An insert_iterator lets you insert elements in the middle of the sequence, again replacing the meaning of operator=, but this time by automatically calling insert( ) instead of one of the "push" functions. The insert( ) member function requires an iterator indicating the place to insert before, so the insert_iterator requires this iterator in addition to the container object. The shorthand function inserter( ) produces the same object.
The following example shows the use of the different types of inserters:
//: C07:Inserters.cpp
// Different types of iterator inserters
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
int a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 };
template<class Cont>
void frontInsertion(Cont& ci) {
copy(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(Cont::value_type),
copy(ci.begin(), ci.end(),
ostream_iterator<typename Cont::value_type>(
cout, " "));
cout << endl;
template<class Cont>
void backInsertion(Cont& ci) {
copy(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(Cont::value_type),
copy(ci.begin(), ci.end(),
ostream_iterator<typename Cont::value_type>(
cout, " "));
cout << endl;
template<class Cont>
void midInsertion(Cont& ci) {
typename Cont::iterator it = ci.begin();
it++; it++; it++;
copy(a, a + sizeof(a)/(sizeof(Cont::value_type) * 2),
inserter(ci, it));
copy(ci.begin(), ci.end(),
ostream_iterator<typename Cont::value_type>(
cout, " "));
cout << endl;
int main() {
deque<int> di;
list<int> li;
vector<int> vi;
// Can't use a front_inserter() with vector
} ///:~
Since vector does not support push_front( ), it cannot produce a front_insertion_iterator. However, you can see that vector does support the other two types of insertions (even though, as you shall see later, insert( ) is not an efficient operation for vector). Note the use of the nested type Cont::value_type instead of hard-coding int.
More on stream iterators
We introduced the use of the stream iterators ostream_iterator (an output iterator) and istream_iterator (an input iterator) in conjunction with copy( ) in the previous chapter. Remember that an output stream doesn’t have any concept of an "end," since you can always just keep writing more elements. However, an input stream eventually terminates (for example, when you reach the end of a file), so you need a way to represent that. An istream_iterator has two constructors, one that takes an istream and produces the iterator you actually read from, and the other which is the default constructor and produces an object that is the past-the-end sentinel. In the following program this object is named end:
//: C07:StreamIt.cpp
// Iterators for istreams and ostreams
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../require.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream in("StreamIt.cpp");
assure(in, "StreamIt.cpp");
istream_iterator<string> begin(in), end;
ostream_iterator<string> out(cout, "\n");
vector<string> vs;
copy(begin, end, back_inserter(vs));
copy(vs.begin(), vs.end(), out);
*out++ = vs[0];
*out++ = "That's all, folks!";
} ///:~
When in runs out of input (in this case when the end of the file is reached), init becomes equivalent to end, and the copy( ) terminates.
Because out is an ostream_iterator<string>, you can simply assign any string object to the dereferenced iterator using operator=, and that string will be placed on the output stream, as seen in the two assignments to out. Because out is defined with a newline as its second argument, these assignments also insert a newline along with each assignment.
Although it is possible to create an istream_iterator<char> and ostream_iterator<char>, these actually parse the input and thus will, for example, automatically eat whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines), which is not desirable if you want to manipulate an exact representation of an istream. Instead, you can use the special iterators istreambuf_iterator and ostreambuf_iterator, which are designed strictly to move characters[94]. Although these are templates, they are meant to be used with template arguments of either char or wchar_t.[95] The following example lets you compare the behavior of the stream iterators with the streambuf iterators:.
//: C07:StreambufIterator.cpp
// istreambuf_iterator & ostreambuf_iterator
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include "../require.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream in("StreambufIterator.cpp");
assure(in, "StreambufIterator.cpp");
// Exact representation of stream:
istreambuf_iterator<char> isb(in), end;
ostreambuf_iterator<char> osb(cout);
while(isb != end)
*osb++ = *isb++; // Copy 'in' to cout
cout << endl;
ifstream in2("StreambufIterator.cpp");
// Strips white space:
istream_iterator<char> is(in2), end2;
ostream_iterator<char> os(cout);
while(is != end2)
*os++ = *is++;
cout << endl;
} ///:~
The stream iterators use the parsing defined by istream::operator>>, which is probably not what you want if you are parsing characters directly—it’s fairly rare that you want all the whitespace stripped out of your character stream. You’ll virtually always want to use a streambuf iterator when using characters and streams, rather than a stream iterator. In addition, istream::operator>> adds significant overhead for each operation, so it is only appropriate for higher-level operations such as parsing numbers.[96]
These were actually created to abstract the “locale” facets away from iostreams, so that locale facets could operate on any sequence of characters, not only iostreams. Locales allow iostreams to easily handle culturally-different formatting (such as the representation of money) and are beyond the scope of this book.