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Caclass="underline" You know, if you weren’t busy, I would—

Grey: ???

Caclass="underline" I would have come to see you?

Grey: I would have loved that if I wasn’t so busy today…

Caclass="underline" Me too.

Grey: Sigh.

Caclass="underline" Sleepy?

Grey: The sleepiest. I’m glad you texted me though. FINALLY! Why didn’t you text me this afternoon? I checked my phone so many times during our meeting that Jemma snatched it away.

Caclass="underline" I knew you were busy. Didn’t want to bother you.

Grey: You’re the highlight of my day, Calvin. You can text me any time you want *blushes*

Caclass="underline" Ditto, babe.


To: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

From: grevkeller0143@state.edu

Subject: You are cordially invited…

Dear Calvin,

As you know, the Theta Rho Theta Gala, which I’ve worked so hard to plan, is right around the corner. Two weeks away, actually. Friday the 9th, 6:00 pm at the Crown Hotel ballroom. I’ve given this a tremendous amount of thought, and I know it’s a lot to ask, but the thing is. The thing is, Cal, there is absolutely no one I would rather go with than you. I’m asking you to stand by my side, as my date. Nothing would make me prouder than walking in on your arm. Yours, Greyson

I stare at the message, my finger hovering about the SEND button, before I take a deep breath and push down.


I’m asking you to stand by my side, as my date. Nothing would make me prouder than walking in on your arm.

Yours, Greyson.


Surely she didn’t mean it like that.

But what if she did?

Shit. I stare at that signature line for what seems like an eternity, reading and rereading her message at least five times before closing out the email app and tapping open my calendar.

And there it is: Friday the 9th. SMU vs. UCONN

It’s a huge game for us. Top three match of the entire season, and our season has only just begun. If I miss it, I could very well kiss my Captain’s position goodbye, along with my starting position, and say hello to being a second-string bench warmer.

I close the calendar with a curse, and I let my head fall against my bedroom wall with a loud thud.



“I did something stupid,” I say to Melody as she putters around our kitchen, prepping her beloved macaroni and cheese. My arms are braced on the small round table near the stove, and she gives me a quick glance as she measures out milk in a measuring cup.

“I’m listening.”

“I invited Cal to the Gala, and he hasn’t responded to my message.”

“How long ago did you send it?”

“Um, two days ago?”


“So, we’ve been texting and emailing every day for a while.”

Melody looks over at me in surprise. “Like every day?”

“Pretty much. All day, every day,” I clarify with a nod.

“Wow, how did I not know this? Why didn’t you say anything?” She asks, ripping open the bag of powdered cheese and tapping it into the pot of noodles.

I shrug. “No reason. Maybe I got carried away with the idea of him. We’ve been talking for weeks, Mel. Weeks. He and I…”

When I look up, she’s staring expectantly but says nothing.

“I’m not going to put a label on what I feel for him, but my feelings are real. And they’re strong.”

That’s a lie. I know what to label my feelings for Cal, and those feelings go well beyond strong.

My roommate taps the wooden spoon on the side of the metal pot, sets it on the stovetop away from the burner, and walks over, enveloping me from behind in her arms. “I’m sorry, then, Grey. Sorry that he hasn’t gotten back to you. Why don’t you send him another note?”

Her chin is resting on my shoulder, and I raise my arm to pat her on the head.

Melody clears her throat. “Alright. Would… would it make you feel better if I sent Mason a note to find out what was going on with him?” she asks bashfully, as if embarrassed to be confessing a secret. “We’ve kind of been talking. Jemma gave him my digits.”

I want to tell her no, but that would be a lie. Another one.

“Could you?”

She squeezes my shoulders. “Sure. You know I’d do anything for you.”

Melody: Heard back from Mason. The guys have a match on Friday the 9th and it’s a BIG one. I’ll forward you his message.

Melody: [FWD: Mason Gille] Hey hot stuff. All I can tell you is that Cal’s been a real asshole for the past few days. Bitchier than usual. We have a game the same night as your thing and it’s a big one. No way would he miss it. Sorry bae.

Melody:  I’m so sorry, Grey. Do you want me to ask Brandon Bauer if any of the Tau Kaps would be your date?

Grey: No thanks. It’s fine. I’ll be fine. Love you for thinking of me though xxx

To: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

From: grevkeller0143@state.edu

Subject: Put me out of my misery


It’s been a few days since my last email, and I’m just writing to tell you that I know you have a match that night. The 9th. I obviously didn’t know about it when I asked you to be my date, so I’m sorry if I put any pressure on you by asking. I feel horrible. But why haven’t you emailed me back? Why haven’t you texted me? It’s making me feel really shitty. I thought we were friends, and I thought… Never mind what I thought. Just send me a note back. Because I’m bossy and I say so. And because I miss you so much. Yours, Grey

Caclass="underline" You know what?

Caclass="underline" Fuck it. I’m coming.

Caclass="underline" What time should I pick you up?

To: grevkeller0143@state.edu

From: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu