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  ifstream in("Reversible.cpp");

  assure(in, "Reversible.cpp");

  string line;

  vector<string> lines;

  while(getline(in, line))


  for(vector<string>::reverse_iterator r = lines.rbegin();

      r != lines.rend(); r++)

    cout << *r << endl;

} ///:~

You move backward through the container using the same syntax as moving forward through a container with an ordinary iterator.

Iterator categories

The iterators are classified into "categories" that describe their capabilities. The order in which they are generally described moves from the categories with the most restricted behavior to those with the most powerful behavior.

Input: read-only, one pass

The only predefined implementations of input iterators are istream_iterator and istreambuf_iterator, to read from an istream. As you can imagine, an input iterator can only be dereferenced once for each element that’s selected, just as you can only read a particular portion of an input stream once. They can only move forward. A special constructor defines the past-the-end value. In summary, you can dereference it for reading (once only for each value) and move it forward.

Output: write-only, one pass

This is the complement of an input iterator, but for writing rather than reading. The only predefined implementations of output iterators are ostream_iterator and ostreambuf_iterator, to write to an ostream, and the less commonly used raw_storage_iterator. Again, these can only be dereferenced once for each written value, and they can only move forward. There is no concept of a terminal past-the-end value for an output iterator. Summarizing, you can dereference it for writing (once only for each value) and move it forward.

Forward: multiple read/write

The forward iterator contains all the functionality of both the input iterator and the output iterator, plus you can dereference an iterator location multiple times, so you can read and write to a value multiple times. As the name implies, you can only move forward. There are no predefined iterators that are only forward iterators.

Bidirectionaclass="underline" operator--

The bidirectional iterator has all the functionality of the forward iterator, and in addition it can be moved backward one location at a time using operator--.

Random-access: like a pointer

Finally, the random-access iterator has all the functionality of the bidirectional iterator plus all the functionality of a pointer (a pointer is a random-access iterator), except that there is no "null" iterator analogue to a null pointer. Basically, anything you can do with a pointer you can do with a random-access iterator, including indexing with operator[ ], adding integral values to a pointer to move it forward or backward by a number of locations, and comparing one iterator to another with <, >=, and so on.

Is this really important?

Why do you care about this categorization? When you’re just using containers in a straightforward way (for example, just hand-coding all the operations you want to perform on the objects in the container), it usually doesn’t impact you too much. Things either work or they don’t. The iterator categories become important when:

3.You use some of the fancier built-in iterator types that will be demonstrated shortly. Or you graduate to creating your own iterators (this will also be demonstrated later in this chapter).

4.You use the STL algorithms (the subject of the previous chapter). Each of the algorithms has requirements that it places on the iterators with which it works. Knowledge of the iterator categories is even more important when you create your own reusable algorithm templates, because the iterator category that your algorithm requires determines how flexible the algorithm will be. If you require only the most primitive iterator category (input or output), your algorithm will work with everything (copy( ) is an example of this).

A hierarchy of iterator tag classes identify the category of an iterator. The class names correspond to the iterator categories, as you would expect, and their derivation reflects the relationship between them:

struct input_iterator_tag {};

struct output_iterator_tag {};

struct forward_iterator_tag: public input_iterator_tag {};

struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public

  forward_iterator_tag {};

struct random_access_iterator_tag : public

  bidirectional_iterator_tag {};

The class forward_iterator_tag derives only from input_iterator_tag, not from output_iterator_tag, because we need to have past-the-end iterator values in algorithms that use forward iterators, but algorithms that use output iterators always assume that operator* can be dereferenced. For this reason, it is important to make sure that a past-the-end value is never passed to an algorithm that expects an output iterator.

For efficiency, certain algorithms provide different implementations for different iterator types, which they infer from the iterator tag defined by the iterator. We will use some of these tag classes later in this chapter when we define our own iterator types.

Predefined iterators

The STL has a predefined set of iterators that can be quite handy. For example, you’ve already seen the reverse_iterator objects produced by calling rbegin( ) and rend( ) for all the basic containers.

The insertion iterators are necessary because some of the STL algorithms—copy( ), for example—use the assignment operator= to place objects in the destination container. This is a problem when you’re using the algorithm to fill the container rather than to overwrite items that are already in the destination container—that is, when the space isn’t already there. What the insert iterators do is change the implementation of operator= so that instead of doing an assignment, it calls a "push" or "insert" function for that container, thus causing it to allocate new space. The constructors for both back_insert_iterator and front_insert_iterator take a basic sequence container object (vector, deque or list) as their argument and produce an iterator that calls push_back( ) or push_front( ), respectively, to perform assignment. The helper functions back_inserter( ) and front_inserter( ) produce the same objects with a little less typing. Since all the basic sequence containers support push_back( ), you will probably find yourself using back_inserter( ) with some regularity.