tell me something about yourself that no one else knows.

Caclass="underline" Oh brother, that’s horrible. Did you steal that line from a movie?


Caclass="underline" So feisty in the morning—I like it. Okay, fine. But I’m only doing this because although you’re small, you’re scary. Let’s see, something no one else knows. Um. Okay. I have one: everyone thinks I broke my nose playing football, but in reality, it got broken when I was in a fight with my sister.

Caclass="underline" She was chasing me, and I smashed into a door trying to get away from her. I was 15.

Grey: LOLOL >tear< you’re so adorable.

Caclass="underline" *rolls eyes* your turn.

Grey: Alright, um…I broke up with my last boyfriend, but I let him tell people he broke up with me.

Caclass="underline" You must have really wanted to get rid of him. When was this?

Grey: Freshman year. So, two years ago.

Caclass="underline" And that’s the last guy you dated?

Grey: Pretty much. What about you?

Caclass="underline" I haven’t dated any guys in the last two years either.

Grey: Would you KNOCK IT OFF?

Caclass="underline" Why do you keep yelling at me in all caps?

Grey: Just answer the question.

Caclass="underline" Fine. My last “real” girlfriend was a girl I dated in high school. Kid shit, nothing serious. I didn’t even take a date to prom; I only went to that because I was on court and my mom made me go.

Caclass="underline" So, going back to what you said before: if it’s been two years since you dated anyone, does that mean…

Grey: Does that mean… what? *blank stare*

Caclass="underline" It’s a personal question. You don’t have to answer.

Grey: Go. Spit it out already.

Caclass="underline" How long has it been? Since.

Grey: Ah, now we’re getting down to the nitty gritty… How long have you been dying to ask me about sex?

Caclass="underline" Long enough, smart-ass.

Grey: LOL. Okay, so how long has it been since I’ve had sex—2 long-ass years. Sorry, but I’m not the kind of girl that sleeps around. I’m a committed-relationship kind of person. Does that satisfy your curiosity?

Caclass="underline" Yes. I like that about you.

Grey: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s what all guys say until they want to have sex with me but refuse to commit. Then they get pissed and never call back. Some guys are so delusional. They think buying a girl one cheap beer is enough to get them into bed. Please, don’t make me laugh.

Grey: Besides, if you were trying to have sex with me, you wouldn’t like it so much either.

Caclass="underline" I can’t like the fact that you don’t sleep around? And trust me, I don’t need to pressure anyone to sleep with me.

Grey: You only like the fact I don’t sleep around because it would make you jealous if I did. Let’s be honest. ;)

Caclass="underline" Are you a mind reader?

Grey: See, I knew it. Okay. Now you have to answer the same question: How long has it been? Since.

Caclass="underline" Uh, let me think… Honestly? Maybe 4 months?

Grey: Ugh, maybe I shouldn’t have asked.

Caclass="underline" Why?

Grey: Because I would have felt much better if you would have said 2 years. LOL. Or lied and said you were a virgin.

Caclass="underline" Sorry :( It was a one-night stand. I can’t even remember her name. Wait. Now I do. I think her name was—

Grey: STOP! NO DETAILS! My ears will bleed.

Caclass="underline" Or maybe her name was…

Grey: Haha, very funny.

Caclass="underline" I thought so.

Caclass="underline" Have you crawled into bed for the night yet?

Grey: Just. So snuggly. You?

Caclass="underline" Yeah. Reading and not at all tired. But I miss your face.

Grey: You miss my FACE? LOL. Oh my god, you’re so cute.

Caclass="underline" Yup, that’s what they call me. Cute.