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Just thought I’d see how your spirits were. – Calvin

To: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

From: grevkeller0143@state.edu

Subject: The countdown continues.


Well, we’re less than six weeks from the gala, and tonight we have our sorority meeting. We always have them on Sunday nights. I’ll stand and give an update to the entire chapter on the Philanthropy meetings progress, yada, yada, yada… I have a test tomorrow in my Contracts Law class worth half our grade, so before our Chapter meeting—and after—I’ll be cramming for that. Spending the day outdoors sounds (long wistful sigh) divine. It’s so gorgeous outside. Perfect day, and I’m stuck inside  Greyson

Caclass="underline" Here’s a pic of the lake I’m talking about. Picturesque, hey? See that little island? Sometimes I paddle over and sit on the log hanging over the water. #nofilter

Grey: That is STUNNING, Calvin! So jealous.

Caclass="underline" I’ll admit, it is gorgeous, but today for some reason I’m kind of bored. Like I’m missing something.

Grey: I wonder what that could be…

Grey: Here’s a photo of me NOT on the lake :(

Caclass="underline" Man, you’re pretty.

Grey: Here’s another one.

Caclass="underline" Shit, I have to stop texting from this kayak. I just knocked my hat in the water with my paddle because I’m distracted.

Grey: Ok. TTYL. Don’t fall in!

To: grevkeller0143@state.edu

From: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

Subject: Flying solo this weekend definitely sucked.

Morning, Grey. Gotta say, I’m feeling a little guilty I sent you that picture from Lake Holloway yesterday, because you were trapped indoors, but it was so beautiful on the lake. Quiet. There was no one else there except this one couple—they had a tent and were camping on the peninsula of the little island you saw in the picture. Not to be a peeping Tom/creeper/stalker, but I sat and watched them for a little bit before paddling on. Just chilling and lying around in the grass next to their campfire. Looked awesome. It bummed me out though for a second, because it’s like you said in one of your emails; I don’t mind being single, but seeing that couple made me feel weird. And I’m only telling you this because you’re a chick, and I know you have no one to tell—but now I sound like a girl, all whiney and complainey. Haha. – Calvin

To: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

From: grevkeller0143@state.edu

Subject: Lurker on the lake.


Good morning!!!! Yes, I was jealous that you were out on the lake without me. Maybe someday we could… Um. Yeah. LOL. I actually think it’s sweet that you were creeping on those campers. It gives me hope that not all guys are commitment-phobes. YOU’RE not a commitment-phobe, are you, Calvin? Sorry, is that too personal? I don’t mean to pry, but now I’m curious. Anyway! Moving on—any big plans for the week…? Greyson

To: grevkeller0143@state.edu

From: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

Subject: Resting up and trying to heal.

Grey. Am I a commitment-phobe? The short answer: no.

Big plans for the week? Not really. Just more of the same shit, different days of the week. Studying, homework, studying, practice, and a match this Friday. It’s a home game—our first of the season. Taking advantage of the nice weather, because soon it will get shitty and we’ll be playing in snow flurries. Which blows. Speaking of which, my foul language doesn’t offend you, does it? I keep forgetting you’re classy and not some slutty barfly. – Calvin

To: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

From: grevkeller0143@state.edu

Subject: Little Miss not-so-Prim-and-Proper


No, you’re swearing doesn’t offend me. At all. So no worries. Don’t censor yourself around me or you’ll exhaust yourself. Besides, clean mouth and proper isn’t who you are, and I don’t want you to pretend you’re something you’re not. Who are you playing this Friday? Anyone I would know? Grey

To: grevkeller0143@state.edu

From: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

Subject: Assholes and away games

Grey, we’re playing a little school called Notre Dame. Ever heard of them? ;) It’s a home game, and thank God they’re coming to us. I hate being stuck for hours on a bus, even if they’re charter with DVD players and shit. You have no idea what these rugby guys are like, myself included. LOL. Bunch of loudmouth assholes. Don’t know how we’ve never been blacklisted by the bus company. I guess there’s always still a chance. Glad I can say shit like shit around you and that you’re not easily insulted. Gotta say though, if I watched my mouth for anyone, it would probably be you. But maybe that’s just the lack of sleep talking. - Calvin

Grey: Saw the date stamp on your email last night. What were you doing up so late???

Caclass="underline" Studying. We must have some of the same classes because it’s Contracts Law. Actually really love it.

Grey: Me too. I wonder sometimes if I should be pre-law LOL.

Caclass="underline" I don’t know. I think you’re probably too soft to be a lawyer.

Grey: What’s THAT supposed to mean??

Caclass="underline" You don’t have the killer instinct. I could tell when you were all ‘sorry this’ and ‘sorry that’ when I came to kick Greyson’s ass. You should have stood up to me.

Grey: And said what? What I did was wrong!

Caclass="underline" Yeah, but still. Most girls would have at least screamed and yelled at me for showing up on their doorstep.

Grey: Well then, I guess I’m not like most girls.

Caclass="underline" Yeah, I’m beginning to see that.

To: grevkeller0143@state.edu

From: cal.thompson04@smu.il.edu

Subject: Dentist on call

Greyson. Okay, this week is already going to shit. We had practice today, and I almost got a tooth knocked out. Remember the guy I had with me at your house in the red shirt? His name is Aaron, but for all practical purposes, we’ll call him Shitbag. Moron fucking knocked me in the mouth when I wasn’t wearing a mouth guard, which was a stupid thing for me to forget. Definitely chipped my tooth, blood everywhere. Emergency visit to the dentist. And let’s just put it this way: it’s a good thing I’m only your fake boyfriend, because you wouldn’t want to kiss this mouth. - Cal